- name: Get the WordPress software get_url: url="{{ iiab_download_url }}/{{ wordpress_src }}" dest={{ downloads_dir}}/ when: not {{ use_cache }} and not {{ no_network }} tags: - download2 - name: Copy it to permanent location /library unarchive: src={{ downloads_dir}}/{{ wordpress_src }} dest=/library - name: Rename /library/wordpress* to /library/wordpress shell: if [ ! -d {{ wp_abs_path }} ]; then mv {{ wp_abs_path }}* {{ wp_abs_path }}; fi # First pass at permissions and ownership - name: Make apache owner and group file: path={{ wp_abs_path }} recurse=yes owner=root group={{ apache_user }} mode=0664 state=directory - name: Make directories 775 so apache can traverse and write command: "/usr/bin/find {{ wp_abs_path }} -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +" - name: Copy wp salt values copy: src=wp-keys.php.BAK dest={{ wp_abs_path }}/wp-keys.php.BAK owner=root group={{ apache_user }} mode=0640 # Fetch random salts for WordPress config into wp-keys.php file by generating script and running - name: Create wp salt script template: src=get-iiab-wp-salts.j2 dest=/tmp/get-iiab-wp-salts owner=root group=root mode=0700 - name: Run wp salt script to create /library/wordpress/wp-keys.php command: /tmp/get-iiab-wp-salts - name: Cleanup - remove wp salt script file: path=/tmp/get-iiab-wp-salts state=absent - name: mysql database needs to be running if we are trying to create a new db service: state=started name='{{ mysql_service }}' - name: Create mysql wordpress database mysql_db: name={{ wp_db_name }} state=present - name: Create mysql wordpress database user mysql_user: name={{ wp_db_user }} password={{ wp_db_user_password }} priv={{ wp_db_name }}.*:ALL,GRANT state=present - name: Copy WordPress config file template: src=wp-config.php.j2 dest={{ wp_abs_path }}/wp-config.php owner=root group={{ apache_user }} mode=0660 - name: Copy WordPress httpd conf file template: src=wordpress.conf.j2 dest=/etc/{{ apache_config_dir }}/wordpress.conf - name: Enable httpd conf file if we are disabled file: path=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf src=/etc/apache2/sites-available/wordpress.conf state=link when: wordpress_enabled and is_debuntu - name: Remove httpd conf file if we are disabled file: path=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf state=absent when: not wordpress_enabled and is_debuntu - name: Restart apache, so it picks up the new aliases service: name={{ apache_service }} state=restarted - name: Add wordpress to service list ini_file: dest='{{ service_filelist }}' section=wordpress option='{{ item.option }}' value='{{ item.value }}' with_items: - option: name value: wordpress - option: description value: '"WordPress is a blog and web site management application."' - option: wordpress_src value: "{{ wordpress_src }}" - option: wp_abs_path value: "{{ wp_abs_path }}" - option: wp_db_name value: "{{ wp_db_name }}" - option: wp_db_user value: "{{ wp_db_user }}" - option: wp_url value: "{{ wp_url }}" - option: wp_full_url value: "{{ wp_full_url }}" - option: wordpress_enabled value: "{{ wordpress_enabled }}"