- name: Set flag for fedora 18 set_fact: is_F18: True when: ansible_distribution_release == "based on Fedora 18" or ansible_distribution_version == "18" - name: get the uuidgen program package: name=uuid-runtime state=present when: is_debuntu # for rpi, without rtc, we need time as soon as possible - name: Install chrony package package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - chrony tags: - download #TODO: Use regexp filter instead of hard-code ip - name: Update chrony config file template: backup=no dest=/etc/chrony.conf src=chrony.conf.j2 - name: Disable selinux on next boot selinux: state=disabled register: selinux_disabled when: ansible_selinux is defined and ansible_version >= '2' and ansible_selinux or ansible_selinux['status'] is defined and ansible_version < '2' and ansible_selinux['status'] != 'disabled' - name: Disable selinux for this session (if needed) command: setenforce Permissive when: selinux_disabled is defined and selinux_disabled.changed ## DISCOVER PLATFORMS ###### - name: Discover if this is a rpi -- if so it has a bcm2709 processor set_fact: rpi_model: "rpi" is_rpi: "True" when: ansible_cmdline["bcm2709.serial"] is defined ignore_errors: true - include: prep.yml # we need to inialize the ini file - include: xsce_ini.yml - include: computed_vars.yml - include: detected_network.yml when: not installing # Patch Fedora 21+ so usbmount works # Set flag to True that was initialized to False in role defaults # We can't undo this - name: Does udev need patching set_fact: udev_needs_patch: True when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and ansible_distribution_version >= "21" # Same patch for CentOS 7.2 - name: Does udev need patching for Centos set_fact: udev_needs_patch: True when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_version >= "7.2.1511" - name: Copy udevd service to /etc/systemd/system to modify copy: src=/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service owner=root group=root mode=0644 when: udev_needs_patch - name: Change MountFlags from slave to shared lineinfile: backup=no dest=/etc/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service regexp='^MountFlags' line='MountFlags=shared' state=present when: udev_needs_patch - name: Restart systemd-udevd.service service: name=systemd-udevd state=restarted when: udev_needs_patch and not installing # Put conditional actions for hardware platforms here - include: raspberry_pi_2.yml when: rpi_model != "none" - name: Check if the identifier for intel's NUC6 builtin wifi is present shell: "lsusb | grep 8087:0a2b | wc |gawk '{print $1}'" register: usb_NUC6 ignore_errors: true - name: download the firmware for built in wifi on NUC6 get_url: dest=/lib/firmware url={{ xsce_download_url }}/iwlwifi-8000C-13.ucode when: usb_NUC6.stdout|int > 0