/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2015 SRS(simple-rtmp-server) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #ifdef SRS_AUTO_HDS #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void update_box(char *start, int size) { char *p_size = (char*)&size; start[0] = p_size[3]; start[1] = p_size[2]; start[2] = p_size[1]; start[3] = p_size[0]; } char flv_header[] = {'F', 'L', 'V', 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; string serialFlv(SrsSharedPtrMessage *msg) { SrsBuffer *stream = new SrsBuffer; int size = 15 + msg->size; char *byte = new char[size]; stream->initialize(byte, size); // tag header long long dts = msg->timestamp; char type = msg->is_video() ? 0x09 : 0x08; stream->write_1bytes(type); stream->write_3bytes(msg->size); stream->write_3bytes(dts); stream->write_1bytes(dts >> 24 & 0xFF); stream->write_3bytes(0); stream->write_bytes(msg->payload, msg->size); // pre tag size int preTagSize = msg->size + 11; stream->write_4bytes(preTagSize); string ret(stream->data(), stream->size()); delete stream; delete [] byte; return ret; } class SrsHdsFragment { public: SrsHdsFragment(SrsRequest *r) : req(r) , index(-1) , start_time(0) , videoSh(NULL) , audioSh(NULL) { } ~SrsHdsFragment() { srs_freep(videoSh); srs_freep(audioSh); // clean msgs list::iterator iter; for (iter = msgs.begin(); iter != msgs.end(); ++iter) { SrsSharedPtrMessage *msg = *iter; srs_freep(msg); } } void on_video(SrsSharedPtrMessage *msg) { SrsSharedPtrMessage *_msg = msg->copy(); msgs.push_back(_msg); } void on_audio(SrsSharedPtrMessage *msg) { SrsSharedPtrMessage *_msg = msg->copy(); msgs.push_back(_msg); } /*! flush data to disk. */ int flush() { string data; if (videoSh) { videoSh->timestamp = start_time; data.append(serialFlv(videoSh)); } if (audioSh) { audioSh->timestamp = start_time; data.append(serialFlv(audioSh)); } list::iterator iter; for (iter = msgs.begin(); iter != msgs.end(); ++iter) { SrsSharedPtrMessage *msg = *iter; data.append(serialFlv(msg)); } char box_header[8]; SrsBuffer ss; ss.initialize(box_header, 8); ss.write_4bytes(8 + data.size()); ss.write_string("mdat"); data = string(ss.data(), ss.size()) + data; const char *file_path = path.c_str(); int fd = open(file_path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (fd < 0) { srs_error("open fragment file failed, path=%s", file_path); return -1; } if (write(fd, data.data(), data.size()) != (int)data.size()) { srs_error("write fragment file failed, path=", file_path); close(fd); return -1; } close(fd); srs_trace("build fragment success=%s", file_path); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /*! calc the segment duration in milliseconds. @return 0 if no msgs or the last msg dts minus the first msg dts. */ int duration() { int duration_ms = 0; long long first_msg_ts = 0; long long last_msg_ts = 0; if (msgs.size() >= 2) { SrsSharedPtrMessage *first_msg = msgs.front(); first_msg_ts = first_msg->timestamp; SrsSharedPtrMessage *last_msg = msgs.back(); last_msg_ts = last_msg->timestamp; duration_ms = last_msg_ts - first_msg_ts; } return duration_ms; } /*! set/get index */ inline void set_index(int idx) { char file_path[1024] = {0}; sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s/%sSeg1-Frag%d", _srs_config->get_hds_path(req->vhost).c_str() , req->app.c_str(), req->stream.c_str(), idx); path = file_path; index = idx; } inline int get_index() { return index; } /*! set/get start time */ inline void set_start_time(long long st) { start_time = st; } inline long long get_start_time() { return start_time; } void set_video_sh(SrsSharedPtrMessage *msg) { srs_freep(videoSh); videoSh = msg->copy(); } void set_audio_sh(SrsSharedPtrMessage *msg) { srs_freep(audioSh); audioSh = msg->copy(); } string fragment_path() { return path; } private: SrsRequest *req; list msgs; /*! the index of this fragment */ int index; long long start_time; SrsSharedPtrMessage *videoSh; SrsSharedPtrMessage *audioSh; string path; }; SrsHds::SrsHds(SrsSource *s) : currentSegment(NULL) , fragment_index(1) , video_sh(NULL) , audio_sh(NULL) , hds_req(NULL) , hds_enabled(false) { } SrsHds::~SrsHds() { } int SrsHds::on_publish(SrsRequest *req) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (hds_enabled) { return ret; } std::string vhost = req->vhost; if (!_srs_config->get_hds_enabled(vhost)) { hds_enabled = false; return ret; } hds_enabled = true; hds_req = req->copy(); return flush_mainfest(); } int SrsHds::on_unpublish() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!hds_enabled) { return ret; } hds_enabled = false; srs_freep(video_sh); srs_freep(audio_sh); srs_freep(hds_req); // clean fragments list::iterator iter; for (iter = fragments.begin(); iter != fragments.end(); ++iter) { SrsHdsFragment *st = *iter; srs_freep(st); } fragments.clear(); srs_freep(currentSegment); srs_trace("HDS un-published"); return ret; } int SrsHds::on_video(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!hds_enabled) { return ret; } if (SrsFlvCodec::video_is_sequence_header(msg->payload, msg->size)) { srs_freep(video_sh); video_sh = msg->copy(); } if (!currentSegment) { currentSegment = new SrsHdsFragment(hds_req); currentSegment->set_index(fragment_index++); currentSegment->set_start_time(msg->timestamp); if (video_sh) currentSegment->set_video_sh(video_sh); if (audio_sh) currentSegment->set_audio_sh(audio_sh); } currentSegment->on_video(msg); double fragment_duration = _srs_config->get_hds_fragment(hds_req->vhost) * 1000; if (currentSegment->duration() >= fragment_duration) { // flush segment if ((ret = currentSegment->flush()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("flush segment failed."); return ret; } srs_trace("flush Segment success."); fragments.push_back(currentSegment); currentSegment = NULL; adjust_windows(); // flush bootstrap if ((ret = flush_bootstrap()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("flush bootstrap failed."); return ret; } srs_trace("flush BootStrap success."); } return ret; } int SrsHds::on_audio(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!hds_enabled) { return ret; } if (SrsFlvCodec::audio_is_sequence_header(msg->payload, msg->size)) { srs_freep(audio_sh); audio_sh = msg->copy(); } if (!currentSegment) { currentSegment = new SrsHdsFragment(hds_req); currentSegment->set_index(fragment_index++); currentSegment->set_start_time(msg->timestamp); if (video_sh) currentSegment->set_video_sh(video_sh); if (audio_sh) currentSegment->set_audio_sh(audio_sh); } currentSegment->on_audio(msg); double fragment_duration = _srs_config->get_hds_fragment(hds_req->vhost) * 1000; if (currentSegment->duration() >= fragment_duration) { // flush segment if ((ret = currentSegment->flush()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("flush segment failed."); return ret; } srs_info("flush Segment success."); // reset the current segment fragments.push_back(currentSegment); currentSegment = NULL; adjust_windows(); // flush bootstrap if ((ret = flush_bootstrap()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("flush bootstrap failed."); return ret; } srs_info("flush BootStrap success."); } return ret; } int SrsHds::flush_mainfest() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; char buf[1024] = {0}; sprintf(buf, "\n" "\n\t" "%s.f4m\n\t" "live\n\t" "streaming\n\t" "\n\t" "\n" "" , hds_req->stream.c_str(), hds_req->stream.c_str(), hds_req->stream.c_str()); string dir = _srs_config->get_hds_path(hds_req->vhost) + "/" + hds_req->app; if ((ret = srs_create_dir_recursively(dir)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("hds create dir failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } string path = dir + "/" + hds_req->stream + ".f4m"; int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (fd < 0) { srs_error("open manifest file failed, path=%s", path.c_str()); ret = ERROR_HDS_OPEN_F4M_FAILED; return ret; } int f4m_size = strlen(buf); if (write(fd, buf, f4m_size) != f4m_size) { srs_error("write manifest file failed, path=", path.c_str()); close(fd); ret = ERROR_HDS_WRITE_F4M_FAILED; return ret; } close(fd); srs_trace("build manifest success=%s", path.c_str()); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } int SrsHds::flush_bootstrap() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; SrsBuffer abst; int size = 1024*100; char *start_abst = new char[1024*100]; SrsAutoFree(char, start_abst); int size_abst = 0; char *start_asrt = NULL; int size_asrt = 0; char *start_afrt = NULL; int size_afrt = 0; if ((ret = abst.initialize(start_abst, size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // @see video_file_format_spec_v10_1 // page: 46 abst.write_4bytes(0); abst.write_string("abst"); abst.write_1bytes(0x00); // Either 0 or 1 abst.write_3bytes(0x00); // Flags always 0 size_abst += 12; /*! @BootstrapinfoVersion UI32 The version number of the bootstrap information. When the Update field is set, BootstrapinfoVersion indicates the version number that is being updated. we assume this is the last. */ abst.write_4bytes(fragment_index - 1); // BootstrapinfoVersion abst.write_1bytes(0x20); // profile, live, update abst.write_4bytes(1000); // TimeScale Typically, the value is 1000, for a unit of milliseconds size_abst += 9; /*! The timestamp in TimeScale units of the latest available Fragment in the media presentation. This timestamp is used to request the right fragment number. The CurrentMedia Time can be the total duration. For media presentations that are not live, CurrentMediaTime can be 0. */ SrsHdsFragment *st = fragments.back(); abst.write_8bytes(st->get_start_time()); // SmpteTimeCodeOffset abst.write_8bytes(0); size_abst += 16; /*! @MovieIdentifier STRING The identifier of this presentation. we write null string. */ abst.write_1bytes(0); size_abst += 1; /*! @ServerEntryCount UI8 The number of ServerEntryTable entries. The minimum value is 0. */ abst.write_1bytes(0); size_abst += 1; /*! @ServerEntryTable because we write 0 of ServerEntryCount, so this feild is ignored. */ /*! @QualityEntryCount UI8 The number of QualityEntryTable entries, which is also the number of available quality levels. The minimum value is 0. Available quality levels are for, for example, multi bit rate files or trick files. */ abst.write_1bytes(0); size_abst += 1; /*! @QualityEntryTable because we write 0 of QualityEntryCount, so this feild is ignored. */ /*! @DrmData STRING Null or null-terminated UTF-8 string. This string holds Digital Rights Management metadata. Encrypted files use this metadata to get the necessary keys and licenses for decryption and play back. we write null string. */ abst.write_1bytes(0); size_abst += 1; /*! @MetaData STRING Null or null-terminated UTF - 8 string that holds metadata. we write null string. */ abst.write_1bytes(0); size_abst += 1; /*! @SegmentRunTableCount UI8 The number of entries in SegmentRunTableEntries. The minimum value is 1. Typically, one table contains all segment runs. However, this count provides the flexibility to define the segment runs individually for each quality level (or trick file). */ abst.write_1bytes(1); size_abst += 1; start_asrt = start_abst + size_abst; // follows by asrt abst.write_4bytes(0); abst.write_string("asrt"); size_asrt += 8; /*! @Version UI8 @Flags UI24 */ abst.write_4bytes(0); size_asrt += 4; /*! @QualityEntryCount UI8 The number of QualitySegmen tUrlModifiers (quality level references) that follow. If 0, this Segment Run Table applies to all quality levels, and there shall be only one Segment Run Table box in the Bootstrap Info box. */ abst.write_1bytes(0); size_asrt += 1; /*! @QualitySegmentUrlModifiers ignored. */ /*! @SegmentRunEntryCount The number of items in this SegmentRunEn tryTable. The minimum value is 1. */ abst.write_4bytes(1); size_asrt += 4; /*! @SegmentRunEntryTable */ for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) { /*! @FirstSegment UI32 The identifying number of the first segment in the run of segments containing the same number of fragments. The segment corresponding to the FirstSegment in the next SEGMENTRUNENTRY will terminate this run. */ abst.write_4bytes(1); /*! @FragmentsPerSegment UI32 The number of fragments in each segment in this run. */ abst.write_4bytes(fragment_index - 1); size_asrt += 8; } update_box(start_asrt, size_asrt); size_abst += size_asrt; /*! @FragmentRunTableCount UI8 The number of entries in FragmentRunTable-Entries. The min i mum value is 1. */ abst.write_1bytes(1); size_abst += 1; // follows by afrt start_afrt = start_abst + size_abst; abst.write_4bytes(0); abst.write_string("afrt"); size_afrt += 8; /*! @Version UI8 @Flags UI24 */ abst.write_4bytes(0); size_afrt += 4; /*! @TimeScale UI32 The number of time units per second, used in the FirstFragmentTime stamp and Fragment Duration fields. Typically, the value is 1000. */ abst.write_4bytes(1000); size_afrt += 4; /*! @QualityEntryCount UI8 The number of QualitySegment Url Modifiers (quality level references) that follow. If 0, this Fragment Run Table applies to all quality levels, and there shall be only one Fragment Run Table box in the Bootstrap Info box. */ abst.write_1bytes(0); size_afrt += 1; /*! @FragmentRunEntryCount UI32 The number of items in this FragmentRunEntryTable. The minimum value is 1. */ abst.write_4bytes(fragments.size()); size_afrt += 4; list::iterator iter; for (iter = fragments.begin(); iter != fragments.end(); ++iter) { SrsHdsFragment *st = *iter; abst.write_4bytes(st->get_index()); abst.write_8bytes(st->get_start_time()); abst.write_4bytes(st->duration()); size_afrt += 16; } update_box(start_afrt, size_afrt); size_abst += size_afrt; update_box(start_abst, size_abst); string path = _srs_config->get_hds_path(hds_req->vhost) + "/" + hds_req->app + "/" + hds_req->stream +".abst"; int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (fd < 0) { srs_error("open bootstrap file failed, path=%s", path.c_str()); ret = ERROR_HDS_OPEN_BOOTSTRAP_FAILED; return ret; } if (write(fd, start_abst, size_abst) != size_abst) { srs_error("write bootstrap file failed, path=", path.c_str()); close(fd); ret = ERROR_HDS_WRITE_BOOTSTRAP_FAILED; return ret; } close(fd); srs_trace("build bootstrap success=%s", path.c_str()); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } void SrsHds::adjust_windows() { int windows_size = 0; list::iterator iter; for (iter = fragments.begin(); iter != fragments.end(); ++iter) { SrsHdsFragment *fragment = *iter; windows_size += fragment->duration(); } double windows_size_limit = _srs_config->get_hds_window(hds_req->vhost) * 1000; if (windows_size > windows_size_limit ) { SrsHdsFragment *fragment = fragments.front(); unlink(fragment->fragment_path().c_str()); fragments.erase(fragments.begin()); srs_freep(fragment); } } #endif