/* * MiracleCast - Wifi-Display/Miracast Implementation * * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 David Herrmann * * MiracleCast is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MiracleCast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with MiracleCast; If not, see . */ #include "test_common.h" #include "wpas.h" static struct wpas *server, *client; static sd_event *event; static struct wpas *start_test_client(void) { char spath[128]; int r; sprintf(spath, "/tmp/miracle-test-sock-%d", getpid()); r = sd_event_default(&event); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_create(spath, &server); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_attach_event(server, NULL, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_open(spath, &client); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_attach_event(client, NULL, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); return client; } static void stop_test_client(void) { wpas_unref(client); client = NULL; wpas_unref(server); server = NULL; sd_event_unref(event); event = NULL; } START_TEST(bus_invalid_open) { char ipath[128]; struct wpas *w; int r; sprintf(ipath, "/tmp/miracle/invalid-test-dir/invalid-test-path-%d", getpid()); /* test invalid client */ w = TEST_INVALID_PTR; r = wpas_open(NULL, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_open(ipath, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_open(NULL, &w); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(w == TEST_INVALID_PTR); r = wpas_open(ipath, &w); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(w == TEST_INVALID_PTR); } END_TEST START_TEST(bus_invalid_create) { char ipath[128]; struct wpas *s; int r; sprintf(ipath, "/tmp/miracle/invalid-test-dir/invalid-test-path-%d", getpid()); /* test invalid server */ s = TEST_INVALID_PTR; r = wpas_create(NULL, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_create(ipath, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_create(NULL, &s); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(s == TEST_INVALID_PTR); } END_TEST START_TEST(bus_create) { char spath[128]; struct wpas *w, *s; int r; sprintf(spath, "/tmp/miracle-test-sock-%d", getpid()); /* test server creation */ s = TEST_INVALID_PTR; w = TEST_INVALID_PTR; unlink(spath); ck_assert_int_lt(access(spath, F_OK), 0); r = wpas_create(spath, &s); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert(s != TEST_INVALID_PTR); ck_assert(s != NULL); ck_assert_int_ge(access(spath, F_OK), 0); r = wpas_create(spath, &w); ck_assert_int_eq(r, -EADDRINUSE); ck_assert(w == TEST_INVALID_PTR); ck_assert_int_ge(access(spath, F_OK), 0); wpas_unref(s); s = TEST_INVALID_PTR; ck_assert_int_lt(access(spath, F_OK), 0); /* test again with pre-existing but unused file */ ck_assert_int_ge(open(spath, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, S_IRWXU), 0); ck_assert_int_ge(access(spath, F_OK), 0); r = wpas_create(spath, &s); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert(s != TEST_INVALID_PTR); ck_assert(s != NULL); ck_assert_int_ge(access(spath, F_OK), 0); wpas_unref(s); s = TEST_INVALID_PTR; ck_assert_int_lt(access(spath, F_OK), 0); } END_TEST START_TEST(bus_open) { char spath[128]; struct wpas *w, *s; int r; sprintf(spath, "/tmp/miracle-test-sock-%d", getpid()); /* test client connection */ s = TEST_INVALID_PTR; w = TEST_INVALID_PTR; r = wpas_create(spath, &s); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(access(spath, F_OK), 0); r = wpas_open(spath, &w); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); wpas_unref(w); wpas_unref(s); ck_assert_int_lt(access(spath, F_OK), 0); } END_TEST TEST_DEFINE_CASE(bus) TEST(bus_invalid_open) TEST(bus_invalid_create) TEST(bus_create) TEST(bus_open) TEST_END_CASE START_TEST(msg_invalid_new) { struct wpas_message *m; struct wpas *w; int r; w = start_test_client(); m = TEST_INVALID_PTR; r = wpas_message_new_event(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(m == TEST_INVALID_PTR); r = wpas_message_new_event(w, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(m == TEST_INVALID_PTR); r = wpas_message_new_event(NULL, "name", 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(m == TEST_INVALID_PTR); r = wpas_message_new_event(NULL, NULL, 0, &m); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(m == TEST_INVALID_PTR); r = wpas_message_new_event(w, NULL, 0, &m); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(m == TEST_INVALID_PTR); r = wpas_message_new_event(w, "", 0, &m); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(m == TEST_INVALID_PTR); r = wpas_message_new_event(w, "name", 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(m == TEST_INVALID_PTR); r = wpas_message_new_event(NULL, "name", 0, &m); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); ck_assert(m == TEST_INVALID_PTR); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST START_TEST(msg_new_event) { struct wpas_message *m; struct wpas *w; int r; w = start_test_client(); m = TEST_INVALID_PTR; r = wpas_message_new_event(w, "name", 5, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert(m != TEST_INVALID_PTR); ck_assert(m != NULL); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_event(m, NULL), 1); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_event(m, "name"), 1); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_event(m, "names"), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_event(m, "nam"), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_event(m, ""), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_request(m, NULL), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_reply(m), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_cookie(m), 0); ck_assert_ptr_eq(wpas_message_get_bus(m), w); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_type(m), WPAS_MESSAGE_EVENT); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_level(m), 5); ck_assert_str_eq(wpas_message_get_name(m), "name"); ck_assert_ptr_eq((void*)wpas_message_get_raw(m), NULL); wpas_message_unref(m); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST START_TEST(msg_new_request) { struct wpas_message *m; struct wpas *w; int r; w = start_test_client(); m = TEST_INVALID_PTR; r = wpas_message_new_request(w, "name", &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert(m != TEST_INVALID_PTR); ck_assert(m != NULL); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_request(m, NULL), 1); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_request(m, "name"), 1); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_request(m, "names"), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_request(m, "nam"), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_request(m, ""), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_event(m, NULL), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_reply(m), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_cookie(m), 0); ck_assert_ptr_eq(wpas_message_get_bus(m), w); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_type(m), WPAS_MESSAGE_REQUEST); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_level(m), 0); ck_assert_str_eq(wpas_message_get_name(m), "name"); ck_assert_ptr_eq((void*)wpas_message_get_raw(m), NULL); wpas_message_unref(m); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST START_TEST(msg_new_reply) { struct wpas_message *m; struct wpas *w; int r; w = start_test_client(); m = TEST_INVALID_PTR; r = wpas_message_new_reply(w, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert(m != TEST_INVALID_PTR); ck_assert(m != NULL); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_reply(m), 1); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_event(m, NULL), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_is_request(m, NULL), 0); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_cookie(m), 0); ck_assert_ptr_eq(wpas_message_get_bus(m), w); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_type(m), WPAS_MESSAGE_REPLY); ck_assert_int_eq(wpas_message_get_level(m), 0); ck_assert_ptr_eq((void*)wpas_message_get_name(m), NULL); ck_assert_ptr_eq((void*)wpas_message_get_raw(m), NULL); wpas_message_unref(m); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST START_TEST(msg_peer) { struct wpas_message *m; struct wpas *w; char *t; int r; w = start_test_client(); r = wpas_message_new_event(w, "name", 5, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert_ptr_eq((void*)wpas_message_get_peer(m), NULL); t = wpas_message_get_escaped_peer(m); ck_assert_str_eq(t, ""); free(t); wpas_message_set_peer(m, "/some/path"); ck_assert_str_eq(wpas_message_get_peer(m), "/some/path"); t = wpas_message_get_escaped_peer(m); ck_assert_str_eq(t, "/some/path"); free(t); wpas_message_set_peer(m, "\0/some/path"); ck_assert_str_eq(wpas_message_get_peer(m), ""); ck_assert_str_eq(wpas_message_get_peer(m) + 1, "/some/path"); t = wpas_message_get_escaped_peer(m); ck_assert_str_eq(t, "@abstract:/some/path"); free(t); wpas_message_set_peer(m, NULL); ck_assert_ptr_eq((void*)wpas_message_get_peer(m), NULL); t = wpas_message_get_escaped_peer(m); ck_assert_str_eq(t, ""); free(t); wpas_message_unref(m); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST START_TEST(msg_append) { struct wpas_message *m; struct wpas *w; int r; w = start_test_client(); r = wpas_message_new_event(w, "name", 5, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_message_seal(m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert_str_eq(wpas_message_get_raw(m), "<5>name"); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_event(w, "name", 5, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_message_append(m, "suie", "string", (uint32_t)5, (int32_t)1, "key", "value"); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_message_seal(m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); ck_assert_str_eq(wpas_message_get_raw(m), "<5>name string 5 1 key=value"); r = wpas_message_skip(m, "suie"); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST TEST_DEFINE_CASE(msg) TEST(msg_invalid_new) TEST(msg_new_event) TEST(msg_new_request) TEST(msg_new_reply) TEST(msg_peer) TEST(msg_append) TEST_END_CASE START_TEST(run_invalid_msg) { struct wpas_message *m; int r; start_test_client(); r = wpas_message_new_reply(client, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(server, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_event(client, "sth", 0, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(server, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_request(client, "sth", &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(server, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_set_peer(m, "/some/path"); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_reply(server, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(server, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_event(server, "sth", 0, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(server, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_request(server, "sth", &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(server, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_set_peer(m, "/some/path"); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST START_TEST(run_msg) { struct wpas_message *m; int r; start_test_client(); r = wpas_message_new_reply(client, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_send(client, m, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_send(client, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_reply(client, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); wpas_message_set_peer(m, "/some/peer"); r = wpas_send(client, m, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_send(client, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_reply(server, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_set_peer(m, "/some/peer"); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_request(server, "sth", &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(server, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_set_peer(m, "/some/peer"); r = wpas_call_async(server, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_send(server, m, 0); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_request(client, "sth", &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST static int match_fail(struct wpas *w, struct wpas_message *m, void *data) { ck_assert_msg(0, "no CB expected"); return 0; } static int match_count(struct wpas *w, struct wpas_message *m, void *data) { int *expected = data; if (!m) ck_assert_msg(0, "HUP not expected"); if (!--*expected) sd_event_exit(event, 0); return 0; } START_TEST(run_send) { struct wpas_message *m; int r, expected; start_test_client(); r = wpas_add_match(client, NULL, NULL); ck_assert_int_lt(r, 0); r = wpas_add_match(client, match_count, &expected); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_add_match(server, match_count, &expected); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); expected = 2; r = wpas_message_new_event(client, "sth", 0, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_send(client, m, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = wpas_message_new_request(client, "sth-more", &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_call_async(client, m, match_fail, NULL, 0, NULL); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); r = sd_event_loop(event); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST static int match_msg(struct wpas *w, struct wpas_message *m, void *data) { struct wpas_message **orig = data; if (!m) ck_assert_msg(0, "HUP not expected"); ck_assert_str_eq(wpas_message_get_raw(m), wpas_message_get_raw(*orig)); sd_event_exit(event, 0); return 0; } START_TEST(run_parse) { struct wpas_message *m; int r; start_test_client(); r = wpas_add_match(server, match_msg, &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_message_new_request(client, "sth", &m); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_message_append(m, "ssie", "some random string\\''\"\"bla", "more-string\\data", (int32_t)65537, "key", "value=value=value"); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = wpas_send(client, m, 0); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); r = sd_event_loop(event); ck_assert_int_ge(r, 0); wpas_message_unref(m); stop_test_client(); } END_TEST TEST_DEFINE_CASE(run) TEST(run_invalid_msg) TEST(run_msg) TEST(run_send) TEST(run_parse) TEST_END_CASE TEST_DEFINE( TEST_SUITE(wpa, TEST_CASE(bus), TEST_CASE(msg), TEST_CASE(run), TEST_END ) )