// // Copyright (c) 2013-2023 The SRS Authors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #ifndef SRS_PROTOCOL_ST_HPP #define SRS_PROTOCOL_ST_HPP #include #include #include #include // Wrap for coroutine. typedef void* srs_netfd_t; typedef void* srs_thread_t; typedef void* srs_cond_t; typedef void* srs_mutex_t; // Initialize ST, requires epoll for linux. extern srs_error_t srs_st_init(); // Destroy ST, free resources for asan detecting. extern void srs_st_destroy(void); // Close the netfd, and close the underlayer fd. // @remark when close, user must ensure io completed. extern void srs_close_stfd(srs_netfd_t& stfd); // Set the FD_CLOEXEC of FD. extern srs_error_t srs_fd_closeexec(int fd); // Set the SO_REUSEADDR of fd. extern srs_error_t srs_fd_reuseaddr(int fd); // Set the SO_REUSEPORT of fd. extern srs_error_t srs_fd_reuseport(int fd); // Set the SO_KEEPALIVE of fd. extern srs_error_t srs_fd_keepalive(int fd); // Get current coroutine/thread. extern srs_thread_t srs_thread_self(); extern void srs_thread_exit(void* retval); extern int srs_thread_join(srs_thread_t thread, void **retvalp); extern void srs_thread_interrupt(srs_thread_t thread); extern void srs_thread_yield(); // For utest to mock the thread create. typedef void* (*_ST_THREAD_CREATE_PFN)(void *(*start)(void *arg), void *arg, int joinable, int stack_size); extern _ST_THREAD_CREATE_PFN _pfn_st_thread_create; // For client, to open socket and connect to server. // @param tm The timeout in srs_utime_t. extern srs_error_t srs_tcp_connect(std::string server, int port, srs_utime_t tm, srs_netfd_t* pstfd); // For server, listen at TCP endpoint. extern srs_error_t srs_tcp_listen(std::string ip, int port, srs_netfd_t* pfd); // For server, listen at UDP endpoint. extern srs_error_t srs_udp_listen(std::string ip, int port, srs_netfd_t* pfd); // Wrap for coroutine. extern srs_cond_t srs_cond_new(); extern int srs_cond_destroy(srs_cond_t cond); extern int srs_cond_wait(srs_cond_t cond); extern int srs_cond_timedwait(srs_cond_t cond, srs_utime_t timeout); extern int srs_cond_signal(srs_cond_t cond); extern int srs_cond_broadcast(srs_cond_t cond); extern srs_mutex_t srs_mutex_new(); extern int srs_mutex_destroy(srs_mutex_t mutex); extern int srs_mutex_lock(srs_mutex_t mutex); extern int srs_mutex_unlock(srs_mutex_t mutex); extern int srs_key_create(int* keyp, void (*destructor)(void*)); extern int srs_thread_setspecific(int key, void* value); extern int srs_thread_setspecific2(srs_thread_t thread, int key, void* value); extern void* srs_thread_getspecific(int key); extern int srs_netfd_fileno(srs_netfd_t stfd); extern int srs_usleep(srs_utime_t usecs); extern srs_netfd_t srs_netfd_open_socket(int osfd); extern srs_netfd_t srs_netfd_open(int osfd); extern int srs_recvfrom(srs_netfd_t stfd, void *buf, int len, struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlen, srs_utime_t timeout); extern int srs_sendto(srs_netfd_t stfd, void *buf, int len, const struct sockaddr *to, int tolen, srs_utime_t timeout); extern int srs_recvmsg(srs_netfd_t stfd, struct msghdr *msg, int flags, srs_utime_t timeout); extern int srs_sendmsg(srs_netfd_t stfd, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags, srs_utime_t timeout); extern srs_netfd_t srs_accept(srs_netfd_t stfd, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen, srs_utime_t timeout); extern ssize_t srs_read(srs_netfd_t stfd, void *buf, size_t nbyte, srs_utime_t timeout); extern bool srs_is_never_timeout(srs_utime_t tm); // The mutex locker. #define SrsLocker(instance) \ impl__SrsLocker _SRS_free_##instance(&instance) class impl__SrsLocker { private: srs_mutex_t* lock; public: impl__SrsLocker(srs_mutex_t* l) { lock = l; int r0 = srs_mutex_lock(*lock); srs_assert(!r0); } virtual ~impl__SrsLocker() { int r0 = srs_mutex_unlock(*lock); srs_assert(!r0); } }; // the socket provides TCP socket over st, // that is, the sync socket mechanism. class SrsStSocket : public ISrsProtocolReadWriter { private: // The recv/send timeout in srs_utime_t. // @remark Use SRS_UTIME_NO_TIMEOUT for never timeout. srs_utime_t rtm; srs_utime_t stm; // The recv/send data in bytes int64_t rbytes; int64_t sbytes; // The underlayer st fd. srs_netfd_t stfd_; public: SrsStSocket(); SrsStSocket(srs_netfd_t fd); virtual ~SrsStSocket(); private: void init(srs_netfd_t fd); public: virtual void set_recv_timeout(srs_utime_t tm); virtual srs_utime_t get_recv_timeout(); virtual void set_send_timeout(srs_utime_t tm); virtual srs_utime_t get_send_timeout(); virtual int64_t get_recv_bytes(); virtual int64_t get_send_bytes(); public: // @param nread, the actual read bytes, ignore if NULL. virtual srs_error_t read(void* buf, size_t size, ssize_t* nread); virtual srs_error_t read_fully(void* buf, size_t size, ssize_t* nread); // @param nwrite, the actual write bytes, ignore if NULL. virtual srs_error_t write(void* buf, size_t size, ssize_t* nwrite); virtual srs_error_t writev(const iovec *iov, int iov_size, ssize_t* nwrite); }; // The client to connect to server over TCP. // User must never reuse the client when close it. // Usage: // SrsTcpClient client("", 1935, 9 * SRS_UTIME_SECONDS); // client.connect(); // client.write("Hello world!", 12, NULL); // client.read(buf, 4096, NULL); // @remark User can directly free the object, which will close the fd. class SrsTcpClient : public ISrsProtocolReadWriter { private: srs_netfd_t stfd_; SrsStSocket* io; private: std::string host; int port; // The timeout in srs_utime_t. srs_utime_t timeout; public: // Constructor. // @param h the ip or hostname of server. // @param p the port to connect to. // @param tm the timeout in srs_utime_t. SrsTcpClient(std::string h, int p, srs_utime_t tm); virtual ~SrsTcpClient(); public: // Connect to server over TCP. // @remark We will close the exists connection before do connect. virtual srs_error_t connect(); // Interface ISrsProtocolReadWriter public: virtual void set_recv_timeout(srs_utime_t tm); virtual srs_utime_t get_recv_timeout(); virtual void set_send_timeout(srs_utime_t tm); virtual srs_utime_t get_send_timeout(); virtual int64_t get_recv_bytes(); virtual int64_t get_send_bytes(); virtual srs_error_t read(void* buf, size_t size, ssize_t* nread); virtual srs_error_t read_fully(void* buf, size_t size, ssize_t* nread); virtual srs_error_t write(void* buf, size_t size, ssize_t* nwrite); virtual srs_error_t writev(const iovec *iov, int iov_size, ssize_t* nwrite); }; #endif