== 1-prep README This 1st https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Contributors-Guide#ansible[stage] (1-prep) arranges low-level things like remote support infra, DNS prep, hardware, low-level OS quirks, and basic security: * SSHD * OpenVPN if/as needed later for remote support * https://github.com/iiab/iiab/tree/master/roles/iiab-admin#iiab-admin-readme[iiab-admin] username and group, to log into Admin Console * dnsmasq (install now, configure later!) * Universally unique identifier: /etc/iiab/uuid * Ubermix (distro) needs /etc/tmpfiles.d/iiab.conf to create essential /var/log subdirs on each boot * *_Hardware actions:_* ** Install packages parted and cloud-guest-utils (for growpart) ** Install link:templates/iiab-expand-rootfs[iiab-expand-rootfs] that acts on flag `/.expand-rootfs` at boot ** link:tasks/raspberry_pi.yml[*_raspberry_pi.yml_*]: *** RTC (real-time clock): install udev rule, configure, enable *** *_Install packages:_* **** dphys-swapfile (for swapfile) **** fake-hwclock (as RTC is often missing or dead!) **** iw, rfkill, wireless-tools (for internal Wi-Fi) *** Increase swap file size (to `pi_swap_file_size`) ** NUC 6 Wi-Fi firmware Recap: Similar to 0-init, 2-common, 3-base-server, 4 server-options and 5-xo-services — this 1st stage installs core server infra (that is not user-facing).