#!/bin/bash # credit to the folks at raspberry pi foundatioon check_hash () { if ! id -u iiab-admin > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then return 0 ; fi if grep -q "^PasswordAuthentication\s*no" /etc/ssh/sshd_config ; then return 0 ; fi test -x /usr/bin/mkpasswd || return 0 SHADOW="$(sudo -n grep -E '^iiab-admin:' /etc/shadow 2>/dev/null)" test -n "${SHADOW}" || return 0 if echo $SHADOW | grep -q "iiab-admin:!" ; then return 0 ; fi SHADOW_PW=$(echo $SHADOW | cut -d: -f2) if [ "$SHADOW_PW" != "\$6\$iiab51\$D.IrrEeLBYIuJkGDmi27pZUGOwPFp98qpl3hxMwWV4hXigFGmdSvy3s/j7tn6OnyTTLmlV7SsN0lCUAFzxSop." ]; then return 0 ; fi if echo "${SHADOW}" | grep -q "${HASH}"; then zenity --warning --text="SSH is enabled and the default password for the 'iiab-admin' user has not been changed.\nThis is a security risk - please go to the iiab-console and use utilities-> change password to set a new password." fi } if service ssh status | grep -q running; then check_hash fi unset check_hash