mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 15:40:17 +00:00
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122 lines
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# 2022-07-22: Moved from detected_network.yml to netplan.yml AND restart.yml (REMOVE DUPLICATE CODE LATER?!)
- name: Figure out netplan file name
shell: ls /etc/netplan
register: netplan
#ignore_errors: True # pre 17.10 doesn't use netplan
# 2022-07-23: PR #3319 "Ubuntu variants [all] use NetworkManager as the backend
# for use with netplan and ship with systemd-networkd present but disabled"
- name: "Force default 'systemd_networkd_active: False' -- nec b/c network/default/main.yml is omitted when 1-prep directly invokes network/tasks/install.yml"
systemd_networkd_active: False
# 2022-07-22: Copied from detected_network.yml (REMOVE DUPLICATE CODE LATER?!)
- name: "Set 'systemd_networkd_active: True' if local_facts.systemd_networkd confirms"
systemd_networkd_active: True
when: ansible_local.local_facts.systemd_networkd == "enabled" or ansible_local.local_facts.systemd_networkd == "enabled-runtime"
- name: Disable cloud-init the easy way
shell: touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled
when: item|trim == "50-cloud-init.yaml"
- "{{ netplan.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Moving 50-cloud-init.yaml to 02-iiab-config.yaml
shell: mv /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml /etc/netplan/02-iiab-config.yaml
when: netplan.stdout.find("yaml") != -1 and item|trim == "50-cloud-init.yaml"
- "{{ netplan.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Cheap way to do systemd unmask
state: absent
dest: /etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
- name: Ensure systemd-networkd-wait-online is enabled
name: "{{ item }}"
enabled: yes
- systemd-networkd-wait-online
when: systemd_networkd_active
# Moved to NM-debian.yml 2020-12-07
#- name: Unmask and enable the systemd-networkd service for br0
# systemd:
# name: systemd-networkd
# enabled: yes
# masked: no
# when: network_manager_active and iiab_lan_iface == "br0"
# Moved to NM-debian.yml 2020-12-07
#- name: Ensure systemd-networkd gets enabled for br0
# set_fact:
# systemd_networkd_active: True
# when: network_manager_active and iiab_lan_iface == "br0"
# ICO will always set gui_static_wan_ip away from the default of 'unset' while
# gui_static_wan turns dhcp on/off through wan_ip in computed_network and
# overrides gui_static_wan_ip that is present. Changing wan_ip in local_vars
# is a oneway street to static.
#- name: Static IP computing CIDR
# shell: netmask {{ wan_ip }}/{{ wan_netmask }} | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'
# register: CIDR
# when: wan_ip != "dhcp"
#- name: Static IP setting CIDR
# set_fact:
# wan_cidr: "{{ CIDR.stdout }}"
# when: wan_ip != "dhcp"
- name: Remove stock netplan template
state: absent
path: /etc/netplan/{{ item }}
when: netplan.stdout.find("yaml") != -1 and item|trim != "02-iiab-config.yaml" and wan_ip != "dhcp"
- "{{ netplan.stdout_lines }}"
# 2022-06-30: Ubuntu Groovy (20.10) is ancient history but this code might now
# help Linux Mint ?
# 2022-05-29: @jvonau wrote on #3106 "networkd-dispatcher has a traceback,
# I suspect the cause is the same as found #2645, need to confirm the package
# version installed with apt list networkd-dispatcher before suggesting the
# workaround be extended to LinuxMint"
# - name: Replace networkd-dispatcher #2585 for "groovy"
# get_url:
# url: https://gitlab.com/craftyguy/networkd-dispatcher/-/raw/2.1/networkd-dispatcher
# dest: /usr/bin/networkd-dispatcher
# timeout: "{{ download_timeout }}"
# when: iiab_stage|int < 9 and fix_dispatcher and ansible_distribution_release == "groovy"
# # 2021-08-29 context from @jvonau: Fix is 'Groovy' specific, 21.04 and later
# # should have the fix baked into a newer apt package installed by default.
#- name: Supply netplan template
# template:
# dest: /etc/netplan/01-iiab-config.yaml
# src: network/netplan.j2
# backup: no
# when: iiab_wan_iface != discovered_wireless_iface and wan_ip != "dhcp"
# should blow up here if we messed up the yml file
#- name: Generate netplan config
# shell: netplan generate --debug
#- name: Stopping services
# include_tasks: down-debian.yml
# wants a controlling terminal for the ENTER key, so it fails
#- name: Test netplan config
# shell: netplan try --debug --timeout=2
# register: test-netplan
# ignore_errors: True
# and does not apply the generated config until rebooted
# or ignore the above test - on the fence atm...
#- name: Reload netplan
# shell: netplan apply
# when: not no_net_restart and test-netplan == "Configuration accepted"