# Role "www_back_end" runs earlier, likely in 3-BASE-SERVER. # Role "www_front_end" runs here, probably in 4-SERVER-OPTIONS. # # (Don't take either name too literally!) # HOMEPAGE - name: Create dir {{ doc_root }}{{ iiab_home_url }} just in case variable iiab_home_url was customized. (Standard path {{doc_root}}/home was created earlier.) file: state: directory path: "{{ doc_root }}{{ iiab_home_url }}" # /library/www/html/home owner: "{{ apache_user }}" group: "{{ apache_user }}" mode: '0755' # Used to be run by httpd/tasks/install.yml - name: "IN CASE NGINX IS DISABLED: Enable IIAB pages via Apache (e.g. on port 80) if apache_install" include_tasks: roles/httpd/tasks/homepage.yml when: apache_install | bool # Used to be run by nginx/tasks/install.yml - name: Enable IIAB pages via NGINX (e.g. on port 80) if nginx_install include_tasks: roles/nginx/tasks/homepage.yml when: nginx_install | bool - block: # 3-STANZA BLOCK BEGINS # Also installed by roles/nextcloud/tasks/install.yml in case './runrole nextcloud' bypasses this role here. (Possibly make php-fpm mandatory in nginx/tasks/install.yml in future?) - name: Install php-fpm (FastCGI Process Manager) as nec package: name: php-fpm # For schools that use WordPress/Nextcloud/Moodle intensively. # WARNING: Enabling this might cause excess use of RAM/disk or other resources! # COMPARE apache_allow_sudo further below. - name: Enact high limits in /etc/php/{{ php_version }}/fpm/php.ini if using WordPress/Nextcloud/Moodle intensively, as nec lineinfile: path: "/etc/php/{{ php_version }}/fpm/php.ini" #path: "/etc/php/{{ php_version }}/{{ apache_service }}/php.ini" regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" with_items: - { regexp: '^upload_max_filesize', line: 'upload_max_filesize = 500M ; default is 2M' } - { regexp: '^post_max_size', line: 'post_max_size = 500M ; default is 8M' } - { regexp: '^memory_limit', line: 'memory_limit = 512M ; default is 128M / Nextcloud requests 512M' } - { regexp: '^max_execution_time', line: 'max_execution_time = 300 ; default is 30' } - { regexp: '^max_input_time', line: 'max_input_time = 300 ; default is 60' } when: nginx_high_php_limits - name: Restart 'php{{ php_version }}-fpm' systemd services, as nec systemd: name: "php{{ php_version }}-fpm" state: restarted when: (nextcloud_install or pbx_install) and nginx_enabled # 3-STANZA BLOCK ENDS # 'Is a "Rapid Power Off" button possible for low-electricity environments?' # gives more details here: http://FAQ.IIAB.IO # COMPARE nginx_high_php_limits further above. # 2020-02-12: DOES THE FLAG BELOW (apache_allow_sudo) WORK WITH NGINX TOO ? - name: Give {{ apache_user }} (per variable apache_user) permission to poweroff, installing /etc/sudoers.d/020_apache_poweroff from template template: src: 020_apache_poweroff.j2 dest: /etc/sudoers.d/020_apache_poweroff mode: '0755' when: apache_allow_sudo | bool - name: Remove {{ apache_user }} (per variable apache_user) permission to poweroff, removing /etc/sudoers.d/020_apache_poweroff file: path: /etc/sudoers.d/020_apache_poweroff state: absent when: not apache_allow_sudo - name: Run /usr/bin/iiab-refresh-wiki-docs (scraper script) to create http://box/info offline documentation. (This script was installed in Stage 3 = roles/3-base-server/tasks/main.yml, which ran roles/www_back_end/tasks/main.yml) command: /usr/bin/iiab-refresh-wiki-docs when: internet_available and not nodocs - name: (Re)Start '{{ apache_service }}' systemd service, if apache_enabled systemd: name: "{{ apache_service }}" # apache2 on debuntu state: restarted when: apache_enabled | bool - name: (Re)Start 'nginx' systemd service, if nginx_enabled systemd: name: nginx state: restarted when: nginx_enabled | bool # RECORD www_front_end AS INSTALLED - name: "Set 'www_front_end_installed: True'" set_fact: www_front_end_installed: True - name: "Add 'www_front_end_installed: True' to {{ iiab_state_file }}" lineinfile: path: "{{ iiab_state_file }}" # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml regexp: '^www_front_end_installed' line: 'www_front_end_installed: True'