- name: Make sure there is a content directory file: dest={{ doc_root }}/local_content state=directory - name: Set up to issue warning if iiab-admin password is still default template: src=profile_ssh_warn.sh dest=/etc/profile.d/ - name: Is this LXDE? stat: path=/home/pi/.config/lxsession register: lx - name: Do the same if running on raspbian template: src=lxde_ssh_warn.sh dest=/home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/ when: lx.stat.isdir is defined and lx.staat.isdir and is_rpi and is_debuntu - name: put a autostart line to check for default password in LXDE lineinfile: line=@/home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/lxde_ssh_warn.sh dest=/home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart when: lx.stat.isdir is defined and lx.staat.isdir and is_rpi and is_debuntu - name: Base Server Installed command: echo Base Server Installed - name: Restart httpd service: name={{ apache_service }} state=restarted when: not installing # If we got here we're done - name: Record base gui version lineinfile: dest=/etc/iiab/iiab.env regexp='^BASE_VERSION=*' line='BASE_VERSION="{{ gui_version }}"' state=present