- include_tasks: detected_network.yml when: not installing #REMOVE THIS LINE IF installing IS ALWAYS false AS SET IN roles/0-init/defaults/main.yml tags: - network #REMOVE SUCH LINES (BELOW TOO) AS WE'RE IN "network" ? - network-discover - name: IF WIFI IS PRIMARY GATEWAY, PLEASE RUN 'iiab-hotspot-on' MANUALLY set_fact: hostapd_enabled: False # used in (1) hostapd.yml, (2) rpi_debian.yml + # (3) its dhcpcd.conf.j2, (4) restart.yml no_net_restart: True # used below in (1) sysd-netd-debian.yml, # (2) debian.yml, (3) rpi_debian.yml when: discovered_wireless_iface == iiab_wan_iface and not reboot_to_AP #- name: RPi - reboot to AP post install - installed via wifi so the services are ready # set_fact: # iiab_lan_iface: br0 # iiab_wan_iface: "{{ discovered_wired_iface }}" # iiab_wireless_lan_iface: "{{ discovered_wireless_iface }}" # iiab_wired_lan_iface: "" # when: is_rpi and discovered_wireless_iface is defined and discovered_wireless_iface == iiab_wan_iface and reboot_to_AP - include_tasks: computed_network.yml when: not installing #REMOVE THIS LINE IF installing IS ALWAYS false AS SET IN roles/0-init/defaults/main.yml tags: - network - network-discover - include_tasks: hostapd.yml tags: - network - AP #- name: RPi - don't reboot to AP post install - installed via wifi - don't blow away current network # set_fact: # no_net_restart: True # hostapd_enabled: False # when: is_rpi and discovered_wireless_iface is defined and discovered_wired_iface != iiab_wan_iface ##### Start static ip address info for first run ##### #- include_tasks: static.yml # when: 'iiab_wan_iface != "none" and wan_ip != "dhcp"' ##### End static ip address info - include_tasks: hosts.yml tags: - network - hostname - domain - name: Configuring wondershaper include_tasks: wondershaper.yml when: wondershaper_install tags: - network - wondershaper - name: (Re)Installing named include_tasks: named.yml when: FQDN_changed and iiab_stage|int == 9 - name: (Re)Installing dhcpd include_tasks: dhcpd.yml when: FQDN_changed and iiab_stage|int == 9 - name: (Re)Installing Squid include_tasks: squid.yml when: FQDN_changed and squid_install and iiab_stage|int == 9 #### start services - include_tasks: avahi.yml tags: - network - include_tasks: computed_services.yml tags: - network - named - dhcpd - dnsmasq - squid - include_tasks: enable_services.yml tags: - network - named - dhcpd - dnsmasq - squid #### end services #### Start network layout - name: Redhat networking include_tasks: ifcfg_mods.yml when: is_redhat #and not installing tags: - network - name: NetworkManager in use include_tasks: NM-debian.yml when: is_debuntu and network_manager_active #and not installing tags: - network - name: systemd-networkd in use include_tasks: sysd-netd-debian.yml when: is_debuntu and systemd_networkd_active #and not installing tags: - network - name: RPi's have dhcpcd in use include_tasks: rpi_debian.yml when: is_debuntu and is_rpi #and not installing tags: - network - name: Not RPi, Not NetworkManager, Not systemd-networkd in use include_tasks: debian.yml when: not is_rpi and not network_manager_active and not systemd_networkd_active and is_debuntu #and not installing tags: - network # this is moving - name: Record IIAB_WAN_DEVICE to /etc/iiab/iiab.env lineinfile: dest: /etc/iiab/iiab.env regexp: '^IIAB_WAN_DEVICE=*' line: 'IIAB_WAN_DEVICE="{{ iiab_wan_iface }}"' state: present when: not installing #REMOVE THIS LINE IF installing IS ALWAYS false AS SET IN roles/0-init/defaults/main.yml tags: - network - name: Record IIAB_LAN_DEVICE to /etc/iiab/iiab.env lineinfile: dest: /etc/iiab/iiab.env regexp: '^IIAB_LAN_DEVICE=*' line: 'IIAB_LAN_DEVICE="{{ iiab_lan_iface }}"' state: present when: not installing #REMOVE THIS LINE IF installing IS ALWAYS false AS SET IN roles/0-init/defaults/main.yml tags: - network #### end network layout - include_tasks: restart.yml when: not installing tags: - network - named - dhcpd - dnsmasq - squid - AP