# CHECK FOR PHP VERSION AUTOMATICALLY, TO DETERMINE WHICH NEXTCLOUD TO INSTALL. # INSPIRED BY: github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/nodejs/tasks/main.yml # - name: Try to run 'php -v' to get PHP version # # e.g. converts multi-line "PHP 7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.5 (cli) ( NTS ) ..." to "7.0.33" # shell: php -v | head -1 | sed 's/^[^0-9.]*//' | sed 's/[^0-9.].*//' # register: php_version_installed # #ignore_errors: yes # NOT NEC: if php is not installed, php_version_installed.stdout will get set to "" # - debug: # var: php_version_installed # # NOTE: this could easily be made to work even if PHP was not installed, e.g. # # by pre-initializing variable 'php_new' to False here. But trapping the # # absence of PHP (below) is a useful software safety precondition! # # # #- name: Initialize var 'php_new' to False # # set_fact: # # php_new: False # - name: INTENTIONALLY FAIL, IF PHP (Nextcloud prerequisite) ISN'T INSTALLED # fail: # msg: > # Nextcloud install cannot proceed, as it requires PHP be installed first. # Note that as of 2019-07-04, IIAB takes care of this by forcing vars # mysql_install and mysql_enabled to True in # /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/0-init/tasks/main.yml, which in turn forces the # installation of PHP in /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/mysql/tasks/main.yml, as # invoked by /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/3-base-server/tasks/main.yml # when: php_version_installed.stdout == "" # - name: Set var 'php_new' indicating if installed version of PHP ({{ php_version_installed.stdout }}) >= 7.1, as required by Nextcloud 16 # set_fact: # php_new: "{{ php_version_installed.stdout is version('7.1', '>=') }}" # # Ansible's Version Comparison routine: # # https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_tests.html#version-comparison # when: php_version_installed.stdout != "" # i.e. IF ABOVE 'php -v' WORKED # - debug: # var: php_new # February 2020: See @m-anish's PR #2119 and follow-up PR #2258. # 2021-07-06: If you're running Nextcloud 22+ in production, carefully check the latest required AND recommended prereqs: # https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/installation/source_installation.html#prerequisites-for-manual-installation # https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/21/admin_manual/installation/source_installation.html#prerequisites-for-manual-installation - name: Install ffmpeg + libxml2 + 11 PHP packages (run 'php -m' or 'php -i' to verify) package: name: #- dnsutils # NOT REQUESTED by Nextcloud - ffmpeg # Optional (for preview generation) - libxml2 # php-libxml requires libxml2 >= 2.7.0 #- libapache2-mod-php # 2020-02-15: NO LONGER NEEDED? - php{{ php_version }}-bcmath # Highly recommended by Nextcloud 21 for "improved performance and better compatibility" -- Likewise installed in pbx/tasks/freepbx_dependencies.yml, wordpress/tasks/install.yml - php{{ php_version }}-bz2 # OPTIONAL (for extraction of apps) #- php{{ php_version }}-common # Auto-installed as an apt dependency. REGARDLESS: php{{ php_version }}-common superset php{{ php_version }}-cli is auto-installed by php{{ php_version }}-fpm in nginx/tasks/install.yml - php{{ php_version }}-curl # Likewise installed in moodle/tasks/install.yml, pbx/tasks/freepbx_dependencies.yml, wordpress/tasks/install.yml #- php{{ php_version }}-exif # OPTIONAL (for image rotation in pictures app) but somehow already installed with PHP's core, as confirmed by 'php -m' #- php{{ php_version }}-fileinfo # OPTIONAL (enhances file analysis performance) but somehow already installed with PHP's core, as confirmed by 'php -m' - php{{ php_version }}-gd # Likewise installed in moodle/tasks/install.yml, pbx/tasks/freepbx_dependencies.yml - php{{ php_version }}-gmp # OPTIONAL (for SFTP storage) - php-imagick # OPTIONAL (for preview generation). BUT drags in Apache's libapache2-mod-phpX.Y etc, as confirmed by 'apt depends php-imagick' -- while php{{ php_version }}-imagick installs (despite not being shown within 'apt list "php*imagick"') it's no better -- and 'apt depends phpX.Y-imagick' mysteriously does NOT show its deps. Likewise installed in wordpress/tasks/install.yml - php{{ php_version }}-intl # OPTIONAL (increases language translation performance and fixes sorting of non-ASCII characters): Likewise installed in mediawiki/tasks/install.yml, moodle/tasks/install.yml, wordpress/tasks/install.yml #- php{{ php_version }}-json # See stanza just below #- php{{ php_version }}-libxml # NOT INSTALLABLE: ENABLED BY DEFAULT (https://www.php.net/manual/en/libxml.installation.php) - php{{ php_version }}-mbstring # Likewise installed in mediawiki/tasks/install.yml, moodle/tasks/install.yml, pbx/tasks/freepbx_dependencies.yml, wordpress/tasks/install.yml - php{{ php_version }}-mysql # Likewise installed in mysql/tasks/install.yml, pbx/tasks/freepbx_dependencies.yml, wordpress/tasks/install.yml #- php{{ php_version }}-openssl # NOT INSTALLABLE: ENABLED BY DEFAULT? #- php{{ php_version }}-pdo_mysql # NOT INSTALLABLE: php{{ php_version }}-mysql handles this on all OS's? #- php{{ php_version }}-redis # @m-anish future work? #- php{{ php_version }}-session # NOT INSTALLABLE: ENABLED BY DEFAULT? #- php{{ php_version }}-smbclient # Optional (SMB/CIFS integration) - php{{ php_version }}-xml # Likewise installed in mediawiki/tasks/install.yml, moodle/tasks/install.yml, pbx/tasks/freepbx_dependencies.yml, wordpress/tasks/install.yml -- AND REGARDLESS dragged in later by Admin Console's use of php-pear for roles/cmdsrv/tasks/main.yml -- Nextcloud's official requirements include {SimpleXML, XMLReader, XMLWriter} as confirmed by 'php -m | grep -i xml' which in the end shows {libxml, SimpleXML, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter} #- php{{ php_version }}-xmlrpc # 2021-06-27: Experimentally remove, as explained in moodle/tasks/install.yml - php{{ php_version }}-zip # Likewise installed in moodle/tasks/install.yml, pbx/tasks/freepbx_dependencies.yml, wordpress/tasks/install.yml #- php{{ php_version }}-zlib # NOT INSTALLABLE: ENABLED BY DEFAULT? state: present # For PHP >= 8.0: phpX.Y-json is baked into PHP itself. # For PHP < 8.0: phpX.Y-json auto-installed by phpX.Y-fpm AND phpX.Y-cli in 3-base-server's nginx/tasks/install.yml, as confirmed by: apt rdepends phpX.Y-json # #- name: Install php{{ php_version }}-json if PHP < 8.0 # package: # name: php{{ php_version }}-json # state: present # when: php_version is version('8.0', '<') - name: Create dir {{ nextcloud_root_dir }} (by default 755 dirs & 644 files) file: state: directory path: "{{ nextcloud_root_dir }}" # /library/www/nextcloud - name: Unarchive {{ nextcloud_dl_url }} (~132 MB) to {{ nextcloud_root_dir }} (~474 MB initially, 496+ MB later, {{ apache_user }}:{{ apache_user }}) unarchive: remote_src: yes # Overwrite even if "already exists on the target" src: "{{ nextcloud_dl_url }}" #dest: "{{ nextcloud_base_dir }}" # /library/www dest: "{{ nextcloud_root_dir }}" # /library/www/nextcloud owner: "{{ apache_user }}" # www-data on debuntu group: "{{ apache_user }}" extra_opts: --strip-components=1 # Or use 'dest: /library/www' above - name: Provision Nextcloud's MySQL DB, run Nextcloud's install wizard, etc include_tasks: setup.yml # RECORD Nextcloud AS INSTALLED - name: "Set 'nextcloud_installed: True'" set_fact: nextcloud_installed: True - name: "Add 'nextcloud_installed: True' to {{ iiab_state_file }}" lineinfile: path: "{{ iiab_state_file }}" # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml regexp: '^nextcloud_installed' line: 'nextcloud_installed: True'