- name: Turn off isp nameservers lineinfile: state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^PEERDNS' line='PEERDNS="no"' dest={{ has_ifcfg_gw }} - name: Turn on local nameserver lineinfile: state=present line='DNS1=""' dest={{ has_ifcfg_gw }} - name: Remove the UUID lineinfile: state=absent regexp='^UUID' dest={{ has_ifcfg_gw }} # Leave wifi as is NAME= needs to match keyring name. - name: Fix the NM name lineinfile: state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^NAME' line='NAME="iiab-WAN"' dest={{ has_ifcfg_gw }} when: has_wifi_gw == "none" # testpoint - quoting and present # note DEVICE can change what is displayed via "ip and friends" - name: Fix the DEVICE lineinfile: state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^DEVICE' line='DEVICE="{{ iiab_wan_iface }}"' dest={{ has_ifcfg_gw }} when: iiab_wan_iface != "none" and has_wifi_gw == "none" - name: add marker lineinfile: state=present line="# Modified by XSCE" dest={{ has_ifcfg_gw }} - name: Rename supplied gateway ifcfg file to WAN if present shell: mv "{{ has_ifcfg_gw }}" /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-WAN when: has_wifi_gw == "none" - name: Now setting ifcfg-WAN True after moving file set_fact: has_WAN: True when: has_wifi_gw == "none"