#!/bin/bash -x # May 2018: lowercase "--adminuser=admin" is still required for some odd # reason, otherwise one cannot login to http://box.lan/moodle (with # Admin/changeme). At the same time --dbuser=Admin still begins with # a capital letter, in keeping with Internet-in-a-Box's other server apps? sudo -u {{ apache_user }} \ /usr/bin/php {{ moodle_base }}/admin/cli/install.php \ --wwwroot=http://{{ iiab_hostname }}.{{ iiab_domain }}/moodle \ --dataroot={{ moodle_data }} \ --dbtype=pgsql \ --dbname={{ moodle_db_name }} \ --dbuser=Admin --dbpass=changeme \ --fullname=Your_School \ --shortname=School \ --adminuser=admin --adminpass=changeme \ --non-interactive \ --agree-license \ --allow-unstable # TEMPORARY DURING MAY 2018 TESTING # 2021-07-05 ideas from https://github.com/moodlebox/moodlebox/blob/master/roles/moodleinstall/tasks/coreinstall.yml : # --lang= # moodlebox_moodle_lang # --dbtype=mariadb # --prefix= # moodlebox_moodle_db_prefix # --summary= # moodlebox_moodle_summary # --adminemail= # moodlebox_moodle_username @ moodlebox_hostname .invalid # Above vars set in https://github.com/moodlebox/moodlebox/blob/master/default.config.yml # 2021-07-05: No longer needed #chown {{ apache_user }}:{{ apache_user }} {{ moodle_base }}/config.php