- name: Install yum packages (redhat) package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - yum-utils - createrepo - wpa_supplicant - linux-firmware - syslog - xml-common - nss-mdns - avahi - avahi-tools when: is_redhat - name: Download & install usbmount, missing from Debian Stretch (debian-9) apt: deb: "{{ iiab_download_url }}/usbmount_0.0.14.1_all.deb" timeout: "{{ download_timeout }}" when: internet_available and is_debian_9 #- name: Download usbmount -- not in Debian Stretch (debian-9) # get_url: # url: "{{ iiab_download_url }}/usbmount_0.0.14.1_all.deb" # dest: "{{ downloads_dir }}" # timeout: "{{ download_timeout }}" # when: internet_available and is_debian_9 # #- name: Install usbmount (debian-9) # command: apt install -y {{ downloads_dir }}/usbmount_0.0.14.1_all.deb # when: is_debian_9 - name: Install packages (debuntu) package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - inetutils-syslogd - wpasupplicant - libnss-mdns - avahi-daemon - avahi-discover - exfat-fuse - exfat-utils when: is_debuntu - name: Install common packages package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - acpid - mlocate - rsync - htop #- etckeeper # "nobody is really using etckeeper and it's bloating the filesystem every time apt runs" per @jvonau at https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/1146 - python-passlib - usbmount - net-tools - openssh-server - sudo - logrotate - make - tar - unzip - bzip2 - i2c-tools - bridge-utils - netmask - usbutils - hostapd - wget - openssl # FC 18 does not supply, but pear requires - gawk - curl - pandoc - lynx - ntfs-3g #- name: Install pip as a commonly required package management system # command: curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o {{ downloads_dir }}/get-pip.py #- name: Run the install script for pip # command: python {{ downloads_dir }}/get-pip.py - name: Install common Python packages package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - python-pip - python-setuptools - python-virtualenv # instructions state to start with a fully updated system before starting, stop using # ansible as a crutch for developers not following the directions and taking short-cuts #- name: Update common packages (not Debian) # package: name={{ item }} # state=latest # with_items: # - NetworkManager # - glibc # CVE-2015-7547 # - bash # - iptables # when: is_redhat # Consensus decision to try to slim down https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/518 (per 2017-11-20 community/team call @ http://minutes.iiab.io) #- name: Update common packages (debuntu) # package: name={{ item }} # state=latest # with_items: # - libc6 # - bash # - iptables # when: is_debuntu #- name: If version of Network manager has changed, subsequent nmcli commands will fail,restart now # service: name=NetworkManager # state=restarted # when: not installing # the above should use a handler - all reboots should wait until all # mods are preformed