/* * MiracleCast - Wifi-Display/Miracast Implementation * * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 David Herrmann * * MiracleCast is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MiracleCast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with MiracleCast; If not, see . */ using Org.Freedesktop.NetworkManager; using Org.Freedesktop.Miracle.Wifi; using Org.Freedesktop.Miracle.Wfd; const string BUS_NAME_NETWORK_MANAGER = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"; const string BUS_NAME_WIFID = "org.freedesktop.miracle.wifi"; const string BUS_NAME_DISPD = "org.freedesktop.miracle.wfd"; const string OBJ_PATH_DEVICE = "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices"; const string OBJ_PATH_LINK = "/org/freedesktop/miracle/wifi/link"; const string OBJ_PATH_PEER = "/org/freedesktop/miracle/wifi/peer"; const string OBJ_PATH_SINK = "/org/freedesktop/miracle/wfd/sink"; const string OBJ_PATH_SESSION = "/org/freedesktop/miracle/wfd/session"; const string IFACE_DEVICE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device"; const string IFACE_LINK = "org.freedesktop.miracle.wifi.Link"; const string IFACE_PEER = "org.freedesktop.miracle.wifi.Peer"; const string IFACE_SINK = "org.freedesktop.miracle.wfd.Sink"; const string IFACE_SESSION = "org.freedesktop.miracle.wfd.Session"; errordomain WfdCtlError { NO_SUCH_NIC, TIMEOUT, MONITOR_GONE, FORMATION_ERROR, } private void print(string format, ...) { var argv = va_list(); stderr.printf("%s: ", Environment.get_prgname()); stderr.vprintf(format, argv); stderr.printf("\n"); } // to deal with sd_bus_path_encode/decode()ed path private string decode_path(string s) { char c; StringBuilder d = new StringBuilder(); for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i ++) { if(s.data[i] == (uint8) '_') { c = (char) s.substring(i + 1, 2).to_long(null, 16); i += 2; } else { c = (char) s.data[i]; } d.append_c(c); } return d.str; } private class WfdCtl : GLib.Application { static string opt_iface; static string opt_wfd_subelems; static string opt_peer_mac; static string opt_display; static string opt_authority; static int opt_monitor_num; static string opt_audio_device; protected signal void link_added(string index, Link link); protected signal void link_removed(string index, Link link); protected signal void peer_added(string label, Peer peer); protected signal void peer_removed(string label, Peer peer); protected signal void sink_added(string label, Sink sink); protected signal void sink_removed(string label, Sink sink); protected signal void session_added(string id, Session session); protected signal void session_removed(string id, Session session); DBusObjectManagerClient nm; DBusObjectManagerClient wifi; DBusObjectManagerClient wfd; HashTable devices; HashTable links; HashTable peers; HashTable sinks; HashTable sessions; string curr_sink_mac; Gdk.Display display; Peer curr_peer; Sink curr_sink; Session curr_session; const GLib.OptionEntry[] option_entries = { { "interface", 'i', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_iface, "name of wireless network interface", "WNIC name" }, { "wfd-subelems", 'w', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_wfd_subelems, "device infomation. default: 000600111c4400c8", "device info subelems" }, { "peer-mac", 'p', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_peer_mac, "MAC address of target peer", "peer MAC" }, { "authority", 'x', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_authority, "authority to capture from display. default: XAUTHORITY environment variable", "display authority" }, { "display", 'd', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_display, "display name. default: DISPLAY environment variable", "display name" }, { "monitor-num", 'm', 0, OptionArg.INT, ref opt_monitor_num, "monitor number. default: -1, primary monitor", "monitor number" }, { "audio-device", 'a', 0, OptionArg.STRING, ref opt_audio_device, "pulseaudio device name", "audio device name" }, { null }, }; public WfdCtl() { Object(application_id: "org.freedesktop.miracle.WfdCtl", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE); devices = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); links = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); peers = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); sinks = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); sessions = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); add_main_option_entries(option_entries); } private DBusProxy? add_object(string path) throws Error { int sep = path.last_index_of_char('/'); string prefix = path.substring(0, sep); string key = path.substring(sep + 1); switch(prefix) { case OBJ_PATH_DEVICE: Device d = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, BUS_NAME_NETWORK_MANAGER, path); if(is_wnic(d.interface) && !devices.contains(d.interface)) { devices.insert(d.interface, d); return d as DBusProxy; } break; case OBJ_PATH_LINK: key = decode_path(key); Link l = links.lookup(key); if(null == l) { l = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, BUS_NAME_WIFID, path); links.insert(key, l); info("found wireless interface: %s", l.interface_name); link_added(key, l); } return l as DBusProxy; case OBJ_PATH_PEER: key = decode_path(key); Peer p = peers.lookup(key); if(null == p) { p = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, BUS_NAME_WIFID, path); peers.insert(key, p); info("peer added: %s (%s)", key, p.friendly_name); peer_added(key, p); } return p as DBusProxy; case OBJ_PATH_SINK: key = decode_path(key); Sink s = sinks.lookup(key); if(null == s) { s = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, BUS_NAME_DISPD, path); sinks.insert(key, s); info("sink added: %s", key); sink_added(key, s); } return s as DBusProxy; case OBJ_PATH_SESSION: key = decode_path(key); Session s = sessions.lookup(key); if(null == s) { s = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, BUS_NAME_DISPD, path); sessions.insert(key, s); info("session added: %s", key); session_added(key, s); } return s as DBusProxy; } return null; } private void remove_object(string path) { int sep = path.last_index_of_char('/'); string prefix = path.substring(0, sep); string key = path.substring(sep + 1); switch(prefix) { case OBJ_PATH_DEVICE: devices.remove(key); break; case OBJ_PATH_LINK: key = decode_path(key); Link l = links.lookup(key); if(null == l) { break; } links.remove(key); link_removed(key, l); break; case OBJ_PATH_PEER: key = decode_path(key); Peer p = peers.lookup(key); if(null == p) { info("removing stray peer: %s", key); break; } if(p == curr_peer) { curr_peer = null; } peers.remove(key); peer_removed(key, p); break; case OBJ_PATH_SINK: key = decode_path(key); Sink s = sinks.lookup(key); if(null == s) { info("removing stray sink: %s", key); break; } if(s == curr_sink) { curr_sink = null; } sinks.remove(key); sink_removed(key, s); break; case OBJ_PATH_SESSION: key = decode_path(key); Session s = sessions.lookup(key); if(null == s) { info("removing stray session: %s", key); break; } if(s == curr_session) { curr_session = null; } sessions.remove(key); session_removed(key, s); break; } } private void on_object_added(DBusObjectManager m, DBusObject o) { try { add_object(o.get_object_path()); } catch(Error e) { print("failed to fetch information from DBus for object: %s", o.get_object_path()); } } private void on_object_removed(DBusObjectManager m, DBusObject o) { remove_object(o.get_object_path()); } private void fetch_info_from_dbus() throws Error { wifi = new DBusObjectManagerClient.for_bus_sync( BusType.SYSTEM, DBusObjectManagerClientFlags.NONE, BUS_NAME_WIFID, "/org/freedesktop/miracle/wifi", null, null); wifi.object_added.connect(on_object_added); wifi.object_removed.connect(on_object_removed); nm = new DBusObjectManagerClient.for_bus_sync( BusType.SYSTEM, DBusObjectManagerClientFlags.NONE, BUS_NAME_NETWORK_MANAGER, "/org/freedesktop", null, null); nm.object_added.connect(on_object_added); nm.object_removed.connect(on_object_removed); wfd = new DBusObjectManagerClient.for_bus_sync( BusType.SYSTEM, DBusObjectManagerClientFlags.NONE, BUS_NAME_DISPD, "/org/freedesktop/miracle/wfd", null, null); wfd.object_added.connect(on_object_added); wfd.object_removed.connect(on_object_removed); foreach(var o in wifi.get_objects()) { add_object(o.get_object_path()); } foreach(var o in nm.get_objects()) { add_object(o.get_object_path()); } foreach(var o in wfd.get_objects()) { add_object(o.get_object_path()); } } private async void acquire_wnic_ownership() throws Error { Device d = find_device_by_name(opt_iface); if(null != d && d.managed) { info("NetworkManager is releasing ownership of %s...", opt_iface); d.managed = false; yield wait_prop_changed(d, "Managed"); } Link l = find_link_by_name(opt_iface); if(null == l) { throw new WfdCtlError.NO_SUCH_NIC("no such wireless adapter: %s", opt_iface); } if(!l.managed) { info("wifid is acquiring ownership of %s...", opt_iface); l.manage(); yield wait_prop_changed(l, "Managed"); } } private async void start_p2p_scan() throws Error { Link l = find_link_by_name(opt_iface); if(l.wfd_subelements != opt_wfd_subelems) { info("update wfd_subelems to broadcast what kind of device we are"); l.wfd_subelements = opt_wfd_subelems; yield wait_prop_changed(l, "WfdSubelements"); } if(-1 == l.p2p_state) { error("link %s has no P2P supporting", l.interface_name); } else if(0 == l.p2p_state) { info("wait for P2P supporting status..."); yield wait_prop_changed(l, "P2PState", 3); } if(!l.p2p_scanning) { info("start P2P scanning..."); l.p2p_scanning = true; yield wait_prop_changed(l, "P2PScanning"); } print("wait for peer '%s'...", opt_peer_mac); } private async void wait_for_target_sink() { if(null != find_sink_by_mac(opt_peer_mac)) { return; } ulong id = sink_added.connect((l, s) => { if(null != find_sink_by_mac(opt_peer_mac)) { wait_for_target_sink.callback(); } }); yield; disconnect(id); } private async void form_p2p_group() throws Error { if(null != curr_sink_mac) { print("already hang out with sink: %s", curr_sink_mac); return; } Sink s = find_sink_by_mac(opt_peer_mac); curr_sink_mac = opt_peer_mac; string l = s.peer; l = decode_path(l.substring(l.last_index_of_char('/') + 1)); Peer p = peers.lookup(l); info("forming P2P group with %s (%s)...", p.p2p_mac, p.friendly_name); ulong id = p.formation_failure.connect((r) => { info("failed to form P2P group: %s", r); }); p.connect("auto", ""); yield wait_prop_changed(p, "Connected", 20); (p as Object).disconnect(id); curr_peer = p; info("P2P group formed"); } #if GDK3_HAS_MONITOR_CLASS private void get_monitor_geometry(out Gdk.Rectangle g) throws Error { Gdk.Monitor m; if(-1 == opt_monitor_num) { m = display.get_primary_monitor(); } else { m = display.get_monitor(opt_monitor_num); } if(null == m) { throw new WfdCtlError.MONITOR_GONE("specified monitor disappeared"); } g = m.geometry; } #else private void get_monitor_geometry(out Gdk.Rectangle g) throws Error { var s = display.get_default_screen(); int m = (-1 == opt_monitor_num) ? s.get_primary_monitor() : opt_monitor_num; if(s.get_n_monitors() <= m) { throw new WfdCtlError.MONITOR_GONE("specified monitor disappeared"); } s.get_monitor_geometry(m, out g); } #endif private unowned string session_state_to_str(int s) { switch(s) { case 1: return "connecting"; case 2: return "capabilities exchanging"; case 3: return "established"; case 4: return "seting up session parameters"; case 5: return "paused"; case 6: return "playing"; case 7: return "tearing down"; } return "unknown"; } private async void establish_session() throws Error { Gdk.Rectangle g; get_monitor_geometry(out g); info("establishing display session..."); Sink sink = find_sink_by_mac(opt_peer_mac); string path = sink.start_session(opt_authority, @"x://$(opt_display)", g.x, g.y, g.width, g.height, null == opt_audio_device ? "" : opt_audio_device); curr_session = add_object(path) as Session; (curr_session as DBusProxy).g_properties_changed.connect((props) => { string k; Variant v; foreach(var prop in props) { prop.get("{sv}", out k, out v); if(k != "State") { continue; } info("session status: %s", session_state_to_str(v.get_int32())); if(6 == v.get_int32()) { Idle.add(establish_session.callback); } break; } }); Error error = null; uint id = Timeout.add_seconds(10, () => { error = new WfdCtlError.TIMEOUT("failed to establish session"); Idle.add(establish_session.callback); return false; }); yield; Source.remove(id); if(null != error) { throw error; } curr_sink = sink; } private async void wait_for_session_ending() { info("wait for session ending"); ulong id = session_removed.connect((id, s) => { wait_for_session_ending.callback(); }); yield; disconnect(id); info("session ended"); curr_session = null; } private async void release_wnic_ownership() throws Error { Link l = find_link_by_name(opt_iface); if(null == l) { throw new WfdCtlError.NO_SUCH_NIC("no such wireless adapter: %s", opt_iface); } if(l.managed) { info("wifid is releasing ownership of %s...", opt_iface); l.unmanage(); yield wait_prop_changed(l, "Managed"); } Device d = find_device_by_name(opt_iface); if(null != d && !d.managed) { info("NetworkManager is acquiring ownership of %s...", opt_iface); d.managed = true; yield wait_prop_changed(d, "Managed"); } } private async void start_wireless_display() throws Error { fetch_info_from_dbus(); yield acquire_wnic_ownership(); yield start_p2p_scan(); yield wait_for_target_sink(); yield form_p2p_group(); yield establish_session(); yield wait_for_session_ending(); yield release_wnic_ownership(); quit(); } public void stop_wireless_display() { info("tearing down wireless display..."); if(null != curr_session) { try { curr_session.teardown(); } catch(Error e) { warning("failed to tearing down normally: %s", e.message); quit(); } } else { release_wnic_ownership.begin(quit); } } private bool check_options() { if(null == opt_peer_mac) { print("please specify a peer MAC with -p option"); return false; } if(null == opt_display) { opt_display = Environment.get_variable("DISPLAY"); if(null == opt_display) { print("no video source found. play specify one by DISPLAY " + "environment or -d option"); return false; } else { print("no display name specified by -d, " + "use DISPLAY environment variable instead"); } } if(null == opt_authority) { opt_authority = Environment.get_variable("XAUTHORITY"); if(null == opt_authority) { print("no display authority found. play specify one by XAUTHORITY " + "environment or -x option"); return false; } else { print("no display authority specified by -x, " + "use XAUTHORITY environment variable instead"); } } if(null == opt_iface) { opt_iface = "wlan0"; print("no wireless adapter specified by -i, use '%s' instead", opt_iface); } if(null == opt_wfd_subelems) { opt_wfd_subelems = "000600111c4400c8"; print("no wfd_subelems specified by -w, use '%s' instead", opt_wfd_subelems); } display = Gdk.Display.open(opt_display); if(null == display) { print("invalid display option: %s", opt_display); return false; } int n_monitors; #if GDK3_HAS_MONITOR_CLASS n_monitors = display.get_n_monitors(); #else n_monitors = display.get_default_screen().get_n_monitors(); #endif if(-1 > opt_monitor_num || opt_monitor_num >= n_monitors) { print("invalid screen number option: %d", opt_monitor_num); return false; } return true; } protected override void activate() { if(!check_options()) { return; } start_wireless_display.begin((o, r) => { try { start_wireless_display.end(r); } catch(Error e) { print("failed to cast to wireless display: %s", e.message); release(); } }); hold(); } private unowned Device? find_device_by_name(string nic_name) { foreach(var d in devices.get_values()) { if(nic_name == d.interface) { return d; } } return null; } private unowned Link? find_link_by_name(string nic_name) { foreach(var l in links.get_values()) { if(nic_name == l.interface_name) { return l; } } return null; } private unowned Sink? find_sink_by_mac(string m) { foreach(var l in sinks.get_keys()) { if(l.has_prefix(m)) { return sinks.lookup(l); } } return null; } private bool is_wnic(string nic_name) { return find_link_by_name(nic_name) != null; } private async void wait_prop_changed(T o, string name, uint timeout = 1) throws WfdCtlError { ulong prop_changed_id = (o as DBusProxy).g_properties_changed.connect((props) => { string k; Variant v; foreach(var prop in props) { prop.get("{sv}", out k, out v); if(k == name) { wait_prop_changed.callback(); break; } } }); bool timed_out = false; uint timeout_id = 0; if(0 < timeout) { timeout_id = Timeout.add_seconds(timeout, () => { timed_out = true; wait_prop_changed.callback(); return false; }); } yield; if(0 < timeout) { Source.remove(timeout_id); } (o as DBusProxy).disconnect(prop_changed_id); if(timed_out) { throw new WfdCtlError.TIMEOUT("timeout to wait for property %s change", name); } } } int main(string[]? argv) { Gdk.init(ref argv); Intl.setlocale(); Environment.set_prgname(Path.get_basename(argv[0])); Application app = new WfdCtl(); app.set_default(); Sigint.add_watch((app as WfdCtl).stop_wireless_display); try { app.register(); } catch(Error e) { print("failed to startup: %s", e.message); return 1; } int r = app.run(argv); print("Bye"); return r; }