mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 06:44:47 +00:00
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# Role "www_base" runs earlier, likely in 3-BASE-SERVER.
# Role "www_options" runs here, probably in 4-SERVER-OPTIONS.
- name: Record (initial) disk space used
shell: df -B1 --output=used / | tail -1
register: df1
- name: Create dir {{ doc_root }}{{ iiab_home_url }} just in case variable iiab_home_url was customized. (Standard path {{doc_root}}/home was created earlier.)
state: directory
path: "{{ doc_root }}{{ iiab_home_url }}" # e.g. /library/www/html/home
owner: "{{ apache_user }}"
group: "{{ apache_user }}"
mode: '0755'
# Used to be run by httpd/tasks/install.yml
#- name: "IN CASE NGINX IS DISABLED: Enable IIAB pages via Apache (e.g. on port 80) if apache_install"
# include_tasks: roles/httpd/tasks/homepage.yml
# when: apache_installed is defined
# Used to be run by nginx/tasks/install.yml
- name: Enable IIAB pages via NGINX (e.g. on port 80) if nginx_install
include_tasks: roles/nginx/tasks/homepage.yml
when: nginx_installed is defined
# 2022-07-22: SIMILAR TO roles/iiab-admin/tasks/pwd-warnings.yml FOR passwords
# AND roles/network/tasks/netwarn.yml FOR iiab-network
# 2024-12-12: RasPiOS changed compositor from wayfire to labwc: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=379321
- name: Does directory /home/{{ iiab_admin_user }}/.config/labwc/ exist?
path: /home/{{ iiab_admin_user }}/.config/labwc/
register: labwc_dir
- name: Does /usr/bin/chromium-browser exist?
path: /usr/bin/chromium-browser
register: chromium_browser
# - name: Does /usr/bin/chromium exist? (check for browser filename change)
# stat:
# path: /usr/bin/chromium
# register: chromium_present
# 2024-12-12: RasPiOS changed compositor from wayfire to labwc: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=379321
- name: If both above exist, add '/usr/bin/chromium-browser --disable-restore-session-state http://box/home &' to /home/{{ iiab_admin_user }}/.config/labwc/autostart
path: /home/{{ iiab_admin_user }}/.config/labwc/autostart # iiab-admin
create: yes
regexp: '^/usr/bin/chromium'
line: '/usr/bin/chromium-browser --disable-restore-session-state http://box/home &'
when: labwc_dir.stat.exists and labwc_dir.stat.isdir and chromium_browser.stat.exists
# - name: Add chromium to /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
# lineinfile:
# path: /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
# regexp: '^/usr/bin/chromium'
# line: '/usr/bin/chromium --disable-restore-session-state http://box/home'
# when: lxde_pi_autostart_present.stat.exists and chromium_present.stat.exists
# 2022-12-29: php-settings.yml is ALSO attempted (on demand) by every
# <ROLE>/tasks/install.yml that needs it (Matomo, Moodle, Nextcloud, PBX,
# WordPress) so './runrole <ROLE>' and similar are fully self-sufficient!
- name: "Run php-settings.yml -- allows post-install toggling of nginx_high_php_limits in /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml -- if you run './runrole www_options'"
include_tasks: php-settings.yml
when: nginx_high_php_limits or matomo_install or moodle_install or nextcloud_install or pbx_install or wordpress_install
# 'Is a "Rapid Power Off" button possible for low-electricity environments?'
# gives more details here: http://FAQ.IIAB.IO
# COMPARE nginx_high_php_limits further above.
# 2020-03-08: DOES THE FLAG BELOW (allow_www_data_poweroff) PRESUMABLY WORK
# WITH NGINX TOO ? (The single-click poweroff button on IIAB's home
# page certainly does still work with NGINX.)
- name: Give {{ apache_user }} (per variable apache_user) permission to poweroff, installing /etc/sudoers.d/020_www_data_poweroff from template
src: 020_www_data_poweroff.j2
dest: /etc/sudoers.d/020_www_data_poweroff
mode: '0440'
when: allow_www_data_poweroff
- name: Remove {{ apache_user }} (per variable apache_user) permission to poweroff, removing /etc/sudoers.d/020_www_data_poweroff
path: /etc/sudoers.d/020_www_data_poweroff
state: absent
when: not allow_www_data_poweroff
# 2022-06-30: internet_available var removed
- name: 'Test for Internet access, using: https://wiki.iiab.io'
#url: "{{ iiab_download_url }}/heart-beat.txt"
url: https://wiki.iiab.io
#dest: /tmp/heart-beat.txt
dest: /tmp/internet_access_test.html
#timeout: "{{ download_timeout }}"
# @jvonau recommends: 100sec is too much (keep 10sec default)
ignore_errors: True
#async: 10
#poll: 2
register: internet_access_test
- name: Remove downloaded Internet test file /tmp/internet_access_test.html
path: /tmp/internet_access_test.html
state: absent
- name: Run /usr/bin/iiab-refresh-wiki-docs (scraper script) to create http://box/info offline documentation. (This script was installed in Stage 3 = roles/3-base-server/tasks/main.yml, which ran roles/www_base/tasks/main.yml)
command: /usr/bin/iiab-refresh-wiki-docs
when: not internet_access_test.failed and not nodocs
- name: (Re)Start '{{ apache_service }}' systemd service, if installed & enabled
name: "{{ apache_service }}" # apache2 on debuntu
state: restarted
when: apache_installed is defined and apache_enabled
- name: (Re)Start 'nginx' systemd service, if nginx_enabled
name: nginx
state: restarted
when: nginx_enabled
- name: Record (final) disk space used
shell: df -B1 --output=used / | tail -1
register: df2
- name: Add 'www_options_disk_usage = {{ df2.stdout|int - df1.stdout|int }}' to {{ iiab_ini_file }}
path: "{{ iiab_ini_file }}" # /etc/iiab/iiab.ini
section: www_options
option: www_options_disk_usage
value: "{{ df2.stdout|int - df1.stdout|int }}"
- name: "Set 'www_options_installed: True'"
www_options_installed: True
- name: "Add 'www_options_installed: True' to {{ iiab_state_file }}"
path: "{{ iiab_state_file }}" # /etc/iiab/iiab_state.yml
regexp: '^www_options_installed'
line: 'www_options_installed: True'