#!/bin/bash -x # small daemon to identify this machine to the openvpn server HANDLE= UUID= source /etc/xsce/xsce.env if [ -z "$HANDLE" ]; then HANDLE=`cat /etc/xsce/xsce.ini | gawk \ '{ if((toupper($1) == "HANDLE") && ($2 == "=")) { print $3;}}'` fi if [ -z "$HANDLE" ]; then if [ -f /etc/xsce/handle ]; then HANDLE=`cat /etc/xsce/handle` fi fi if [ -f /etc/xsce/uuid ]; then UUID=`cat /etc/xsce/uuid` fi # start the daemon which will serve the handle on demand source /etc/init.d/functions SERVER=/usr/bin/ncat PID_FILE=/var/run/openvpn/announce.pid HANDLE=${HANDLE// /_} {% if is_debuntu %} ID=`printf "HANDLE = %s|UUID = %s|" $HANDLE $UUID` $SERVER -l -k -p1705 --exec "/bin/echo $ID" & {% else %} daemon --pidfile=${PID_FILE} $SERVER "-l -k -p1705 --exec \"/usr/bin/echo $(printf 'HANDLE = %s|UUID = %s' $HANDLE $UUID)\"" & {% endif %}