# CHECK FOR PHP VERSION AUTOMATICALLY, TO DETERMINE WHICH NEXTCLOUD TO INSTALL. # INSPIRED BY: github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/nodejs/tasks/main.yml#L10-L54 - name: Try to run 'php -v' to get PHP version # e.g. converts multi-line "PHP 7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.5 (cli) ( NTS ) ..." to "7.0.33" shell: php -v | head -1 | sed 's/^[^0-9.]*//' | sed 's/[^0-9.].*//' register: php_version_installed #ignore_errors: yes # NOT NEC: if php is not installed, php_version_installed.stdout will get set to "" #- debug: # var: php_version_installed # NOTE: this could easily be made to work even if PHP was not installed, e.g. # by pre-initializing variable 'php_new' to False here. But trapping the # absence of PHP (below) is a useful software safety precondition! # #- name: Initialize var 'php_new' to False # set_fact: # php_new: False - name: INTENTIONALLY FAIL, IF PHP (Nextcloud prerequisite) ISN'T INSTALLED fail: msg: > Nextcloud install cannot proceed, as it requires PHP be installed first. Note that as of 2019-07-04, IIAB takes care of this by forcing vars mysql_install and mysql_enabled to True in /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/0-init/tasks/main.yml, which in turn forces the installation of PHP in /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/mysql/tasks/main.yml, as invoked by /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/3-base-server/tasks/main.yml when: php_version_installed.stdout == "" - name: Set var 'php_new' indicating if installed version of PHP ({{ php_version_installed.stdout }}) >= 7.1, as required by Nextcloud 16 set_fact: php_new: "{{ php_version_installed.stdout is version('7.1', '>=') }}" # Ansible's Version Comparison routine: # https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_tests.html#version-comparison when: php_version_installed.stdout != "" # i.e. IF ABOVE 'php -v' WORKED #- debug: # var: php_new - name: Download {{ nextcloud_dl_url }}/{{ nextcloud_orig_src_file_old }} to {{ downloads_dir }}/{{ nextcloud_src_file_old }} on older OS's lacking PHP 7.1+ get_url: url: "{{ nextcloud_dl_url }}/{{ nextcloud_orig_src_file_old }}" dest: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ nextcloud_src_file_old }}" timeout: "{{ download_timeout }}" force: yes #validate_certs: False # TEMPORARY ON/AFTER 2018-07-22 AS download.nextcloud.com CERT EXPIRED: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/954 #async: 1800 #poll: 10 tags: - download when: internet_available and not php_new #when: internet_available and nextcloud_force_install and (is_debian_9 or is_raspbian_9 or is_ubuntu_16) - name: Download {{ nextcloud_dl_url }}/{{ nextcloud_orig_src_file }} to {{ downloads_dir }}/{{ nextcloud_src_file }} on newer OS's that have PHP 7.1+ get_url: url: "{{ nextcloud_dl_url }}/{{ nextcloud_orig_src_file }}" dest: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ nextcloud_src_file }}" timeout: "{{ download_timeout }}" force: yes #validate_certs: False # TEMPORARY ON/AFTER 2018-07-22 AS download.nextcloud.com CERT EXPIRED: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/954 #async: 1800 #poll: 10 tags: - download when: internet_available and php_new #when: internet_available and nextcloud_force_install and not (is_debian_9 or is_raspbian_9 or is_ubuntu_16) # Ubuntu and Debian treat names differently - name: Install 4 php packages (debian/raspian) package: name: - "libapache2-mod-php{{ php_version }}" - "php{{ php_version }}-imagick" - "php{{ php_version }}-mbstring" - "php{{ php_version }}-zip" state: present when: is_debian | bool # Ubuntu and Debian treat names differently - name: Install 4 php packages (ubuntu) package: name: - libapache2-mod-php - php-imagick - php-mbstring - php-zip state: present when: is_ubuntu | bool - name: Install 5 more php packages (debuntu) package: name: - "php{{ php_version }}-gd" - "php{{ php_version }}-json" - "php{{ php_version }}-mysql" - "php{{ php_version }}-curl" - "php{{ php_version }}-intl" state: present when: is_debuntu | bool - name: 'Install php{{ php_version }}-mcrypt IF this is a "pre-2018" distro in the debuntu family. NOTE: PHP 7.1 deprecated mcrypt 1-Dec-2016 and PHP 7.2 dropped it completely 30-Nov-2017, as it should no longer be nec.' package: name: "php{{ php_version }}-mcrypt" state: present when: is_debian_8 or is_debian_9 or is_ubuntu_16 or is_ubuntu_17 # NOT NEC TO TEST FOR is_raspbian_8 OR is_raspbian_9 AS /opt/iiab/iiab/vars/.yml # DEFINES THESE AS SUBSETS OF is_debian_8 OR is_debian_9 (FOR NOW!) # we need to install the rpm in order to get the dependencies # but we only need to do this the first time - name: Install 7 php packages (redhat) package: name: - php - php-gd - php-json - php-mysql - php-curl - php-intl - php-mcrypt # CentOS does not have a package for php-imagick #- php-imagick state: present when: is_redhat | bool - name: Unarchive {{ nextcloud_src_file_old }} to permanent location {{ nextcloud_prefix }}/nextcloud on older OS's lacking PHP 7.1+ # i.e. unpack nextcloud_latest-15.tar.bz2 to /opt/nextcloud unarchive: src: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ nextcloud_src_file_old }}" dest: "{{ nextcloud_prefix }}" #creates: "{{ nextcloud_prefix }}/nextcloud/version.php" when: not php_new #when: nextcloud_force_install and (is_debian_9 or is_raspbian_9 or is_ubuntu_16) - name: Unarchive {{ nextcloud_src_file }} to permanent location {{ nextcloud_prefix }}/nextcloud on newer OS's that have PHP 7.1+ # i.e. unpack nextcloud_latest-16.tar.bz2 to /opt/nextcloud unarchive: src: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ nextcloud_src_file }}" dest: "{{ nextcloud_prefix }}" #creates: "{{ nextcloud_prefix }}/nextcloud/version.php" when: php_new | bool #when: nextcloud_force_install and not (is_debian_9 or is_raspbian_9 or is_ubuntu_16) - name: Create dir /etc/nextcloud (centos) for a subsequent config dir that's symlinked to /etc/nextcloud ? file: path: /etc/nextcloud state: directory when: is_centos | bool - name: Install {{ nextcloud_prefix }}/nextcloud/config/autoconfig.php from template (centos) template: src: autoconfig.php.j2 dest: "{{ nextcloud_prefix }}/nextcloud/config/autoconfig.php" owner: "{{ apache_user }}" group: "{{ apache_user }}" mode: 0640 when: is_centos | bool - name: chown -R {{ apache_user }}:{{ apache_user }} {{ nextcloud_prefix }}/nextcloud file: path: "{{ nextcloud_prefix }}/nextcloud" owner: "{{ apache_user }}" group: "{{ apache_user }}" recurse: yes state: directory - name: Create data directory {{ nextcloud_data_dir }} # /opt/nextcloud/data file: path: "{{ nextcloud_data_dir }}" owner: "{{ apache_user }}" group: "{{ apache_user }}" mode: 0750 state: directory - name: Install Apache's nextcloud.conf from template, for http://box/nextcloud template: src: nextcloud.conf.j2 dest: "/etc/{{ apache_config_dir }}/nextcloud.conf" owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: Add 'nextcloud_installed' variable values to {{ iiab_installed }} ini_file: path: "{{ iiab_installed }}" value: nextcloud_installed