- name: Install mongodb required packages package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - mongodb-server - mongodb when: internet_available tags: - download - name: create the data directory for mongodb file: state=directory path={{ item.path }} owner=mongodb with_items: - { path: '/var/run/mongodb' } - { path: '/library/dbdata/mongodb' } - { path: '/var/log/mongodb' } - name: Create systemd files template: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} owner=root group=root mode=0644 with_items: - { src: 'mongodb.service' , dest: '/etc/systemd/system/' } - { src: 'mongodb' , dest: '/etc/sysconfig/'} - { src: 'mongod.conf' , dest: '/etc/mongod.conf'} - { src: 'mongod.conf' , dest: '/etc/mongodb.conf'} - name: enable services service: name={{ item.name }} enabled=yes state=restarted with_items: - { name: mongodb } when: mongodb_enabled - name: disable services service: name={{ item.name }} enabled=no state=stopped with_items: - { name: mongodb } when: not mongodb_enabled - name: add mongodb to service list ini_file: dest='{{ service_filelist }}' section=mongodb option='{{ item.option }}' value='"{{ item.value }}"' with_items: - option: name value: MongoDB - option: description value: '"MongoDB is an open-source document database that provides high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling."' - option: enabled value: "{{ mongodb_enabled }}"