#!/bin/bash -e # Running from a git repo # Add cmdline options for passing to ansible PLAYBOOK=iiab-stages.yml INVENTORY=ansible_hosts IIAB_STATE_FILE=/etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml ARGS="--extra-vars {" # Needs boolean not string so use JSON list. bash forces {...} to '{...}' for Ansible CWD=`pwd` OS=`grep ^ID= /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2` OS=${OS//\"/} # Remove all '"' MIN_RPI_KERN=5.4.0 # Do not use 'rpi-update' unless absolutely necessary: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/1993 MIN_ANSIBLE_VER=2.14.14 # 2023-05-22: ansible-core 2.12 EOL per https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/release_and_maintenance.html#ansible-core-support-matrix 2022-11-09: Raspberry Pi 3 (and 3 B+ etc?) apparently install (and require?) ansible-core 2.11 for now -- @deldesir can explain more on PR #3419. Historical: Ansible 2.8.3 and 2.8.6 had serious bugs, preventing their use with IIAB. REINSTALL=false DEBUG=false SKIP_ROLE_ON_ERROR=false usage() { echo -e "\n\e[1mUse './iiab-install' for regular installs, or to continue an install." echo -e "Use './iiab-install --risky' to force 'skip_role_on_error: True'" echo -e "Use './iiab-install --reinstall' to force running all Stages 0-9, followed by the Network Role." echo -e "Use './iiab-install --debug' to run Stage 0, followed by Stages 3-9, followed by the Network Role." echo -e "Use './iiab-configure' to run Stage 0, followed by Stages 4-9." echo -e "Use './runrole' to run Stage 0, followed by a single Stage or Role." echo -e "Use './iiab-network' to run Stage 0, followed by the Network Role.\e[0m\n" } # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/192249/how-do-i-parse-command-line-arguments-in-bash/14203146#14203146 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in --reinstall) REINSTALL=true shift ;; --debug) DEBUG=true shift ;; -r|--risky) SKIP_ROLE_ON_ERROR=true shift ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac done ARGS="$ARGS\"skip_role_on_error\":$SKIP_ROLE_ON_ERROR" # Needs boolean not # string so use JSON list. Ansible permits these boolean values: (refresher) # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/0-init/tasks/validate_vars.yml#L19-L43 if [ ! -f /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml ]; then if [ -f /opt/iiab/iiab/vars/local_vars.yml ]; then echo -e "\nACTION NEEDED: YOUR /opt/iiab/iiab/vars/local_vars.yml IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED.\n" >&2 echo -e "███████████████████ TO MOVE IT TO THE CORRECT LOCATION, RUN: ███████████████████" >&2 echo -e "██ ██" >&2 echo -e "██ mv /opt/iiab/iiab/vars/local_vars.yml /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml ██" >&2 echo -e "██ ██" >&2 echo -e "████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████\n" >&2 fi echo -e "\n\e[1mEXITING: /opt/iiab/iiab/iiab-install REQUIRES /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml\e[0m\n" >&2 echo -e "(1) See http://FAQ.IIAB.IO -> What is local_vars.yml and how do I customize it?" >&2 echo -e "(2) SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE samples are included in /opt/iiab/iiab/vars" >&2 echo -e "(3) NO TIME FOR DETAILS? RUN INTERNET-IN-A-BOX'S FRIENDLY 1-LINE INSTALLER:\n" >&2 echo -e ' https://download.iiab.io\n' >&2 exit 1 fi # FUTURE: Test if their local_vars.yml is sufficiently version-compatible ! echo -e "\n\n./iiab-install $* BEGUN IN $CWD\n" echo -e "local_facts.fact DIAGNOSTICS... (A FEW LINES OF ERRORS/WARNINGS BELOW ARE OK!)\n" scripts/local_facts.fact # Exit & advise, if OS not supported. mkdir -p /etc/ansible/facts.d cp scripts/local_facts.fact /etc/ansible/facts.d/local_facts.fact echo -e "\nPlaced /etc/ansible/facts.d/local_facts.fact into position.\n" mkdir -p /etc/iiab/install-flags # MANDATORY since 2022-07-22 echo -e "/etc/iiab/install-flags directory created/verified." echo -e "(e.g. for PR #3318 netwarn pop-ups, asking you to run iiab-network)\n" if [ ! -f $PLAYBOOK ]; then echo "EXITING: IIAB Playbook ""$PLAYBOOK"" not found." echo "Please run './iiab-install' from /opt/iiab/iiab (top level of git repo)." exit 1 fi # Subroutine compares software version numbers. Generates rare false positives # like "1.0 > 1" and "2.4.0 > 2.4". Avoid risks by structuring conditionals w/ # a consistent # of decimal points e.g. "if version_gt w.x.y.z a.b.c.d; then" version_gt() { [ "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V | head -1)" != "$1" ]; } # Verify that Raspbian is running a recent enough kernel. As Raspbian # updates on 4.9.41-v7+ broke bridging, WiFi AP & OpenVPN in Oct/Nov 2017. CURR_KERN=`uname -r` echo "Found Kernel ""$CURR_KERN" if [ "$OS" == "raspbian" ] && version_gt $MIN_RPI_KERN $CURR_KERN ; then echo -e "\nEXITING: Kernel ""$MIN_RPI_KERN"" or higher required with Raspbian." echo -e "PLEASE RUN 'apt update' then 'apt install raspberrypi-kernel' then reboot." echo -e "IF ABSOLUTELY NEC run 'rpi-update' for a PRE-RELEASE kernel, then reboot." echo -e "IIAB INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Installation" exit 1 fi # Verify that a recent enough version of Ansible is installed. See #449. The # "include:" command was inconsistently implemented prior to Ansible 2.4.x.x CURR_ANSIBLE_VER=0 #if [ $(grep ubuntu /etc/apt/sources.list) ]; then # FAILS when multiple lines returned, due to single square brackets #if grep -q ubuntu /etc/apt/sources.list ; then # Works: bypasses need for "> /dev/null" thanks to "grep -q" (quiet) #if command -v ansible > /dev/null ; then # Works But Wordy! #if [[ $(command -v ansible) ]]; then # Also Works! $(...) nests more easily than backticks #if [[ `which ansible` ]]; then # "which" misses built-in commands like cd, and is RISKY per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/592620/check-if-a-program-exists-from-a-bash-script #if [[ `type -P ansible` ]]; then # "type -P" isn't POSIX compliant; it misses built-in commands like "cd" if [[ $(command -v ansible) ]]; then # "command -v" is POSIX compliant; it catches built-in commands like "cd" CURR_ANSIBLE_VER=$(ansible --version | head -1 | cut -f 2- -d " " | sed 's/.* \([^ ]*\)\].*/\1/') # Above works with 'ansible [core 2.11.0rc2]' -- these old ways do not: #CURR_ANSIBLE_VER=$(ansible --version | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') #CURR_ANSIBLE_VER=$(ansible --version | head -1 | sed -e 's/.* //') echo "Found Ansible ""$CURR_ANSIBLE_VER" fi if version_gt $MIN_ANSIBLE_VER $CURR_ANSIBLE_VER ; then echo -e "\nEXITING: ansible-core ""$MIN_ANSIBLE_VER"" or higher required.\n" echo -e "PLEASE RUN '/opt/iiab/iiab/scripts/ansible' to install the latest Ansible.\n" echo -e "IIAB INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Installation" exit 1 fi # Stage 0 will always be run. From there on up to Stage 9 we keep a counter # (in /etc/iiab/iiab.env) of the highest completed Stage. Avoid repetition! STAGE=0 if [ -f /etc/iiab/iiab.env ]; then if grep -q STAGE= /etc/iiab/iiab.env ; then source /etc/iiab/iiab.env echo "Extracted STAGE=""$STAGE"" (counter) from /etc/iiab/iiab.env" if ! [ "$STAGE" -eq "$STAGE" ] 2> /dev/null; then echo -e "\nEXITING: STAGE (counter) value == ""$STAGE"" is non-integer in /etc/iiab/iiab.env" exit 1 elif [ "$STAGE" -lt 0 ] || [ "$STAGE" -gt 9 ]; then echo -e "\nEXITING: STAGE (counter) value == ""$STAGE"" is out-of-range in /etc/iiab/iiab.env" exit 1 fi fi if $($REINSTALL); then STAGE=0 #ARGS="$ARGS"" --extra-vars reinstall=True" ARGS="$ARGS,\"reinstall\":True" # Needs boolean not string so use JSON list sed -i 's/^STAGE=.*/STAGE=0/' /etc/iiab/iiab.env echo "Wrote STAGE=0 (counter) to /etc/iiab/iiab.env" elif [ "$STAGE" -ge 2 ] && $($DEBUG); then STAGE=2 sed -i 's/^STAGE=.*/STAGE=2/' /etc/iiab/iiab.env echo "Wrote STAGE=2 (counter) to /etc/iiab/iiab.env" elif [ "$STAGE" -eq 9 ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1mEXITING: STAGE (counter) in /etc/iiab/iiab.env shows Stage 9 Is Already Done.\e[0m" usage exit 0 # Allows rerunning https://download.iiab.io/install.txt fi fi if [ "$STAGE" -lt 2 ] && $($DEBUG); then echo -e "\n'--debug' *ignored* as STAGE (counter) < 2." fi # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml is mandatory and must be created here. Background: # Allow iiab-install to read IIAB_STATE_FILE to not repeat installs of previous # roles that already completed within the stage. if [ ! -f $IIAB_STATE_FILE ]; then # touch $IIAB_STATE_FILE echo -e "\nCreating... $IIAB_STATE_FILE" cat > $IIAB_STATE_FILE << EOF # DO *NOT* MANUALLY EDIT THIS, THANKS! # IIAB does NOT currently support uninstalling apps/services. EOF fi echo -e "\nTRY TO RERUN './iiab-install' IF IT FAILS DUE TO CONNECTIVITY ISSUES ETC!\n" echo -e "\e[1mRunning local Ansible playbooks...\n...Stage 0 will now run\n...followed by Stages $(($STAGE + 1))-9\n...and then the Network Role.\e[0m\n" export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH="$CWD""/iiab-install.log" ansible -m setup -i $INVENTORY localhost --connection=local | grep python ansible -m setup -i $INVENTORY localhost --connection=local >> /dev/null # So vars are recorded in /opt/iiab/iiab/iiab-install.log ARGS="$ARGS}" echo -e "\nNOW RUN: ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY $PLAYBOOK $ARGS --connection=local\n" ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY $PLAYBOOK $ARGS --connection=local echo -e "./iiab-install $* COMPLETED IN $CWD\n\n"