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import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate
def send_email(toaddr, subject, body):
fromaddr = 'proxstar@csh.rit.edu'
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = fromaddr
msg['To'] = toaddr
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain'))
server = smtplib.SMTP('mail.csh.rit.edu', 25)
text = msg.as_string()
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, text)
def send_vm_expire_email(user, vms):
toaddr = '{}@csh.rit.edu'.format(user)
subject = 'Proxstar VM Expiration Notice'
body = 'The following VMs in Proxstar are expiring soon or have already expired:\n\n'
for vm in vms:
if vm[2] == -6:
body += ' - {} ({}) has expired (VM has been stopped and will be deleted in 1 day)\n'.format(
vm[1], vm[0]
elif vm[2] < 0:
body += ' - {} ({}) has expired (VM has been stopped and will be deleted in {} days)\n'.format(
vm[1], vm[0], (7 + int(vm[2]))
elif vm[2] == 0:
body += ' - {} ({}) expires today (VM has been stopped and will be deleted in 7 days)\n'.format(
vm[1], vm[0]
elif vm[2] == 1:
body += ' - {} ({}) expires in 1 day\n'.format(vm[1], vm[0])
body += ' - {} ({}) expires in {} days\n'.format(vm[1], vm[0], vm[2])
body += '\nPlease login to Proxstar (https://proxstar.csh.rit.edu/) and renew any VMs you would like to keep.'
send_email(toaddr, subject, body)
def send_rtp_vm_delete_email(vms):
toaddr = 'rtp@csh.rit.edu'
subject = 'Proxstar VM Deletion Report'
body = 'The following VMs in Proxstar have expired and will be deleted soon:\n\n'
for vm in vms:
if vm[2] == -6:
body += ' - {} ({}) will be deleted in 1 day\n'.format(vm[1], vm[0])
body += ' - {} ({}) will be deleted in {} days\n'.format(
vm[1], vm[0], (7 + int(vm[2]))
body += "\nPlease verify this list to ensure there aren't any pools included in Proxstar that shouldn't be."
send_email(toaddr, subject, body)