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Creates temp library.xml file for kiwix from contents of /zims/content and index
Updated to handle incremental additions and deletions
Author: Tim Moody <tim(at)timmoody(dot)com>
Contributors: Jerry Vonau <jvonau3(at)gmail.com>
import os, sys, syslog
import pwd, grp
import argparse
import iiab.iiab_lib as iiab
import iiab.adm_lib as adm
adm_cons_installed = True
adm_cons_installed = False
def main():
zim_path = iiab.CONST.zim_path
zim_version_idx_dir = ""
if adm_cons_installed:
zim_version_idx_dir = adm.CONST.zim_version_idx_dir
args = parse_args()
# args.device is either value or None
if args.device: # allow override of path
zim_path = args.device + zim_path
zim_version_idx_dir = args.device + zim_version_idx_dir
kiwix_library_xml = zim_path + "/library.xml"
if not args.no_tmp: # don't append .tmp
kiwix_library_xml += ".tmp"
# remove existing file if force
if args.force:
except OSError:
zims_installed = {}
path_to_id_map = {}
zims_installed, path_to_id_map = iiab.read_library_xml(kiwix_library_xml)
zim_files, zim_versions = iiab.get_zim_list(zim_path)
# Remove zims not in file system from library.xml
remove_list_str = ""
for item in path_to_id_map:
if item not in zim_files:
iiab.rem_libr_xml(path_to_id_map[item], kiwix_library_xml)
# Add zims from file system that are not in library.xml
for item in zim_files:
if item not in path_to_id_map:
iiab.add_libr_xml(kiwix_library_xml, zim_path, item, zim_files[item])
# Create zim_versions_idx if Admin Console installed
if adm_cons_installed:
print("Writing zim_versions_idx")
iiab.read_lang_codes() # needed by following
zim_menu_defs = adm.get_zim_menu_defs() # read all menu defs
adm.write_zim_versions_idx(zim_versions, kiwix_library_xml, zim_version_idx_dir, zim_menu_defs)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create library.xml for Kiwix.")
parser.add_argument("--device", help="no trailing /. change the target device from internal storage to something else like /media/usb0")
parser.add_argument("--no_tmp", help="don't append .tmp to the library.xml name", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="force complete rebuild of library.xml", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Print messages.", action="store_true")
return parser.parse_args()
# Now start the application
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run the main routine