# Server Options - name: ...IS BEGINNING ============================================] command: echo - name: HOMEPAGE include_role: name: homepage tags: homepage - name: SSHD include_role: name: sshd tags: base, sshd - name: NETWORK include_role: name: network tags: base, network # the above 3 have no XXXXX_intall flag -- whereas the 5 below do - name: AUTHSERVER include_role: name: authserver when: authserver_install tags: base, authserver - name: OPENVPN include_role: name: openvpn when: openvpn_install tags: openvpn - name: SAMBA include_role: name: samba when: samba_install tags: samba - name: USB-LIB include_role: name: usb-lib when: usb_lib_install tags: usb-lib - name: CUPS include_role: name: cups when: cups_install tags: cups # this script can be sourced to get iiab location - name: Create iiab.env file template: src=roles/1-prep/templates/iiab.env.j2 dest=/etc/iiab/iiab.env owner=root group=root mode=0644 - name: put a python interface to iiab.env template: src=roles/1-prep/templates/iiab_env.py.j2 dest=/etc/iiab/iiab_env.py - name: generate the offline documents command: /usr/bin/iiab-refresh-wiki-docs when: not nodocs - name: Stop postgresql service command: "/etc/init.d/postgresql stop" ignore_errors: True when: postgresql_install and is_debuntu - name: Start postgresql service service: name=postgresql-iiab state=restarted enabled=yes when: postgresql_enabled - name: Stop authserver service service: name=xs-authserver state=stopped enabled=no when: not authserver_enabled and authserver_install - name: Start xs-authserver service service: name=xs-authserver state=restarted when: authserver_enabled - name: ...WAS COMPLETED ===========================================] command: echo