language: python python: "3.8" dist: focal #addons: # apt: # packages: # - python-pip install: # - scripts/ansible # See #2105: fails to install latest Ansible (& ~4 Ansible Collections from collections.yml) due to Travis VM's disk layout/perms being different # - pip install ansible # SLOW/OVERWEIGHT: installs Ansible 3.0.0+ with ~80 Ansible Collections - pip install ansible-base # Let's avoid all Ansible Collections for now (for Ansible syntax check!) - ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections.yml - "{ echo 'roles_path = ./roles/'; } >> ansible.cfg" # Add correct roles_path to ansible.cfg # - "{ echo '[defaults]'; echo 'roles_path = ./roles/'; } >> ansible.cfg" # Create ansible.cfg with correct roles_path and local_tmp # - cat ansible.cfg # UNCOMMENT TO VERIFY script: - ansible-playbook tests/test.yml -i tests/inventory --syntax-check