- name: Install CouchDB and other necessary packages package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - couchdb - curl - python-pip - nodejs - npm when: internet_available - name: Determine if xovis is already downloaded stat: path={{ downloadds_dir }}/xovis/xxx register: xovis - name: download the latest xovis repo git: repo={{ xovis_repo_url }} dest={{ downloads_dir }}/xovis depth=1 when: internet_available and xovis.stat.exists is defined and not xovis.stat.exists - name: Install node.js package kanso to maintain couchdb npm: name=kanso global=yes path={{ downloads_dir }} when: internet_available - name: move the xovis repo into place shell: "cp -rp {{ downloads_dir }}/xovis {{ xovis_root }}" - name: Make sure the XO users directory exists file: state=directory dest=/library/users owner=root group=root mode=0755 - name: Install the xovis python dependencies pip: requirements={{ xovis_root }}/process_stats/requirements.txt when: internet_available - name: Update xovis repo with Chart Heading lineinfile: dest="{{ xovis_root }}/index.html" regexp='(.+)


' line='\1

{{ xovis_chart_heading }}

' backrefs=yes - name: Allow access to Couchdb from other hosts command: sed -i 's/^\(bind_address\s*=\s*\).*$/\10\.0\.0\.0/' /etc/couchdb/default.ini - name: Enable CouchDB service service: name=couchdb enabled=yes state=started when: xovis_enabled - name: Wait for CouchDB to become ready wait_for: port=5984 delay=1 timeout=5 when: xovis_enabled - name: Add admin user command: curl -X PUT {{ xovis_target_host }}/_config/admins/{{ xovis_db_user }} -d "\"{{ xovis_db_password }}\"" when: xovis_enabled - name: Check if db exists shell: "kanso listdb | grep {{ xovis_db_name }}" register: found_db ignore_errors: yes - name: Create CouchDB database if does not already exist command: kanso createdb {{ xovis_db_url }} when: xovis_enabled and found_db.stdout != xovis_db_name - name: Load initial xovis database command: kanso push {{ xovis_root }} {{ xovis_db_url }} when: xovis_enabled and found_db.stdout != xovis_db_name - name: Insert Sugar Journal metadata into Couchdb command: "{{ xovis_root }}/process_stats/process_journal_stats.py dbinsert {{ xovis_db_name }} -d {{ xovis_backup_dir }} --deployment {{ xovis_deployment_name }} --server http://{{ xovis_db_login }}@{{ xovis_target_host }}" when: xovis_enabled - name: Add 'xovis' variable values to {{ iiab_ini_file }} ini_file: path: "{{ iiab_ini_file }}" section: xovis option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value | string }}" with_items: - option: name value: xovis - option: description value: '"XOVis - Analytics and Visualization for Sugar and OLPC"' - option: installed value: "{{ xovis_install }}" - option: enabled value: "{{ xovis_enabled }}"