# Local Add-ons - name: ...IS BEGINNING ==================================== meta: noop - name: AZURACAST include_role: name: azuracast when: azuracast_install # Porting to Python 3 is complete: does this belong elsewhere? - name: CAPTIVE PORTAL include_role: name: captiveportal when: captiveportal_install - name: INTERNETARCHIVE include_role: name: internetarchive when: internetarchive_install - name: MINETEST include_role: name: minetest when: minetest_install - name: CALIBRE-WEB include_role: name: calibre-web when: calibreweb_install # KEEP NEAR THE VERY END as this installs dependencies from Debian's 'testing' branch! - name: CALIBRE include_role: name: calibre when: calibre_install # Pulls in a large number of devel packages, via asterisk.yml -> 'install_prereq install' # https://github.com/asterisk/asterisk/blob/master/contrib/scripts/install_prereq#L21-L35 - name: PBX - Asterisk & FreePBX include_role: name: pbx when: pbx_install - name: Read 'disk_used_a_priori' from /etc/iiab/iiab.ini set_fact: df1: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.ini', 'disk_used_a_priori', section='summary', file=iiab_ini_file) }}" - name: Record currently used disk space, to compare with original 'disk_used_a_priori' shell: df -B1 --output=used / | tail -1 register: df2 - name: Add ESTIMATED 'iiab_software_disk_usage = {{ df2.stdout|int - df1|int }}' to {{ iiab_ini_file }} ini_file: path: "{{ iiab_ini_file }}" # /etc/iiab/iiab.ini section: summary option: iiab_software_disk_usage value: "{{ df2.stdout|int - df1|int }}" - name: Recording STAGE 9 HAS COMPLETED ==================== lineinfile: path: "{{ iiab_env_file }}" regexp: '^STAGE=*' line: 'STAGE=9'