/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 John * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SrsRtcBlackhole::SrsRtcBlackhole() { blackhole = false; blackhole_addr = NULL; blackhole_stfd = NULL; } SrsRtcBlackhole::~SrsRtcBlackhole() { srs_close_stfd(blackhole_stfd); srs_freep(blackhole_addr); } srs_error_t SrsRtcBlackhole::initialize() { srs_error_t err = srs_success; blackhole = _srs_config->get_rtc_server_black_hole(); if (!blackhole) { return err; } string blackhole_ep = _srs_config->get_rtc_server_black_hole_addr(); if (blackhole_ep.empty()) { blackhole = false; srs_warn("disable black hole for no endpoint"); return err; } string host; int port; srs_parse_hostport(blackhole_ep, host, port); srs_freep(blackhole_addr); blackhole_addr = new sockaddr_in(); blackhole_addr->sin_family = AF_INET; blackhole_addr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host.c_str()); blackhole_addr->sin_port = htons(port); int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); blackhole_stfd = srs_netfd_open_socket(fd); srs_assert(blackhole_stfd); srs_trace("RTC blackhole %s:%d, fd=%d", host.c_str(), port, fd); return err; } void SrsRtcBlackhole::sendto(void* data, int len) { if (!blackhole) { return; } // For blackhole, we ignore any error. srs_sendto(blackhole_stfd, data, len, (sockaddr*)blackhole_addr, sizeof(sockaddr_in), SRS_UTIME_NO_TIMEOUT); } SrsRtcBlackhole* _srs_blackhole = new SrsRtcBlackhole(); // @global dtls certficate for rtc module. SrsDtlsCertificate* _srs_rtc_dtls_certificate = new SrsDtlsCertificate(); // TODO: Should support error response. // For STUN packet, 0x00 is binding request, 0x01 is binding success response. bool srs_is_stun(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { return size > 0 && (data[0] == 0 || data[0] == 1); } // change_cipher_spec(20), alert(21), handshake(22), application_data(23) // @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2246#section-6.2.1 bool srs_is_dtls(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) { return (len >= 13 && (data[0] > 19 && data[0] < 64)); } // For RTP or RTCP, the V=2 which is in the high 2bits, 0xC0 (1100 0000) bool srs_is_rtp_or_rtcp(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) { return (len >= 12 && (data[0] & 0xC0) == 0x80); } // For RTCP, PT is [128, 223] (or without marker [0, 95]). // Literally, RTCP starts from 64 not 0, so PT is [192, 223] (or without marker [64, 95]). // @note For RTP, the PT is [96, 127], or [224, 255] with marker. bool srs_is_rtcp(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) { return (len >= 12) && (data[0] & 0x80) && (data[1] >= 192 && data[1] <= 223); } static std::vector get_candidate_ips() { std::vector candidate_ips; string candidate = _srs_config->get_rtc_server_candidates(); if (candidate != "*" && candidate != "") { candidate_ips.push_back(candidate); return candidate_ips; } // For * or, auto discovery expose ip addresses. std::vector& ips = srs_get_local_ips(); if (ips.empty()) { return candidate_ips; } // We try to find the best match candidates, no loopback. string family = _srs_config->get_rtc_server_ip_family(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)ips.size(); ++i) { SrsIPAddress* ip = ips[i]; if (ip->is_loopback) { continue; } if (family == "ipv4" && !ip->is_ipv4) { continue; } if (family == "ipv6" && ip->is_ipv4) { continue; } candidate_ips.push_back(ip->ip); srs_trace("Best matched ip=%s, ifname=%s", ip->ip.c_str(), ip->ifname.c_str()); } if (!candidate_ips.empty()) { return candidate_ips; } // Then, we use the ipv4 address. for (int i = 0; i < (int)ips.size(); ++i) { SrsIPAddress* ip = ips[i]; if (!ip->is_ipv4) { continue; } candidate_ips.push_back(ip->ip); srs_trace("No best matched, use first ip=%s, ifname=%s", ip->ip.c_str(), ip->ifname.c_str()); return candidate_ips; } // We use the first one. if (candidate_ips.empty()) { SrsIPAddress* ip = ips[0]; candidate_ips.push_back(ip->ip); srs_warn("No best matched, use first ip=%s, ifname=%s", ip->ip.c_str(), ip->ifname.c_str()); return candidate_ips; } return candidate_ips; } ISrsRtcServerHandler::ISrsRtcServerHandler() { } ISrsRtcServerHandler::~ISrsRtcServerHandler() { } SrsRtcServer::SrsRtcServer() { handler = NULL; timer = new SrsHourGlass(this, 1 * SRS_UTIME_SECONDS); } SrsRtcServer::~SrsRtcServer() { srs_freep(timer); if (true) { vector::iterator it; for (it = listeners.begin(); it != listeners.end(); ++it) { SrsUdpMuxListener* listener = *it; srs_freep(listener); } } if (true) { std::vector::iterator it; for (it = zombies_.begin(); it != zombies_.end(); ++it) { SrsRtcConnection* session = *it; srs_freep(session); } } } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::initialize() { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if ((err = timer->tick(1 * SRS_UTIME_SECONDS)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "hourglass tick"); } if ((err = timer->start()) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "start timer"); } if ((err = _srs_blackhole->initialize()) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "black hole"); } srs_trace("RTC server init ok"); return err; } void SrsRtcServer::set_handler(ISrsRtcServerHandler* h) { handler = h; } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::listen_udp() { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if (!_srs_config->get_rtc_server_enabled()) { return err; } int port = _srs_config->get_rtc_server_listen(); if (port <= 0) { return srs_error_new(ERROR_RTC_PORT, "invalid port=%d", port); } string ip = srs_any_address_for_listener(); srs_assert(listeners.empty()); int nn_listeners = _srs_config->get_rtc_server_reuseport(); for (int i = 0; i < nn_listeners; i++) { SrsUdpMuxListener* listener = new SrsUdpMuxListener(this, ip, port); if ((err = listener->listen()) != srs_success) { srs_freep(listener); return srs_error_wrap(err, "listen %s:%d", ip.c_str(), port); } srs_trace("rtc listen at udp://%s:%d, fd=%d", ip.c_str(), port, listener->fd()); listeners.push_back(listener); } return err; } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::on_udp_packet(SrsUdpMuxSocket* skt) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; string peer_id = skt->peer_id(); char* data = skt->data(); int size = skt->size(); SrsRtcConnection* session = NULL; if (true) { map::iterator it = map_id_session.find(peer_id); if (it != map_id_session.end()) { session = it->second; // Switch to the session to write logs to the context. if (session) { session->switch_to_context(); } } } // For STUN, the peer address may change. if (srs_is_stun((uint8_t*)data, size)) { SrsStunPacket ping; if ((err = ping.decode(data, size)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "decode stun packet failed"); } srs_info("recv stun packet from %s, use-candidate=%d, ice-controlled=%d, ice-controlling=%d", peer_id.c_str(), ping.get_use_candidate(), ping.get_ice_controlled(), ping.get_ice_controlling()); if (!session) { session = find_session_by_username(ping.get_username()); // Switch to the session to write logs to the context. if (session) { session->switch_to_context(); } } // TODO: FIXME: For ICE trickle, we may get STUN packets before SDP answer, so maybe should response it. if (!session) { return srs_error_new(ERROR_RTC_STUN, "no session, stun username=%s, peer_id=%s", ping.get_username().c_str(), peer_id.c_str()); } return session->on_stun(skt, &ping); } // For DTLS, RTCP or RTP, which does not support peer address changing. if (!session) { return srs_error_new(ERROR_RTC_STUN, "no session, peer_id=%s", peer_id.c_str()); } if (srs_is_dtls((uint8_t*)data, size)) { return session->on_dtls(data, size); } else if (srs_is_rtp_or_rtcp((uint8_t*)data, size)) { if (srs_is_rtcp((uint8_t*)data, size)) { return session->on_rtcp(data, size); } return session->on_rtp(data, size); } return srs_error_new(ERROR_RTC_UDP, "unknown packet"); } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::listen_api() { srs_error_t err = srs_success; // TODO: FIXME: Fetch api from hybrid manager, not from SRS. SrsHttpServeMux* http_api_mux = _srs_hybrid->srs()->instance()->api_server(); if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/rtc/v1/play/", new SrsGoApiRtcPlay(this))) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle play"); } if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/rtc/v1/publish/", new SrsGoApiRtcPublish(this))) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle publish"); } #ifdef SRS_SIMULATOR if ((err = http_api_mux->handle("/rtc/v1/nack/", new SrsGoApiRtcNACK(this))) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "handle nack"); } #endif return err; } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::create_session( SrsRequest* req, const SrsSdp& remote_sdp, SrsSdp& local_sdp, const std::string& mock_eip, bool publish, bool dtls, bool srtp, SrsRtcConnection** psession ) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; SrsContextId cid = _srs_context->get_id(); SrsRtcStream* source = NULL; if ((err = _srs_rtc_sources->fetch_or_create(req, &source)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "create source"); } // TODO: FIXME: Refine the API for stream status manage. if (publish && !source->can_publish(false)) { return srs_error_new(ERROR_RTC_SOURCE_BUSY, "stream %s busy", req->get_stream_url().c_str()); } // TODO: FIXME: add do_create_session to error process. SrsRtcConnection* session = new SrsRtcConnection(this, cid); if ((err = do_create_session(session, req, remote_sdp, local_sdp, mock_eip, publish, dtls, srtp, source)) != srs_success) { srs_freep(session); return srs_error_wrap(err, "create session"); } *psession = session; return err; } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::do_create_session( SrsRtcConnection* session, SrsRequest* req, const SrsSdp& remote_sdp, SrsSdp& local_sdp, const std::string& mock_eip, bool publish, bool dtls, bool srtp, SrsRtcStream* source ) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; // first add publisher/player for negotiate sdp media info if (publish) { if ((err = session->add_publisher(req, remote_sdp, local_sdp)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "add publisher"); } } else { if ((err = session->add_player(req, remote_sdp, local_sdp)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "add player"); } } // All tracks default as inactive, so we must enable them. session->set_all_tracks_status(true); std::string local_pwd = srs_random_str(32); std::string local_ufrag = ""; // TODO: FIXME: Rename for a better name, it's not an username. std::string username = ""; while (true) { local_ufrag = srs_random_str(8); username = local_ufrag + ":" + remote_sdp.get_ice_ufrag(); if (!map_username_session.count(username)) { break; } } local_sdp.set_ice_ufrag(local_ufrag); local_sdp.set_ice_pwd(local_pwd); local_sdp.set_fingerprint_algo("sha-256"); local_sdp.set_fingerprint(_srs_rtc_dtls_certificate->get_fingerprint()); // We allows to mock the eip of server. if (!mock_eip.empty()) { local_sdp.add_candidate(mock_eip, _srs_config->get_rtc_server_listen(), "host"); srs_trace("RTC: Use candidate mock_eip %s", mock_eip.c_str()); } else { std::vector candidate_ips = get_candidate_ips(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)candidate_ips.size(); ++i) { local_sdp.add_candidate(candidate_ips[i], _srs_config->get_rtc_server_listen(), "host"); } srs_trace("RTC: Use candidates %s", srs_join_vector_string(candidate_ips, ", ").c_str()); } if (remote_sdp.get_dtls_role() == "active") { local_sdp.set_dtls_role("passive"); } else if (remote_sdp.get_dtls_role() == "passive") { local_sdp.set_dtls_role("active"); } else if (remote_sdp.get_dtls_role() == "actpass") { local_sdp.set_dtls_role(local_sdp.session_config_.dtls_role); } else { // @see: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4145#section-4.1 // The default value of the setup attribute in an offer/answer exchange // is 'active' in the offer and 'passive' in the answer. local_sdp.set_dtls_role("passive"); } session->set_remote_sdp(remote_sdp); // We must setup the local SDP, then initialize the session object. session->set_local_sdp(local_sdp); session->set_state(WAITING_STUN); // Before session initialize, we must setup the local SDP. if ((err = session->initialize(source, req, publish, dtls, srtp, username)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "init"); } map_username_session.insert(make_pair(username, session)); return err; } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::create_session2(SrsRequest* req, SrsSdp& local_sdp, const std::string& mock_eip, SrsRtcConnection** psession) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; SrsContextId cid = _srs_context->get_id(); std::string local_pwd = srs_random_str(32); // TODO: FIXME: Collision detect. std::string local_ufrag = srs_random_str(8); SrsRtcConnection* session = new SrsRtcConnection(this, cid); // first add player for negotiate local sdp media info if ((err = session->add_player2(req, local_sdp)) != srs_success) { srs_freep(session); return srs_error_wrap(err, "add player2"); } *psession = session; local_sdp.set_dtls_role("actpass"); local_sdp.set_ice_ufrag(local_ufrag); local_sdp.set_ice_pwd(local_pwd); local_sdp.set_fingerprint_algo("sha-256"); local_sdp.set_fingerprint(_srs_rtc_dtls_certificate->get_fingerprint()); // We allows to mock the eip of server. if (!mock_eip.empty()) { local_sdp.add_candidate(mock_eip, _srs_config->get_rtc_server_listen(), "host"); srs_trace("RTC: Use candidate mock_eip %s", mock_eip.c_str()); } else { std::vector candidate_ips = get_candidate_ips(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)candidate_ips.size(); ++i) { local_sdp.add_candidate(candidate_ips[i], _srs_config->get_rtc_server_listen(), "host"); } srs_trace("RTC: Use candidates %s", srs_join_vector_string(candidate_ips, ", ").c_str()); } session->set_local_sdp(local_sdp); session->set_state(WAITING_ANSWER); return err; } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::setup_session2(SrsRtcConnection* session, SrsRequest* req, const SrsSdp& remote_sdp) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if (session->state() != WAITING_ANSWER) { return err; } SrsRtcStream* source = NULL; if ((err = _srs_rtc_sources->fetch_or_create(req, &source)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "create source"); } // TODO: FIXME: Collision detect. string username = session->get_local_sdp()->get_ice_ufrag() + ":" + remote_sdp.get_ice_ufrag(); if ((err = session->initialize(source, req, false, true, true, username)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "init"); } map_username_session.insert(make_pair(username, session)); session->set_remote_sdp(remote_sdp); session->set_state(WAITING_STUN); return err; } void SrsRtcServer::destroy(SrsRtcConnection* session) { if (session->disposing_) { return; } session->disposing_ = true; std::map::iterator it; // We allows username is optional. string username = session->username(); if (!username.empty() && (it = map_username_session.find(username)) != map_username_session.end()) { map_username_session.erase(it); } vector addresses = session->peer_addresses(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)addresses.size(); i++) { SrsUdpMuxSocket* addr = addresses.at(i); map_id_session.erase(addr->peer_id()); } SrsContextRestore(_srs_context->get_id()); session->switch_to_context(); srs_trace("RTC: session destroy, username=%s, summary: %s", username.c_str(), session->stat_->summary().c_str()); zombies_.push_back(session); } bool SrsRtcServer::insert_into_id_sessions(const string& peer_id, SrsRtcConnection* session) { return map_id_session.insert(make_pair(peer_id, session)).second; } void SrsRtcServer::check_and_clean_timeout_session() { map::iterator iter = map_username_session.begin(); while (iter != map_username_session.end()) { SrsRtcConnection* session = iter->second; srs_assert(session); if (!session->is_stun_timeout()) { ++iter; continue; } // Now, we got the RTC session to cleanup, switch to its context // to make all logs write to the "correct" pid+cid. session->switch_to_context(); srs_trace("RTC: session STUN timeout, summary: %s", session->stat_->summary().c_str()); session->disposing_ = true; zombies_.push_back(session); // Use C++98 style: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4636230 map_username_session.erase(iter++); vector addresses = session->peer_addresses(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)addresses.size(); i++) { SrsUdpMuxSocket* addr = addresses.at(i); map_id_session.erase(addr->peer_id()); } if (handler) { handler->on_timeout(session); } } } SrsRtcConnection* SrsRtcServer::find_session_by_username(const std::string& username) { map::iterator iter = map_username_session.find(username); if (iter == map_username_session.end()) { return NULL; } return iter->second; } srs_error_t SrsRtcServer::notify(int type, srs_utime_t interval, srs_utime_t tick) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; // Check session timeout, put to zombies queue. check_and_clean_timeout_session(); // Cleanup zombie sessions. if (zombies_.empty()) { return err; } std::vector zombies; zombies.swap(zombies_); std::vector::iterator it; for (it = zombies.begin(); it != zombies.end(); ++it) { SrsRtcConnection* session = *it; srs_freep(session); } return err; } RtcServerAdapter::RtcServerAdapter() { rtc = new SrsRtcServer(); } RtcServerAdapter::~RtcServerAdapter() { srs_freep(rtc); } srs_error_t RtcServerAdapter::initialize() { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if ((err = _srs_rtc_dtls_certificate->initialize()) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "rtc dtls certificate initialize"); } if ((err = rtc->initialize()) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "rtc server initialize"); } return err; } srs_error_t RtcServerAdapter::run() { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if ((err = rtc->listen_udp()) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "listen udp"); } if ((err = rtc->listen_api()) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "listen api"); } return err; } void RtcServerAdapter::stop() { }