- name: Copy RACHEL httpd conf file template: src=rachel.conf.j2 dest=/etc/{{ apache_conf_dir }}/rachel.conf - name: enable Rachel file: path=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/rachel.conf src=/etc/apache2/sites-available/rachel.conf state=link when: rachel_enabled and is_debuntu - name: Remove RACHEL conf file if we are disabled file: path=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/rachel.conf state=absent when: not rachel_enabled and is_debuntu # This probably doesn't work, but we can't get search to work either - name: Create link to rachel mysql db from mysql data dir file: src={{ rachel_mysqldb_path }} dest=/var/lib/mysql/sphider_plus owner=root group=admin state=link - name: Set mysql password lineinfile: regexp=mysql_password1 line="$mysql_password1 = '{{ mysql_root_password }}';" state=present dest={{ rachel_content_path }}/rsphider/settings/database.php - name: Restart mysqld service service: name={{ mysql_service }} state=restarted - name: Restart apache2 service service: name={{ apache_service }} state=restarted