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synced 2025-02-15 04:32:11 +00:00
189 lines
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Executable file
189 lines
9.6 KiB
Executable file
#!/bin/bash -e
# 'remoteit' Device Package AND /usr/bin/remoteit CLI already installed by:
# https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/remoteit/tasks/install.yml
# http://FAQ.IIAB.IO -> "How can I remotely manage my Internet-in-a-Box?"
iiab_var_value() {
v1=$(grep "^$1:\s" /opt/iiab/iiab/vars/default_vars.yml | tail -1 | sed "s/^$1:\s\+//; s/#.*//; s/\s*$//; s/^\(['\"]\)\(.*\)\1$/\2/")
v2=$(grep "^$1:\s" /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml | tail -1 | sed "s/^$1:\s\+//; s/#.*//; s/\s*$//; s/^\(['\"]\)\(.*\)\1$/\2/")
[[ $v2 != "" ]] && echo $v2 || echo $v1 # [ "$v2" ] ALSO WORKS
echo -e "\nLet's enable https://remote.it to help you remotely manage this IIAB:\n"
echo -e "https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/remoteit/README.md\n"
# If someone manually deleted the dir, that blocks generation of claim code,
# and also license key extraction from /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml just below.
[ ! -d /etc/remoteit ] &&
mkdir /etc/remoteit
# Passwords and license keys in /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml are not a healthy
# precedent :/ (Going forward let's try to keep such fully in their own apps.)
KEY1=$(iiab_var_value remoteit_license_key)
if [[ $KEY1 != "" ]]; then
if [ -s /etc/remoteit/registration ]; then # Non-zero size
KEY2=$(cat /etc/remoteit/registration)
if [[ $KEY1 != $KEY2 ]]; then
mv /etc/remoteit/registration /etc/remoteit/registration.$(date +%F_%T_%Z)
echo -e "Old /etc/remoteit/registration moved aside.\n"
echo $KEY1 > /etc/remoteit/registration
echo -e "Copied remoteit_license_key value to /etc/remoteit/registration"
sed -i '/^remoteit_license_key:/d' /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml
echo -e "Removed remoteit_license_key line from /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml\n"
# /etc/remoteit/registration consequences summarized on lines 80-85
if [ -s /etc/remoteit/registration ]; then # Non-zero size
cp -p /etc/remoteit/registration /tmp/etc.remoteit.registration
echo -e "License key $(cat /etc/remoteit/registration) will be attempted."
echo -e "It's backed up from /etc/remoteit/registration to /tmp, in case of purge.\n"
elif [ -f /etc/remoteit/registration ]; then # Zero size, e.g. due to touch
rm /etc/remoteit/registration
echo -e "Empty /etc/remoteit/registration deleted, so claim code can be generated.\n"
echo -e "\nThis IIAB must be online to begin!"
if [ -f /etc/remoteit/config.json ]; then
echo -en "\n\e[1mFor fresh registration let's remove /etc/remoteit/config.json, Ok? [Y/n]\e[0m "
read -n 1 -r ans < /dev/tty # Prompt for a single character
echo; echo
if [[ $ans = "n" || $ans = "N" ]]; then
echo -e "Let's try to enable remote.it, with your existing /etc/remoteit/config.json...\n"
systemctl enable connectd
systemctl restart connectd
systemctl enable schannel
if grep -q '^remoteit_enabled:' /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml; then
sed -i "s/^remoteit_enabled:.*/remoteit_enabled: True/" /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml
echo "remoteit_enabled: True" >> /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml
echo -e "\e[1m\nYou can now check for this IIAB device in your https://remote.it account."
echo -e "(IF your pre-existing /etc/remoteit/config.json was working in the past!)\e[0m\n"
echo -e "\e[1m1) Log in to https://remote.it or its Desktop Application on your own PC:\e[0m"
echo -e " https://remote.it/download/\n"
echo -e '\e[1m2) In the "Devices" section on the left, check that your IIAB is now present:\e[0m'
echo -e " https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/installation#3.-claim-and-register-the-device\n"
echo -e "\e[1m3) Authorize services/ports (e.g. SSH, HTTP, etc) for your IIAB device:\e[0m"
echo -e " https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/installation#4.-set-up-services-on-your-device\n"
exit 0
echo -en "\e[1m\nOptionally purge + install latest remote.it Device Package? [y/N]\e[0m "
read -n 1 -r ans < /dev/tty # Prompt for a single character
echo; echo
if [[ $ans = "y" || $ans = "Y" ]]; then
# Full apt path avoids problematic /usr/local/bin/apt on Linux Mint
/usr/bin/apt -y purge "remoteit*" || true
# Why the brutal purge? Even 'apt -y reinstall remoteit.*.deb' is stronger
# than 'install -y' in install_agent.sh, but still sometimes insufficient!
# https://github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/roles/remoteit/tasks/install.yml#L18-L21
if [ -f /tmp/etc.remoteit.registration ]; then
# apt purge should rmdir /etc/remoteit but might be sloppy in future?
[ ! -d /etc/remoteit ] &&
mkdir /etc/remoteit
cp -p /tmp/etc.remoteit.registration /etc/remoteit/registration
# apt install & enable "latest" remote.it Device Package for your CPU/OS
curl -L https://downloads.remote.it/remoteit/install_agent.sh | sh
# 2022-04-07: Stop/Delete/Start sequence follows official suggestions here:
# https://support.remote.it/hc/en-us/articles/360061228252-Oops-I-cloned-an-SD-card-
# https://docs.remote.it/oem-and-bulk-provisioning/registration-into-a-users-account
# FYI if /etc/remoteit/config.json DOESN'T EXIST:
# 1) If /etc/remoteit/registration exists and is EMPTY, bouncing connectd... DOESN'T CREATE /etc/remoteit/config.json
# 2) If /etc/remoteit/registration DOESN'T EXIST, bouncing connectd... CREATES /etc/remoteit/config.json WITH a claim code + WITHOUT an SSH service.
# 3) If /etc/remoteit/registration contains an INVALID license key, bouncing connectd CREATES /etc/remoteit/config.json WITH a claim code + WITHOUT an SSH service.
# 4) If /etc/remoteit/registration contains a VALID license key, bouncing connectd... CREATES /etc/remoteit/config.json WITHOUT a claim code + WITH an SSH service.
# FYI if /etc/remoteit/config.json EXISTS, bouncing connectd will update
# config.json's internal "timestamp" without changing anything else,
# regardless whether /etc/remoteit/registration exists and what it contains,
# and regardless whether /etc/remoteit/config.json contains a claim code.
echo -e "In a few seconds, all 3 {connectd, schannel, remoteit@...} should be enabled!\n"
systemctl stop connectd # "Safer" (though it's generally exited already!)
#if [ ! -f /etc/remoteit/registration ] && [ -f /etc/remoteit/config.json ]; then
if [ -f /etc/remoteit/config.json ]; then
# echo -en "\n\e[1mMove /etc/remoteit/config.json, so registration can begin? [Y/n]\e[0m "
# read ans < /dev/tty # Strips outer whitespace, whether we like it or not!
# echo
# [[ $ans = "n" ]] || [[ $ans = "N" ]] && exit 1
mv /etc/remoteit/config.json /etc/remoteit/config.json.$(date +%F_%T_%Z)
#echo -e "/etc/remoteit/config.json moved aside, so claim code can be generated.\n"
#echo -e "/etc/remoteit/config.json moved aside, so device registration can begin.\n"
echo -e "/etc/remoteit/config.json moved aside, for fresh device registration.\n"
systemctl start connectd # Registration logic (use license key or
# generate claim code) then kickstart 2 "child" services below.
# FYI running /usr/share/remoteit/refresh.sh appears to do the exact same
# thing (as bouncing service connectd).
systemctl enable connectd # 2 enable lines, like enable-or-disable.yml
# schannel = "Remote tcp command service" started by connectd above if nec
systemctl enable schannel # 2 enable lines, like enable-or-disable.yml
# "Remote tcp connection service" appears a few seconds after connectd is
# started above. Auto-enabled when spawned by connectd, SO NOT NEC HERE:
# systemctl enable $(ls /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ | grep remoteit@*)
# These systemd service names e.g. remoteit@80:00:01:7F:7E:00:56:36.service
# change, e.g. when a new claim code is generated, and more arise when the
# IIAB device is registered to a remote.it account (#3166), etc.
if grep -q '^remoteit_enabled:' /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml; then
sed -i "s/^remoteit_enabled:.*/remoteit_enabled: True/" /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml
echo "remoteit_enabled: True" >> /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml
if grep -q claim /etc/remoteit/config.json; then
claim_code=$(grep claim /etc/remoteit/config.json | rev | cut -d\" -f2 | rev)
echo -e "\nYour new claim code is \e[44;1m${claim_code}\e[0m -- YOUR NEXT STEPS ARE...\n"
echo -e "\e[1m1) Log in to https://remote.it or its Desktop Application on your own PC:\e[0m"
echo -e " https://remote.it/download/\n"
echo -e "\e[1m2) Use the above 8-character claim code WITHIN 24H as shown here:\e[0m"
echo -e " https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/installation#3.-claim-and-register-the-device\n"
echo -e "\e[1m3) Authorize services/ports (e.g. SSH, HTTP, etc) for your IIAB device:\e[0m"
echo -e " https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/installation#4.-set-up-services-on-your-device\n"
echo -e "\nLicense key (if valid!) hopefully worked -- YOUR NEXT STEPS ARE...\n"
echo -e "\e[1m1) Log in to https://remote.it or its Desktop Application on your own PC:\e[0m"
echo -e " https://remote.it/download/\n"
echo -e '\e[1m2) In the "Devices" section on the left, check that your IIAB is now present:\e[0m'
echo -e " https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/installation#3.-claim-and-register-the-device\n"
echo -e "\e[1m3) Authorize services/ports (e.g. SSH, HTTP, etc) for your IIAB device:\e[0m"
echo -e " https://docs.remote.it/software/device-package/installation#4.-set-up-services-on-your-device\n"