mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 11:42:08 +00:00
294 lines
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- name: Checking iiab_domain_name
shell: "cat /etc/sysconfig/iiab_domain_name"
register: prior_domain
ignore_errors: True
# above always registers
- name: Checking for prior domain name
iiab_domain: "{{ prior_domain.stdout }}"
when: prior_domain.stdout != "lan" and prior_domain.stdout != ""
- name: iiab_wan_device
shell: "cat /etc/sysconfig/iiab_wan_device"
register: prior_gw
ignore_errors: True
- name: Checking for old device gateway interface for device test
device_gw: "{{ prior_gw.stdout }}"
device_gw2: "{{ prior_gw.stdout }}"
when: prior_gw is defined and prior_gw.stdout != ""
- name: Checking for ifcfg-WAN file
stat: path=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-WAN
register: has_ifcfg_WAN
- name: Setting ifcfg-WAN True
has_WAN: True
when: has_ifcfg_WAN.stat.exists
# DETECT -- gateway and wireless
- name: Get a list of slaves from previous config
shell: "egrep -rn BRIDGE=br0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* | gawk -F'[-:]' '{print $3}'"
register: ifcfg_slaves
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: False
# Discover do we have a gateway? -- if ansible detects gateway, becomes WAN candidate
- name: Finding gateway
discovered_wan_iface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.alias }}"
when: 'ansible_default_ipv4.gateway is defined'
- name: Verify gateway present
shell: ping -c2 "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.gateway }}" &> /dev/null ; echo $?
register: gw_active_test
when: discovered_wan_iface != "none"
- name: Recording gateway response
gw_active: True
when: discovered_wan_iface != "none" and gw_active_test.stdout == "0"
- name: Test for internet access
get_url: url="{{ iiab_download_url }}/heart-beat.txt" dest=/tmp/heart-beat.txt
ignore_errors: True
# async: 10
# poll: 2
register: internet_access_test
- name: Set internet_available true if wget succeeded
internet_available: True
when: not internet_access_test|failed and not disregard_network
- name: Cleanup internet test file
file: path=/tmp/heart-beat.txt
- name: Setting wan if detected
iiab_wan_iface: "{{ discovered_wan_iface }}"
device_gw: "{{ discovered_wan_iface }}"
when: discovered_wan_iface != "none"
# returns list of paths
- name: Find gateway config based on device
shell: "egrep -rn {{ device_gw }} /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg* | gawk -F ':' '{print $1}'"
register: ifcfg_gw_device
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: False
when: device_gw != "none"
# last match wins
- name: Setting has ifcfg gw based on device if found
has_ifcfg_gw: "{{ item|trim }}"
ignore_errors: True
when: ifcfg_gw_device.stdout_lines is defined and item|trim != "" and item|trim != "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-LAN"
- "{{ ifcfg_gw_device.stdout_lines }}"
# returns path
- name: Find active gateway config based on macaddress
shell: "egrep -irn {{ ansible_default_ipv4.macaddress }} /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg* | gawk -F ':' '{print $1}' | head -n 1"
register: ifcfg_gw_mac
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: False
when: 'ansible_default_ipv4.gateway is defined'
- name: Set has ifcfg gw based on on macaddress if found
has_ifcfg_gw: "{{ ifcfg_gw_mac.stdout|trim }}"
when: ifcfg_gw_mac.stdout is defined and ifcfg_gw_mac.stdout != ""
# could use something else
- name: Find wifi gateway config if present
shell: egrep -rn ESSID /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg* | gawk -F ':' '{print $1}' | gawk -F '/' '{print $5}'
register: ifcfg_WAN_wifi
ignore_errors: True
#returns file name
- name: Setting has_wifi_gw based on ESSID if found
has_wifi_gw: "{{ item|trim }}"
when: ifcfg_WAN_wifi.changed and item|trim != ""
- "{{ ifcfg_WAN_wifi.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Finding device for wifi AP gateway
shell: egrep -rn DEVICE /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/{{ has_wifi_gw }} | gawk -F '=' '{print $2}'
register: AP_device
when: has_wifi_gw != "none" and has_ifcfg_gw != "none"
- name: Setting wifi device
ap_device: "{{ AP_device.stdout }}"
when: AP_device.stdout is defined and AP_device.stdout != ""
# WIRELESS -- if any wireless is detected as gateway, it becomes WAN
- name: Look for any wireless interfaces
shell: "cat /proc/net/wireless | grep -v -e Inter -e face | gawk -F: '{print $1}' "
register: wireless_list1
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: False
- name: Set the discovered wireless, if found
wifi1: "{{ item|trim }}"
discovered_wireless_iface: "{{ item|trim }}"
when: item|trim != "" and item|trim != discovered_wan_iface
- "{{ wireless_list1.stdout_lines }}"
# WIRELESS -- Sigh... Not all drivers update /proc/net/wireless correctly
- name: Look for any wireless interfaces take 2
shell: "ls -la /sys/class/net/*/phy80211 | awk -F / '{print $5}'"
register: wireless_list2
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: False
# Last device is used
- name: Set the discovered wireless, if found take 2
wifi2: "{{ item|trim }}"
discovered_wireless_iface: "{{ item|trim }}"
when: wireless_list2.stdout != "" and item|trim != discovered_wan_iface
- "{{ wireless_list2.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Count Wifi ifaces
shell: "ls -la /sys/class/net/*/phy80211 | awk -F / '{print $5}' | wc -l"
register: count_wifi_interfaces
- name: Remember number of Wifi devices
num_wifi_interfaces: "{{ count_wifi_interfaces.stdout|int }}"
# XO hack here ap_device would not be active therefore not set with
# wired as gw use ap_device to exclude eth0 from network calulations
- name: XO override 2 wifi on LAN
ap_device: "eth0"
when: iiab_wan_iface != "eth0" and discovered_wireless_iface != "none" and xo_model == "XO-1.5"
# takes adapter name
- name: Blacklisted wifi adapter
ap_device: "{{ blacklist_wifi }}"
when: blacklist_wifi is defined and discovered_wireless_iface != iiab_wan_iface and num_wifi_interfaces >= "2"
# LAN - pick non WAN's
- name: Create list of LAN (non wan) ifaces
shell: ls /sys/class/net | grep -v -e wwlan -e ppp -e lo -e br0 -e tun -e {{ device_gw }} -e {{ ap_device }}
register: lan_list_result
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: false
# Select an adapter that is not WAN and not wireless
# if there is more than one the last one wins
- name: Set iiab discovered lan fact
discovered_lan_iface: "{{ item|trim }}"
when: item|trim != discovered_wireless_iface and item|trim != discovered_wan_iface
- "{{ lan_list_result.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Count LAN ifaces
shell: ls /sys/class/net | grep -v -e wwlan -e ppp -e lo -e br0 -e tun -e {{ device_gw }} -e {{ ap_device }} | wc -l
register: num_lan_interfaces_result
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: false
# facts are apparently all stored as text, so do text comparisons from here on
- name: Calulate number of LAN interfaces including WiFi
num_lan_interfaces: "{{ num_lan_interfaces_result.stdout|int }}"
# If 2 interfaces found in gateway mode, with one wifi, declare other to be wan
#- name: In gateway mode with one wifi adapter, the other is WAN
# set_fact:
# iiab_wan_iface: "{{ discovered_lan_iface }}"
# iiab_lan_iface: "{{ discovered_wireless_iface }}"
# num_lan_interfaces: "1"
# when: iiab_lan_enabled and iiab_wan_enabled and num_lan_interfaces == "2" and discovered_wireless_iface != "none" and iiab_wan_iface == "none"
- name: Set the variable for wireless_iface if present
iiab_wireless_lan_iface: "{{ discovered_wireless_iface }}"
when: discovered_wireless_iface != "none" and discovered_wireless_iface != iiab_wan_iface
- name: Get a list of ifcfg files to delete
shell: "ls -1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* | grep -v -e ifcfg-lo -e ifcfg-WAN -e {{ has_wifi_gw }}"
register: ifcfg_files
changed_when: False
ignore_errors: True
when: num_lan_interfaces >= "1" or iiab_wireless_lan_iface != "none"
# use value only if present
- name: Setting detected lan
iiab_lan_iface: "{{ discovered_lan_iface }}"
when: 'discovered_lan_iface != "none" and num_lan_interfaces == "1"'
- name: for debian, always use bridging
iiab_lan_iface: br0
when: 'discovered_lan_iface != "none" and num_lan_interfaces >= "1" and is_debuntu'
- name: 2 or more devices on the LAN - use bridging
iiab_lan_iface: br0
when: 'discovered_lan_iface != "none" and num_lan_interfaces >= "2" and not is_debian'
- name: WiFi is on the LAN - use bridging
iiab_lan_iface: br0
when: iiab_wireless_lan_iface != "none"
# OK try old gw this is a best guess based on what's in
# /etc/sysconfig/iiab_wan_device's last state intended to
# provide a seed value to display in the GUI when no
# gateway is present but we had one.
- name: Has old gateway and no discovered gateway setting WAN
gui_wan_iface: "{{ device_gw }}"
when: user_wan_iface == "auto" and device_gw != "none" and discovered_wan_iface == "none"
- name: Add location section to config file
ini_file: dest='{{ iiab_config_file }}'
option='{{ item.option }}'
value='{{ item.value }}'
- option: 'gateway_active'
value: '{{ gw_active }}'
- option: 'internet_available'
value: '{{ internet_available }}'
- option: 'gateway_ifcfg'
value: '{{ has_ifcfg_gw }}'
- option: 'detected_gateway'
value: '{{ discovered_wan_iface }}'
- option: 'prior_gateway'
value: '{{ device_gw2 }}'
- option: 'wireless_list_1'
value: '{{ wifi1 }}'
- option: 'wireless_list_2'
value: '{{ wifi2 }}'
- option: 'num_wifi_interfaces'
value: '{{ num_wifi_interfaces }}'
- option: 'discovered_wireless_iface'
value: '{{ discovered_wireless_iface }}'
- option: 'iiab_wireless_lan_iface'
value: '{{ iiab_wireless_lan_iface }}'
- option: 'num_lan_interfaces'
value: '{{ num_lan_interfaces }}'
- option: 'detected_lan'
value: '{{ discovered_lan_iface }}'
- option: 'static_wan'
value: '{{ gui_static_wan }}'