============= 0-init README ============= For a higher-level view of `Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) `_, please see http://FAQ.IIAB.IO and `IIAB Installation `_. This 0th `stage `_ literally sets the stage for IIAB installation, prior to Ansible running Stages 1-to-9, which are typically then followed by the `network <../network>`_ stage. But first: This 0th stage (0-init) serves to confirm low-level Ansible facts from the OS — e.g. for housekeeping tasks related to TZ (time zone), hostname, FQDN (fully-qualified domain name), unusual systemwide dependencies etc (and whether Internet is live) — so that IIAB installation can get underway. Recap: Similar to 1-prep, 2-common, 3-base-server, 4-server-options and 5-xo-services ⁠— this 0th stage installs core server infra (that is not user-facing).