# "How do i fail a task in Ansible if the variable contains a boolean value? # I want to perform input validation for Ansible playbooks" # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46664127/how-do-i-fail-a-task-in-ansible-if-the-variable-contains-a-boolean-value-i-want/46667499#46667499 # We assume 0-init/tasks/validate_vars.yml has DEFINITELY been run, so no need # to re-check whether vars are defined here. As Ansible vars cannot be unset: # https://serverfault.com/questions/856729/how-to-destroy-delete-unset-a-variable-value-in-ansible - name: Assert that "mongodb_install is sameas true" (boolean not string etc) assert: that: mongodb_install is sameas true fail_msg: "PLEASE SET 'mongodb_install: True' e.g. IN: /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml" quiet: yes - name: Assert that "mongodb_enabled | type_debug == 'bool'" (boolean not string etc) assert: that: mongodb_enabled | type_debug == 'bool' fail_msg: "PLEASE GIVE VARIABLE 'mongodb_enabled' A PROPER (UNQUOTED) ANSIBLE BOOLEAN VALUE e.g. IN: /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml" quiet: yes - debug: var: mongodb_install - debug: var: mongodb_enabled - debug: var: mongodb_installed - debug: var: rpi_model # 0-init sets it from ansible_local.local_facts.rpi_model - debug: var: os_ver # Equivalent to ansible_local.local_facts.os_ver and OS_VER in /etc/iiab/iiab.env - debug: var: is_debian - debug: var: is_raspbian - debug: var: mongodb_version - name: Run command 'dpkg --print-architecture' to identify OS architecture (CPU arch as revealed by ansible_architecture ~= ansible_machine is NOT enough!) command: dpkg --print-architecture register: dpkg_arch - debug: msg: "'dpkg --print-architecture' output: {{ dpkg_arch.stdout }}" - block: - name: EXIT 'mongodb' ROLE, if 'dpkg --print-architecture' shows "armhf" or mongodb_version == "unsupported" or ansible_machine not found fail: # FORCE IT RED THIS ONCE! msg: MongoDB 3.2+ (as needed by Sugarizer Server 1.5.0) is NO LONGER SUPPORTED on 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS. when: dpkg_arch.stdout == "armhf" or mongodb_version == "unsupported" or mongodb_version == "unknown" - name: Install MongoDB if 'mongodb_installed' not defined, e.g. in {{ iiab_state_file }} # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml include_tasks: install.yml when: mongodb_installed is undefined # when: mongodb_installed is undefined and not (ansible_architecture == "aarch64" and is_debian_10 and not is_raspbian) - name: Enable or Disable MongoDB (FYI sugarizer.service auto-starts MongoDB as nec, so doesn't need this or care what happens here!) include_tasks: enable-or-disable.yml - name: Add 'mongodb' variable values to {{ iiab_ini_file }} ini_file: path: "{{ iiab_ini_file }}" # /etc/iiab/iiab.ini section: mongodb option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value | string }}" with_items: - option: name value: MongoDB - option: description value: '"MongoDB is an open-source document database that provides high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling."' - option: mongodb_install value: "{{ mongodb_install }}" - option: mongodb_enabled value: "{{ mongodb_enabled }}" rescue: - name: 'SEE ERROR ABOVE (skip_role_on_error: {{ skip_role_on_error }})' fail: msg: "" when: not skip_role_on_error