- name: Download the phpMyAdmin software get_url: url: "{{ iiab_download_url }}/{{ phpmyadmin_name_zip }}" dest: "{{ downloads_dir }}" #register: phpmyadmin_dl_output when: internet_available - name: Check if /opt/iiab/downloads/{{ phpmyadmin_name_zip }} exists stat: path: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ phpmyadmin_name_zip }}" register: phpmyadmin_dl - name: FAIL (force Ansible to exit) IF /opt/iiab/downloads/{{ phpmyadmin_name_zip }} doesn't exist fail: msg: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ phpmyadmin_name_zip }} is REQUIRED in order to install phpMyAdmin." when: not phpmyadmin_dl.stat.exists - name: Unzip to permanent location /opt/{{ phpmyadmin_name }} unarchive: src: "{{ downloads_dir }}/{{ phpmyadmin_name_zip }}" dest: /opt owner: "{{ apache_user }}" - name: Create symbolic link /opt/phpmyadmin to phpMyAdmin folder above file: src: "{{ phpmyadmin_name }}" dest: /opt/phpmyadmin owner: "{{ apache_user }}" state: link - name: Copy phpMyAdmin's config file into place template: src: config.inc.php dest: /opt/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php owner: "{{ apache_user }}" # Above 3 stanzas set link/tree/contents ownership to {{ apache_user }}:root # OOPS: CHOWN BELOW CHANGED LINK ALONE (TREE/CONTENTS REMAINED root:root) # - name: Change the owner of the PHP tree to Apache # shell: "chown -R {{ apache_user }} /opt/phpmyadmin" # #file: # # path: "/opt/{{ phpmyadmin_name_zip }}" # # owner: "{{ apache_user }}" # # recurse: yes # # state: directory - name: Put the alias into Apache config when enabled template: src: phpmyadmin.j2 dest: "/etc/{{ apache_config_dir }}/phpmyadmin.conf" when: phpmyadmin_enabled - name: Enable phpMyAdmin file: src: /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpmyadmin.conf dest: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf state: link when: phpmyadmin_enabled and is_debuntu - name: Remove the alias into Apache config when not enabled file: path: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf state: absent when: not phpmyadmin_enabled and is_debuntu - name: Add phpmyadmin to list of services at /etc/iiab/iiab.ini ini_file: dest: "{{ service_filelist }}" section: phpmyadmin option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" with_items: - option: name value: phpMyAdmin - option: description value: '"phpMyAdmin is an interface with a MySQL database written in PHP, and available to administer the database engine locally or across the network."' - option: path value: /opt/phpmyadmin - option: enabled value: "{{ phpmyadmin_enabled }}"