#!/bin/bash DEFAULT_VARS_FILE=/opt/iiab/iiab/vars/default_vars.yml LOCAL_VARS_FILE=/etc/iiab/local_vars.yml IIAB_STATE_FILE=/etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml ROLE_VAR="" INSTALL=false ENABLED=false REINSTALL=false CWD=`pwd` ARGS="--extra-vars {" # bash forces {...} to '{...}' for Ansible, SEE BOTTOM INVENTORY=ansible_hosts PLAYBOOK=run-one-role.yml if [ ! -f $PLAYBOOK ]; then echo "Exiting: IIAB Playbook not found." echo "Please run this in /opt/iiab/iiab (top level of the git repo)." exit 1 fi if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$2" == "--reinstall" ] || [ "$3" == "--reinstall" ]; then echo "Usage: ./runrole " echo "Usage: ./runrole --reinstall " echo echo "Optional 2nd parameter is full PATH/FILENAME for logging." echo "If omitted, /iiab-debug.log is used." exit 0 fi # 2020-08-05: yes /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml is necessary, but we DON'T # want to encourage sloppy operators to delete/touch this file. # # (The iiab_state.yml file should always be created by ./iiab-install, # for IIAB's Ansible roles that then auto-populate this file.) # # FYI ./iiab-network and ./iiab-configure likewise warn operators (IN RED!) # if they try to run without the existence of /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml : # # ERROR! vars file /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml was not found # # Needed for Stages 1-3 if not installed yet #if [ ! -f $IIAB_STATE_FILE ]; then # touch $IIAB_STATE_FILE #fi if [ "$1" == "--reinstall" ]; then ARGS="$ARGS\"reinstall\":True," # Needs boolean not string so use JSON list REINSTALL=true shift fi ROLE_VAR=$1 # Ansible role name & var name sometimes differ :/ if [ $1 == "calibre-web" ]; then ROLE_VAR=calibreweb elif [ $1 == "httpd" ]; then ROLE_VAR=apache elif [ $1 == "osm-vector-maps" ]; then ROLE_VAR=osm_vector_maps fi echo if $REINSTALL; then # Add '_' so '--reinstall calibre' doesn't zap calibreweb if grep -q "^${ROLE_VAR}_" $IIAB_STATE_FILE; then echo -e "\e[1mThese line(s) in $IIAB_STATE_FILE are now being deleted:\e[0m\n" grep "^${ROLE_VAR}_" $IIAB_STATE_FILE; echo sed -i "/^${ROLE_VAR}_/d" $IIAB_STATE_FILE else echo -e "\e[1mERROR: $IIAB_STATE_FILE has no lines that begin with '${ROLE_VAR}_'\e[0m\n" echo -e "Try again without the '--reinstall' flag?\n" exit 1 fi else if grep -q "^${ROLE_VAR}_" $IIAB_STATE_FILE; then echo -e "\e[1mWARNING: $IIAB_STATE_FILE already has this/these line(s):\e[0m\n" grep "^${ROLE_VAR}_" $IIAB_STATE_FILE; echo echo -e "If you prefer to reinstall it, run: ./runrole --reinstall $1\n" grep -q "^${ROLE_VAR}_enabled:\s\+[Tt]rue\b" $DEFAULT_VARS_FILE && ENABLED=true grep -q "^${ROLE_VAR}_enabled:\s\+[Ff]alse\b" $LOCAL_VARS_FILE && ENABLED=false grep -q "^${ROLE_VAR}_enabled:\s\+[Tt]rue\b" $LOCAL_VARS_FILE && ENABLED=true if $ENABLED; then echo -n "Or just continue, to try to enforce var '${ROLE_VAR}_enabled: True' ? [Y/n] " else echo -n "Or just continue, to try to enforce var '${ROLE_VAR}_enabled: False' ? [Y/n] " fi read ans < /dev/tty echo [ "$ans" = "n" ] || [ "$ans" = "N" ] && exit 1 fi fi grep -q "^${ROLE_VAR}_install:\s\+[Tt]rue\b" $DEFAULT_VARS_FILE && INSTALL=true grep -q "^${ROLE_VAR}_install:\s\+[Ff]alse\b" $LOCAL_VARS_FILE && INSTALL=false grep -q "^${ROLE_VAR}_install:\s\+[Tt]rue\b" $LOCAL_VARS_FILE && INSTALL=true if ! $INSTALL; then echo -e "\e[1m'${ROLE_VAR}_install: True' MUST BE SET!\e[0m\n" echo -e "Usually it's best to set variables in: $LOCAL_VARS_FILE\n" echo -n "Just for now, force '${ROLE_VAR}_install: True' directly to Ansible? [Y/n] " read ans < /dev/tty echo [ "$ans" = "n" ] || [ "$ans" = "N" ] && exit 1 ARGS="$ARGS\"${ROLE_VAR}_install\":True," fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH="$2" else export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH="$CWD/iiab-debug.log" fi ARGS="$ARGS\"role_to_run\":\"$1\"}" # $1 works like \"$1\" if str validated CMD="ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY $PLAYBOOK --connection=local $ARGS" echo -e "\e[1mbash will now run this, adding single quotes around the {...} curly braces:\e[0m\n\n$CMD\n" ansible -m setup -i $INVENTORY localhost --connection=local | grep python $CMD # bash forces (NECESSARY) single quotes around {} at runtime (if $ARGS contains # curly braces). If you also add single quotes *within* $ARGS, Ansible will # FAIL as you will end up with 2-not-1 single-quotes on each side of the {}. # https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_variables.html#json-string-format # # Change the top line of this file to 'bash -x' to see this happen live. Or, # if you prefer the single quotes in the $ARGS var itself, run it this way: # # echo $CMD > /tmp/runrole-ansible-cmd # bash /tmp/runrole-ansible-cmd