Contributing to Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) ======================================= Internet-in-a-Box runs on various GNU/Linux operating systems such as Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and Raspbian. You can install Internet-in-a-Box on x86_64 PCs/laptops and Raspberry Pi 3 (or 3 B+). Example PC's include Intel NUC and Gigabyte BRIX. Partial support is also available on OLPC laptops like the XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4. A VirtualBox VM can also be used for testing purposes. Using Docker containers however is not recommended as our Ansible provisioning system requires low-level access to the operating system. Finally, running Internet-in-a-Box on the Raspberry Pi Zero W is also possible, if you transfer a working IIAB (microSD card) that was built up inside a Raspberry Pi 3 (or 3 B+). Please refer to [IIAB Platforms]( for more information. Internet-in-a-Box uses [Ansible]( infrastructure automation tool to deploy and configure all software packages. Ansible uses [playbooks]( a human readable instruction files in YAML format. Playbooks are divided into hosts, roles and tasks. ``` ├── roles │ ├── 1-prep │ │ ├─ defaults | | | ├──main.yml (lowest precedence variable definitions, overridden by /vars/default_vars.yml, overridden by /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml) │ │ ├── README.rst │ │ ├── tasks | | | ├──main.yml (specifies the actions to install this role │ │ └── templates | | | ├── %} containers-(jinja2 language)> │ ├── 2-common │ │ ├── README.rst │ │ ├── tasks │ │ └── templates ``` At runtime, Ansible gathers system information and makes it available (called 'facts') and combines this with playbook defined 'variables' to guide the installation process. The execution follows a sequence of cascading steps: 1. Bash script `./iiab-install` follows instructions in `iiab-stages.yml` in the root directory. 2. `iiab-stages.yml` calls 9 aggregate roles (AKA stages, these are the numbered directories under `./roles/`) and then the network role. (Aside: the network role can also later be run using `./iiab-network`) 3. Each aggregate role AKA stage has a `/meta/main.yml` which calls its needed roles. Please refer to the [IIAB Architecture]( and [IIAB Variables]( pages for more information. Installation ============ Before you start the installation please refer to the [hardware section of FAQ]( page for memory, storage and network requirements for your platform. Also note that downloading content might take a long time on slower Internet connections. If you are a developer, please consider [building Internet-in-a-Box from scratch]( Please refer to the [IIAB Installation]( page for more information. Setting up development environment =================================== ( This section uses experimental development environment for Internet-in-a-Box. It is being developed in the [iiab-dev-mode repository]( ) This section provide a quick setup of Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) development environment using [Vagrant]( You will need a computer with [virtualization enabled]( and git, Vagrant (2.0 or later) and [VirtualBox]( installed. ## Requirements * git * [Vagrant (2.0 or later)]( * [VirtualBox]( * Editor ([Atom](, Emacs, vi, etc) ## Setup Instructions 1. Check out the repository and its submodules onto your development machine. `git clone --recursive` 2. Change directory into 'iiab-dev-mode' with `cd iiab-dev-mode`. You can update all the submodules to latest master using `git submodule foreach git pull origin master` 3. Set up a vagrant machine with `vagrant up` and provision it with `vagrant provision`. Please select the available bridge network interface (wlan0 or eth0) that connects your host machine to the Internet. 4. Connect to your vagrant machine with `vagrant ssh`. All your local development files available as shared folder in `/opt/iiab` directory. 5. Install IIAB itself from the Ansible playbooks by following [IIAB Installation]( instructions: ``` cd /opt/iiab/iiab/scripts/ ./ansible cd /opt/iiab/iiab/ ./runansible cd /opt/iiab/iiab-admin-console/ ./install cd /opt/iiab/iiab-menu/ ./cp-menus ``` 6. Hack away! 7. You can commit your local changes to your personal forks of Internet-in-a-Box repository and then send pull request to IIAB project. Once you forked a repository, you change directory into that repository and setting a default git remote push setting with the following command. `cd && git remote set-url --push origin` Learn more by reading blog post [Different git Push & Pull(fetch) URLs]( and the [Git Basics - Working with Remotes]( chapter of Scott Chacon and Ben Straub's "Git Pro" book. 8. Once you are done, you can stop your vagrant machine with `vagrant halt` or remove it completely with `vagrant destroy`. Debugging ========= Here are few strategies for debugging problems during the Internet-in-a-Box installation. * When a installation task fails, Ansible halts printing out a descriptive error message to the screen. This error information is also written to `iiab-install.log` file within `/opt/iiab/iiab`. (Look through logs to check if any preceding line contains the error). * When an installation succeeds, the last lines printed on the screen will look like the following (failed=0): ``` PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=405 changed=125 unreachable=0 failed=0 ``` * Search through the Ansible playbooks using `egrep -rn /opt/iiab/iiab/roles/*>` to find the failed task. * You can add additional [debug print statements]( to Ansible playbooks for debugging the problem. * Talk to us or report a bug using the information below. Please refer to [Ansible playbook documentation]( for more information. Testing your code with Travis CI ================================= To maintain the quality of the Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) code we use [Travis Continuous Integration (CI)]( build infrastructure. Travis CI does tests to ensure the code syntax is correct and the code is formatted properly using `ansible` syntax checker, `ansible-lint` and `ansible-review` tools. The results of Travis CI Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) could be seen [here]( Every pull request is automatically tested by Travis CI. The results of these tests are added to the pull request. This aids Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) developers in reviewing the quality of the code in a pull request. To test your forked repository of Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) code. You have to enable automatic build tests in your []( profile page. * Login to []( using your Github account. * Go to your Travis CI profile page and enable the repository you want to build. * The builds will start whenever a new commit is pushed to your repository. Please refer to [Travis CI documentation]( for more information. Reporting Bugs ============== You can file bug reports on [GitHub]( * Sign up for a [GitHub]( account * Go to the [issue tracker on GitHub]( * Search for existing issues using the search field * If you don't find any similar issues, file a new issue! Please consider providing a descriptive title, your operating system information, error messages and steps to reproduce the issue. Get in touch ============ * Join our [technology]( and [learning design]( mailing lists * Join our [live calls]( most Mondays and Thursday * Join us on IRC live chat: [#schoolserver]( on [freenode]( * Post an idea or question to our [community forums]( * Read our Frequently Asked Questions ([FAQ.IIAB.IO](http://FAQ.IIAB.IO))