# Local Add-ons - name: ...IS BEGINNING ==================================== command: echo - name: INTERNETARCHIVE include_role: name: internetarchive tags: internetarchive # Until porting complete (@jvonau helping transition to Python 3) #- name: 'Install Python 2.7 packages: python, python-pip' # package: # name: # - python # - python-pip # Used by Admin Console # state: present # To be ported soon - name: CAPTIVE PORTAL include_tasks: roles/captive-portal/tasks/main.yml when: captive_portal_install | bool tags: base, captive-portal, network, domain - name: MINETEST include_role: name: minetest tags: minetest # KEEP AT THE END as this installs dependencies from Debian's 'testing' branch! - name: CALIBRE include_role: name: calibre tags: calibre - name: CALIBRE-WEB include_role: name: calibre-web tags: calibre-web # could split this two below to stage 10? - name: Configure NGINX include_role: name: nginx when: nginx_install tags: base, nginx - name: Configure Apache systemd service ({{ apache_service }}) include_role: name: httpd-enable when: apache_install tags: base, httpd - name: Recording STAGE 9 HAS COMPLETED ==================== lineinfile: dest: "{{ iiab_env_file }}" regexp: '^STAGE=*' line: 'STAGE=9' state: present