#!/usr/bin/env python # Scan the osm-vector-maps directory, update the osm-vector-maps-idx.json, add menu-defs from geojson import Feature, Point, FeatureCollection, Polygon import geojson import json import os import sys import fnmatch import re from datetime import date IIAB_PATH='/etc/iiab' if not IIAB_PATH in sys.path: sys.path.append(IIAB_PATH) from iiab_env import get_iiab_env SCRIPT_DIR = '/opt/admin/cmdsrv/scripts' if not SCRIPT_DIR in sys.path: sys.path.append(SCRIPT_DIR) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR,'iiab_update_menus.py')): import iiab_update_menus as menus console_installed = True else: console_installed = False doc_root = get_iiab_env('WWWROOT') menuDefs = doc_root + "/js-menu/menu-files/menu-defs/" vector_map_idx_dir = doc_root + "/common/assets" #map_doc_root = '{{ vector_map_path }}' map_doc_root = '/library/www/osm-vector-maps' # map_catalog will be global, assumed always available map_catalog = {} map_menu_def_list = [] previous_idx = {} # track new regions so we don't thrash on adding to menu def main(): global map_menu_def_list global previous_idx get_map_catalog() #print(json.dumps(map_catalog,indent=2)) map_menu_def_list = get_menu_def_names() print(json.dumps(map_menu_def_list,indent=2)) read_vector_map_idx() installed_maps = get_installed_regions() print(installed_maps) write_vector_map_idx(installed_maps) # For installed regions, check that a menu def exists, and it's on home page for fname in installed_maps: region = extract_region_from_filename(fname) print('checking for %s region'%region) if region == 'maplist': # it is the splash page, display only if no others menu_ref = 'en-map_test' item = { "perma_ref" : "en-map_test" } if len(installed_maps) == 1: menus.update_menu_json(menu_ref) return else: item = map_catalog['regions'][region] menu_ref = item['perma_ref'] if not (menu_ref in map_menu_def_list): print('creating menu def for %s'%item['perma_ref']) create_menu_def(region,item['perma_ref'] + '.json') # if autoupdate allowed and this is a new region then add to home menu if fetch_menu_json_value('autoupdate_menu') and item['perma_ref'] not in previous_idx: print('autoudate of menu items is enabled:%s. Adding %s'%(\ fetch_menu_json_value('autoupdate_menu'),region,)) menus.update_menu_json(menu_ref) def get_map_catalog(): global map_catalog input_json = map_doc_root + '/maplist/assets/regions.json' with open(input_json,'r') as regions: reg_str = regions.read() map_catalog = json.loads(reg_str) #print(json.dumps(map_catalog,indent=2)) def get_menu_def_names(intended_use='map'): menu_def_list =[] os.chdir(menuDefs) for filename in os.listdir('.'): if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.json'): try: with open(filename,'r') as json_file: readstr = json_file.read() data = json.loads(readstr) except: print("failed to parse %s"%filename) print(readstr) if data.get('intended_use','') != intended_use: continue map_name = data.get('map_name','') if map_name != '': menu_def_list.append(map_name) return menu_def_list def get_installed_regions(): installed = [] os.chdir(map_doc_root) for filename in os.listdir('.'): if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '??-osm-omt*'): region = re.sub(r'^..-osm-omt_(.*)',r'\1',filename) installed.append(region) # add the splash page if no other maps are present if len(installed) == 0: installed.append('maplist') return installed def read_vector_map_idx(): global previous_idx with open(vector_map_idx_dir + '/vector-map-idx.json','r') as idx: str = idx.read() previous_idx = json.loads(str) def write_vector_map_idx(installed_maps): map_dict ={} idx_dict = {} for fname in installed_maps: region = extract_region_from_filename(fname) if map == 'maplist': continue # not a real region map_dict = map_catalog['regions'].get(region,'') if map_dict == '': continue # Create the idx file in format required bo js-menu system item = map_dict['perma_ref'] idx_dict[item] = {} idx_dict[item]['file_name'] = os.path.basename(map_dict['url'][:-4]) idx_dict[item]['menu_item'] = map_dict['perma_ref'] idx_dict[item]['size'] = map_dict['size'] idx_dict[item]['date'] = map_dict['date'] idx_dict[item]['region'] = region idx_dict[item]['language'] = map_dict['perma_ref'][:2] with open(vector_map_idx_dir + '/vector-map-idx.json','w') as idx: idx.write(json.dumps(idx_dict,indent=2)) def create_menu_def(region,default_name,intended_use='map'): item = map_catalog['regions'][region] if len(item.get('language','')) > 2: lang = item['language'][:2] else: # default to english lang = 'en' filename = lang + '-' + item['perma_ref'] + '.json' # create a stub for this zim menuDef = {} default_logo = 'osm.jpg' menuDef["intended_use"] = "map" menuDef["lang"] = lang menuDef["logo_url"] = default_logo menuitem = lang + '-' + item['perma_ref'] menuDef["menu_item_name"] = default_name menuDef["title"] = "OpenStreetMap: 18 Levels of Zoom for " + item.get('title','ERROR') + '' menuDef["map_name"] = item['perma_ref'] # the following is in the idx json #menuDef["file_name"] = lang + '-osm-omt_' + region + '_' + os.path.basename(item['url'])[:-4] menuDef["description"] = '

Resolution of the Whole World to 5 KM. OpenStreetMap data for ' + item.get('title','') + ' with details down to 5 Meters

' menuDef["extra_html"] = "" #menuDef["automatically_generated"] = "true" menuDef["change_ref"] = "generated" menuDef["change_date"] = str(date.today()) if not os.path.isfile(menuDefs + default_name): # logic to here can still overwrite existing menu def print("creating %s"%menuDefs + default_name) with open(menuDefs + default_name,'w') as menufile: menufile.write(json.dumps(menuDef,indent=2)) return default_name[:-5] def human_readable(num): # return 3 significant digits and unit specifier num = float(num) units = [ '','K','M','G'] for i in range(4): if num<10.0: return "%.2f%s"%(num,units[i]) if num<100.0: return "%.1f%s"%(num,units[i]) if num < 1000.0: return "%.0f%s"%(num,units[i]) num /= 1000.0 def fetch_menu_json_value(key): with open( doc_root + '/home/menu.json','r') as menudef: data = json.loads(menudef.read()) return data.get(key,'') def extract_region_from_filename(fname): substitutions = { "north": "north_america",\ "central": "central_america",\ "southeast": "southeast_asia", "south": "south_america" } # wish I had used - as separator between key and date nibble = fname.split('_')[0] nibble = substitutions.get(nibble,nibble) return(nibble) if __name__ == '__main__': if console_installed: main()