# The sections of code interacting with the Matomo website are modified from code found at https://git.coop/webarch/matomo/. This code is distributed under # Version 3 of the GNU General Public License. We modified this code and applied it here in April 2022. The derived sections correspond to the tasks running # from "HTTP Get Welcome" through "Finish Matomo Setup", lines 45 through 156. - name: "WARNING: './runrole --reinstall matomo' CAN FAIL AS OF 2022-06-15, e.g. if /library/www/matomo already exists" meta: noop # EXAMPLE OF ABOVE ERROR: # TASK [matomo : HTTP Get Welcome] *************************************************************************************************************************************** # fatal: []: FAILED! => {"cache_control": "private, no-cache, no-store", "changed": false, "connection": "close", "content_type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", "date": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 05:07:41 GMT", "elapsed": 0, "expires": "Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT", "msg": "Status code was 500 and not [200]: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error", "pragma": "no-cache", "redirected": false, "server": "nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)", "set_cookie": "MATOMO_SESSID=psak3aem27vrdrt8t2f016600f; path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax", "status": 500, "transfer_encoding": "chunked", "url": "http://box.lan/matomo/index.php?action=welcome", "x_matomo_request_id": "fbfd2"} # https://matomo.org/faq/on-premise/matomo-requirements/ - name: Install Matomo's recommended PHP extensions package: name: - php{{ php_version }}-curl - php{{ php_version }}-gd - php{{ php_version }}-cli - php{{ php_version }}-mysql - php{{ php_version }}-xml - php{{ php_version }}-mbstring - name: "Run roles/www_options/tasks/set-php-limits.yml with 'nginx_high_php_limits: False' by default" include_tasks: roles/www_options/tasks/set-php-limits.yml when: set_php_limits_done is undefined - name: Start MariaDB #action: service name=mysql state=started systemd: name: "{{ mysql_service }}" state: started - name: Create MariaDB Database for Matomo community.mysql.mysql_db: name: "{{ matomo_db_name }}" #login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock - name: Add Admin User to MariaDB Database community.mysql.mysql_user: name: "{{ matomo_db_user }}" password: "{{ matomo_db_pass }}" update_password: on_create # OR SHOULD './runrole --reinstall matomo' FORCE A COMPLETELY CLEAN INSTALL? priv: "{{ matomo_db_name }}.*:ALL" #login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock - name: Download and Extract Matomo (~1 min) unarchive: src: "{{ matomo_dl_url }}" # e.g. https://builds.matomo.org/matomo.tar.gz dest: "{{ matomo_path }}" # e.g. /library/www remote_src: yes - name: Set Matomo Directory Permissions file: path: "{{ matomo_path }}/matomo" recurse: yes owner: "{{ apache_user }}" # e.g. www-data group: "{{ apache_user }}" - name: HTTP Get Welcome uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=welcome" # e.g. http://box.lan/matomo method: GET status_code: 200 register: matomo_welcome - debug: var: matomo_welcome - name: Set a variable for the MATOMO_SESSID cookie set_fact: matomo_session_cookie: "MATOMO_SESSID={{ cookie.value }}" when: cookie.key == "MATOMO_SESSID" loop: "{{ matomo_welcome.cookies | dict2items }}" loop_control: loop_var: cookie - name: Get Matomo System Check uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=systemCheck" method: GET headers: Cookie: "{{ matomo_session_cookie }}" return_content: true timeout: 120 status_code: 200 register: matomo_system_check - debug: var: matomo_system_check - name: Matomo Database Setup uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=databaseSetup" method: POST headers: Cookie: "{{ matomo_session_cookie }}" body: username: "{{ matomo_db_user }}" password: "{{ matomo_db_pass }}" dbname: "{{ matomo_db_name }}" tables_prefix: "matomo_" adapter: "PDO\\MYSQL" body_format: form-urlencoded status_code: 302 #register: matomo_database_setup - name: Matomo Table Creation uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=tablesCreation&module=Installation" method: GET status_code: 200 register: matomo_table_creation - name: Set a variable for the MATOMO_SESSID cookie set_fact: matomo_session_cookie: "MATOMO_SESSID={{ cookie.value }}" when: - matomo_table_creation.cookies is defined - matomo_table_creation.cookies | length > 0 - cookie.key == "MATOMO_SESSID" loop: "{{ matomo_table_creation.cookies | dict2items }}" loop_control: loop_var: cookie - debug: var: matomo_table_creation - name: Matomo User Setup uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=setupSuperUser&module=Installation" method: POST headers: Cookie: "{{ matomo_session_cookie }}" body: login: "{{ matomo_db_user }}" password: "{{ matomo_db_pass }}" password_bis: "{{ matomo_db_pass }}" email: "nobody@dev.null" subscribe_newsletter_piwikorg: 0 subscribe_newsletter_professionalservices: 0 body_format: form-urlencoded status_code: 302 #register: matomo_setup_superuser - name: Configure Matomo to track IIAB uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=firstWebsiteSetup&module=Installation" method: POST headers: Cookie: "{{ matomo_session_cookie }}" body: siteName: "IIAB" url: "{{ matomo_host_url }}" ecommerce: 0 body_format: form-urlencoded status_code: [200, 302] register: _result - name: Fallback Configure Matomo to track IIAB uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=firstWebsiteSetup&module=Installation" method: POST headers: Cookie: "{{ matomo_session_cookie }}" body: siteName: "IIAB" url: "{{ matomo_host_url }}" timezone: "Europe/London" ecommerce: 0 body_format: form-urlencoded status_code: 302 when: _result.status == 200 - name: Matomo Tracking Code uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=trackingCode&module=Installation&site_idSite=1&site_name={{ matomo_host_url }}" method: GET headers: Cookie: "{{ matomo_session_cookie }}" return_content: true status_code: 200 #register: matomo_tracking_code - name: Finish Matomo Setup uri: url: "{{ matomo_full_url }}index.php?action=finished&module=Installation" method: POST headers: Cookie: "{{ matomo_session_cookie }}" body: do_not_track: 1 anonymise_ip: 1 submit: "Continue to Matomo" body_format: form-urlencoded status_code: 302 - name: Start Collecting Matomo Data cron: name: "MatomoDataIngestionOnReboot" special_time: reboot job: "{{ matomo_cronjob }}" user: root cron_file: "matomo_reboot" - name: Run Daily Job Collecting Matomo Data cron: name: "DailyMatomoDataIngestion" minute: "0" hour: "0" job: "{{ matomo_cronjob }}" user: root cron_file: "matomo_daily" - name: Set Permissions for token.php copy: content: "" dest: "{{ matomo_path }}/matomo/tmp/cache/token.php" group: "{{ apache_user }}" owner: "{{ apache_user }}" - name: Set Permissions for tracker Directory file: path: "{{ matomo_path }}/matomo/tmp/cache/tracker" state: directory owner: "{{ apache_user }}" group: "{{ apache_user }}" - name: Don't Check for Trusted Host ini_file: path: "{{ matomo_path }}/matomo/config/config.ini.php" section: General option: enable_trusted_host_check value: 0 # RECORD Matomo AS INSTALLED - name: "Set 'matomo_installed: True'" set_fact: matomo_installed: True - name: "Add 'matomo_installed: True' to {{ iiab_state_file }}" lineinfile: path: "{{ iiab_state_file }}" # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml regexp: '^matomo_installed' line: 'matomo_installed: True'