- name: Install Munin if 'munin_installed' is not defined in {{ iiab_state_file }} # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml include_tasks: install.yml when: munin_installed is undefined - name: Enable or Disable Munin include_tasks: enable-or-disable.yml - name: Add 'munin' variable values to {{ iiab_ini_file }} ini_file: path: "{{ iiab_ini_file }}" section: munin option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value | string }}" with_items: - option: name value: Munin - option: description value: '"Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool that can help analyze resource trends and ''what just happened to kill our performance?'' problems."' - option: installed value: "{{ munin_install }}" - option: enabled value: "{{ munin_enabled }}"