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<pre id="sipSessionMessage" style="overflow:scroll; height:280px"></pre>
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<button class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_rtc_play">RTC播放</button>
<a href='https://github.com/ossrs/srs/wiki/v4_CN_RTCWiki'>RTC配置参考</a>
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全屏比例大小<span class="caret"></span>
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<ul class="dropdown-menu">
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<li><a id="btn_dar_21_9" href="#">宽屏影院(21:9)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_dar_16_9" href="#">宽屏电视(16:9)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_dar_4_3" href="#">窄屏(4:3)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_dar_fill" href="#">填充(容器比例)</a></li>
<div class="btn-group dropup">
<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">缓冲区大小<span class="caret"></span></button>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a id="btn_bt_0_1" href="#">0.1秒(实时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_0_2" href="#">0.2秒(实时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_0_3" href="#">0.3秒(实时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_0_5" href="#">0.5秒(实时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_0_8" href="#">0.8秒(会议)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_1_0" href="#">1秒(低延迟)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_2_0" href="#">2秒(较低延时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_3_0" href="#">3秒(流畅播放)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_4_0" href="#">4秒(流畅播放)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_5_0" href="#">5秒(网速较低)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_6_0" href="#">6秒(网速较低)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_8_0" href="#">8秒(网速较低)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_10_0" href="#">10秒(无所谓延迟)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_15_0" href="#">15秒(无所谓延迟)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_20_0" href="#">20秒(无所谓延迟)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_bt_30_0" href="#">30秒(流畅第一)</a></li>
<div class="btn-group dropup">
<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">最大缓冲区<span class="caret"></span></button>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a id="btn_mbt_0_6" href="#">0.6秒(实时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_0_9" href="#">0.9秒(实时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_1_2" href="#">1.2秒(实时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_1_5" href="#">1.5秒(实时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_2_4" href="#">2.4秒(会议)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_3_0" href="#">3秒(低延迟)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_6_0" href="#">6秒(较低延时)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_9_0" href="#">9秒(流畅播放)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_12_0" href="#">12秒(流畅播放)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_15_0" href="#">15秒(网速较低)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_18_0" href="#">18秒(网速较低)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_24_0" href="#">24秒(网速较低)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_30_0" href="#">30秒(无所谓延迟)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_45_0" href="#">45秒(无所谓延迟)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_60_0" href="#">60秒(无所谓延迟)</a></li>
<li><a id="btn_mbt_90_0" href="#">90秒(流畅第一)</a></li>
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<div class="input-prepend div_play_time" title="BufferLength/BufferTime/MaxBufferTime">
<span class="add-on">@B</span>
<input class="span2" style="width:80px" id="txt_buffer" type="text" placeholder="0/0/0s">
<div class="input-prepend div_play_time" title="视频的播放流畅度">
<span class="add-on">@F</span>
<input class="span2" style="width:57px" id="txt_fluency" type="text" placeholder="100%">
<div class="input-prepend div_play_time" title="视频总共卡顿次数">
<span class="add-on">@E</span>
<input class="span2" style="width:45px" id="txt_empty_count" type="text" placeholder="0">
<div class="input-prepend div_play_time" title="视频当前的帧率FPS">
<span class="add-on">@F</span>
<input class="span2" style="width:55px" id="txt_fps" type="text" placeholder="fps">
<div class="input-prepend div_play_time" title="视频当前的码率(视频+音频),单位:Kbps">
<span class="add-on">@B</span>
<input class="span2" style="width:55px" id="txt_bitrate" type="text" placeholder="kbps">
<div class="input-prepend div_play_time" title="播放时长,格式:天 时:分:秒">
<span class="add-on">@T</span>
<input class="span2" style="width:85px" id="txt_time" type="text" placeholder="天 时:分:秒">
<div style="margin-top:-12px;">
<span id="debug_info"></span>
URL: <a href="#" id="player_url"></a>
<div class="input-prepend div_play_time" title="当前时间:年-月-日 时:分:秒">
<span class="add-on">@N</span>
<input class="span2" style="width:135px" id="player_clock" type="text" placeholder="年-月-日 时:分:秒">
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<button class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_ptz_zoomin"> 放大+ </button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_ptz_zoomout"> 缩小- </button>
[注意] !!! 云台控制需要启用内部sip功能
<div class="input-prepend" title="首播时间,点播放到开始播放的时间,秒">
<span class="add-on">@PST</span>
<input class="span1" style="width:60px" id="txt_pst" type="text" placeholder="N秒">
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<button class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_ptz_zoomin_rtc"> 放大+ </button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_ptz_zoomout_rtc"> 缩小- </button>
[注意] !!! 云台控制需要启用内部sip功能
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<span class="add-on">通道ID</span>
<input class="span1" style="width:200px" id="txt_channel_id" type="text" >
<span class="add-on">app</span>
<input class="span1" style="width:200px" id="txt_app" type="text" value="live">
<div>可以参数化: [stream]--通道ID; [ssrc]--rtp中ssrc; [timestamp]--当前时间戳</div>
<span class="add-on">stream</span>
<input class="span1" style="width:200px" id="txt_stream" type="text" value="[stream]">
<select id="sel_ch_mode_type" onclick="selectChannelModeType(this)">
<option value="fixed">固定</option>
<option value="random">随机</option>
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<param name="movie" value="srs_player/release/srs_player.swf"> \
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<param name="flashvars" value="id=1&on_player_ready=__on_flash_ready"> \
<embed src="srs_player/release/srs_player.swf" width="100%" height="100%" \
quality="autohigh" bgcolor="#0" align="middle" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" \
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" swliveconnect="true" wmode="opaque" \
flashvars="id=1&on_player_ready=__on_flash_ready" \
pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> \
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var showFlashHdr = setTimeout(function(){
}, 300);
__on_flash_ready = function (id) {
<script type="text/javascript">
var srs_player = null;
var url = null;
var query = parse_query_string();
$("#txt_api_url").val("http://" + query.host + ":1985")
var __active_dar = null;
function select_dar(dar_id, num, den) {
srs_player.set_dar(num, den);
if (__active_dar) {
__active_dar = $(dar_id).parent();
var __active_size = null;
function select_fs_size(size_id, refer, percent) {
srs_player.set_fs(refer, percent);
if (__active_size) {
__active_size = $(size_id).parent();
function select_buffer(buffer_time) {
var bt = buffer_time;
var bt_id = "#btn_bt_" + bt.toFixed(1).replace(".", "_");
select_buffer_time(bt_id, bt);
function select_max_buffer(max_buffer_time) {
var mbt = max_buffer_time;
var mbt_id = "#btn_mbt_" + mbt.toFixed(1).replace(".", "_");
select_max_buffer_time(mbt_id, mbt);
var __active_bt = null;
function select_buffer_time(bt_id, buffer_time) {
if (__active_bt) {
__active_bt = $(bt_id).parent();
var __active_mbt = null;
function select_max_buffer_time(mbt_id, max_buffer_time) {
if (__active_mbt) {
__active_mbt = $(mbt_id).parent();
function syntaxHighlight(json) {
if (typeof json != 'string') {
json = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2);
json = json.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>');
return json.replace(/("(\\u[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}|\\[^u]|[^\\"])*"(\s*:)?|\b(true|false|null)\b|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)/g, function(match) {
var cls = 'number';
if (/^"/.test(match)) {
if (/:$/.test(match)) {
cls = 'key';
} else {
cls = 'string';
} else if (/true|false/.test(match)) {
cls = 'boolean';
} else if (/null/.test(match)) {
cls = 'null';
return '<span class="' + cls + '">' + match + '</span>';
function http_get(url){
var retdata = null;
console.log("GET", url);
type : "GET",
async : false,
url : url,
contentType: "text/html",
data : "",
complete : function() {
error : function(ret) {
alert("GET 请求失败:" + url);
success : function(ret) {
//var jdata = JSON.parse(ret);
retdata = ret;//.data;
return retdata;
function refreshSipSessionList(sessionList){
for (idx in sessionList.sessions)
//href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="fn(this)">
var session = sessionList.sessions[idx];
var id = "id:" +session.id;
var li = "<li><a id='linkChannelId1' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='sipSessionOnClick(this)'>" +id + "</a></li>";
var devices = session.devices;
for (idx2 in devices)
//href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="fn(this)">
var id = "-->" + devices[idx2].device_id + ":" + devices[idx2].device_status + ":" + devices[idx2].invite_status;
var li = "<li><a id='linkChannelId1' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='sipSessionOnClick(this)' rel='"+ session.id + "'>" +id + "</a></li>";
//if (sessionList == undefined)
// $("#lab_chlist").text("(0)");
// $("#lab_chlist").text("("+sessionList.length+")");
function sipSessionOnClick(chidObj){
id = chidObj.rel + chidObj.text;
if (id.indexOf("id:") != -1) {
var aa = id.split(":")
sessionid = aa[1];
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=sip_query_session&id=" + sessionid
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret.code == 0 && ret.data != undefined ) {
function channelOnClick(chidObj){
id = chidObj.text;
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=query_channel&id=" + id
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret.code == 0 && ret.data != undefined ) {
var urlObject = parse_rtmp_url(ret.data.channels[0].rtmp_url);
var werbrtc_url = "webrtc://"+ urlObject.server + "/" + urlObject.app + "/" + urlObject.stream;
function refreshGb28181ChList(gb28181ChList){
for (idx in gb28181ChList.channels)
//href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="fn(this)">
var channel = gb28181ChList.channels[idx];
var id = channel.id;
var li = "<li><a id='linkChannelId' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='channelOnClick(this)'>" +id + "</a></li>";
//if (sessionList == undefined)
// $("#lab_chlist").text("(0)");
// $("#lab_chlist").text("("+sessionList.length+")");
* The parameters for this page:
* schema, the protocol schema, rtmp or http.
* server, the ip of the url.
* port, the rtmp port of url.
* vhost, the vhost of url, can equals to server.
* app, the app of url.
* stream, the stream of url, can endwith .flv or .mp4 or nothing for RTMP.
* autostart, whether auto play the stream.
* buffer, the buffer time in seconds.
* extra params:
* shp_identify, hls+ param.
* for example:
* http://localhost:8088/players/srs_player.html?vhost=ossrs.net&app=live&stream=livestream&server=ossrs.net&port=1935&autostart=true&schema=rtmp
* http://localhost:8088/players/srs_player.html?vhost=ossrs.net&app=live&stream=livestream.flv&server=ossrs.net&port=8080&autostart=true&schema=http
var autoLoadPage = function() {
var query = parse_query_string();
// get the vhost and port to set the default url.
// for example:
// url set to: rtmp://demo:1935/live/livestream
srs_init_rtmp("#txt_url", "#main_modal");
srs_init_rtmp("#txt_url", "#rtc_player_modal");
// consts for buffer and max buffer.
var bts = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30];
var mbts = [0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 2.4, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30, 45, 60, 90];
// the play startup time.
var pst = new Date();
var pc = null; // Global handler to do cleanup when replaying.
$("#main_modal").on("show", function(){
if (srs_player) {
var div_container = $("<div/>");
$(div_container).attr("id", "div_container");
var player = $("<div/>");
$(player).attr("id", "player_id");
srs_player = new SrsPlayer("player_id", srs_get_player_width(), srs_get_player_height());
srs_player.on_player_ready = function() {
var buffer_time = 0.5;
if (url.indexOf('.m3u8') > 0) {
buffer_time = 2;
if (query.buffer) {
for (var i = 0; i < bts.length - 1; i++) {
var cur = bts[i];
var next = bts[i+1];
if (Number(query.buffer) >= cur && Number(query.buffer) < next) {
buffer_time = cur;
pst = new Date();
srs_player.on_player_status = function(code, desc) {
//console.log("[播放器状态] code=" + code + ", desc=" + desc);
srs_player.on_player_metadata = function(metadata) {
$("#btn_dar_original").text("视频原始比例" + "(" + metadata.width + ":" + metadata.height + ")");
if (metadata.ip && metadata.pid && metadata.cid) {
$("#debug_info").text("ID:" + metadata.ip + '/' + metadata.pid + '/' + metadata.cid + '');
select_dar("#btn_dar_original", 0, 0);
select_fs_size("#btn_fs_size_screen_100", "screen", 100);
srs_player.on_player_timer = function(time, buffer_length, kbps, fps, rtime) {
if (time > 0 && pst) {
var diff = (new Date().getTime() - pst.getTime()) / 1000.0;
$("#txt_pst").val(Number(diff).toFixed(2) + "秒");
pst = null;
var buffer = buffer_length / this.max_buffer_time * 100;
$("#pb_buffer").width(Number(buffer).toFixed(1) + "%");
"缓冲区:" + buffer_length.toFixed(1) + "秒, 最大缓冲区:"
+ this.max_buffer_time.toFixed(1) + "秒, 当前:"
+ buffer.toFixed(1) + "%");
var bts = this.buffer_time >= 1? this.buffer_time.toFixed(0) : this.buffer_time.toFixed(1);
var mbts = this.buffer_time >= 1? this.max_buffer_time.toFixed(0) : this.max_buffer_time.toFixed(1);
$("#txt_buffer").val(buffer_length.toFixed(1) + "/" + bts + "/" + mbts + "s");
$("#txt_bitrate").val(kbps.toFixed(0) + "kbps");
$("#txt_fps").val(fps.toFixed(1) + "fps");
$("#txt_empty_count").val(srs_player.empty_count() + "次");
$("#txt_fluency").val(srs_player.fluency().toFixed(2) + "%");
var time_str = "";
// day
time_str = padding(parseInt(time / 24 / 3600), 2, '0') + " ";
// hour
time = time % (24 * 3600);
time_str += padding(parseInt(time / 3600), 2, '0') + ":";
// minute
time = time % (3600);
time_str += padding(parseInt(time / 60), 2, '0') + ":";
// seconds
time = time % (60);
time_str += padding(parseInt(time), 2, '0');
// show
var clock = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
$("#player_clock").val(absolute_seconds_to_YYYYmmdd(clock) + " " + absolute_seconds_to_HHMMSS(clock));
$("#main_modal").on("hide", function(){
if (srs_player) {
// report the log to backend.
srs_player = null;
var apply_url_change = function() {
var rtmp = parse_rtmp_url($("#txt_url").val());
var url = "http://" + query.host + query.pathname + "?"
+ "app=" + rtmp.app + "&stream=" + rtmp.stream
+ "&server=" + rtmp.server + "&port=" + rtmp.port
+ "&autostart=true";
if (query.shp_identify) {
url += "&shp_identify=" + query.shp_identify;
if (rtmp.vhost == "__defaultVhost__") {
url += "&vhost=" + rtmp.server;
} else {
url += "&vhost=" + rtmp.vhost;
if (rtmp.schema == "http") {
url += "&schema=http";
if (query.buffer) {
url += "&buffer=" + query.buffer;
if (query.api_port) {
url += "&api_port=" + query.api_port;
var queries = user_extra_params(query);
if (queries && queries.length) {
url += '&' + queries.join('&');
$("#player_url").text($("#txt_url").val()).attr("href", url);
$("#link_url").attr("href", url);
$("#link_modal").modal({show:true, keyboard:true});
url = $("#txt_rtmp_url").val();
$("#main_modal").modal({show:true, keyboard:true});
$("#btn_pause").click(function() {
if (true) {
$("#srs_publish").click(function () {
url = $("#srs_publish").text();
$("#main_modal").modal({show: true, keyboard: false});
$("#srs_publish_ld").click(function () {
url = $("#srs_publish_ld").text();
$("#main_modal").modal({show: true, keyboard: false});
$("#srs_publish_sd").click(function () {
url = $("#srs_publish_sd").text();
$("#main_modal").modal({show: true, keyboard: false});
$("#srs_publish_fw").click(function () {
url = $("#srs_publish_fw").text();
$("#main_modal").modal({show: true, keyboard: false});
$("#srs_publish_fw_ld").click(function () {
url = $("#srs_publish_fw_ld").text();
$("#main_modal").modal({show: true, keyboard: false});
$("#srs_publish_fw_sd").click(function () {
url = $("#srs_publish_fw_sd").text();
$("#main_modal").modal({show: true, keyboard: false});
if (true) {
select_dar("#btn_dar_original", 0, 0);
select_dar("#btn_dar_21_9", 21, 9);
select_dar("#btn_dar_16_9", 16, 9);
select_dar("#btn_dar_4_3", 4, 3);
select_dar("#btn_dar_fill", -1, -1);
if (true) {
select_fs_size("#btn_fs_size_video_100", "video", 100);
select_fs_size("#btn_fs_size_video_75", "video", 75);
select_fs_size("#btn_fs_size_video_50", "video", 50);
select_fs_size("#btn_fs_size_screen_100", "screen", 100);
select_fs_size("#btn_fs_size_screen_75", "screen", 75);
select_fs_size("#btn_fs_size_screen_50", "screen", 50);
if (true) {
for (var i = 0; i < bts.length; i++) {
var bt = bts[i];
var bt_id = "#btn_bt_" + bt.toFixed(1).replace(".", "_");
var bt_fun = function(id, v){
select_buffer_time(id, v);
// remember the chagned buffer.
if (Number(query.buffer) != srs_player.buffer_time) {
query.buffer = srs_player.buffer_time;
bt_fun(bt_id, bt);
if (true) {
for (var i = 0; i < mbts.length; i++) {
var mbt = mbts[i];
var mbt_id = "#btn_mbt_" + mbt.toFixed(1).replace(".", "_");
var mbt_fun = function(id, v){
select_max_buffer_time(id, v);
mbt_fun(mbt_id, mbt);
if (true){
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=sip_query_session"
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret != undefined && ret.code == 0){
var time_query = function(){
setTimeout(function () {$("#btn_sip_query_session").click()}, 1000);
var id = $("#sipSessionId").text();
if (id.indexOf("id:") != -1) {
var str = id.split(":")
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=sip_unregister&id=" + str[1];
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret != undefined && ret.code == 0){
var text = $("#sipSessionId").text();
if (text.indexOf("-->") != -1) {
var str = text.split("-->");
id = str[0];
var str2 = str[1].split(":")
chid = str2[0];
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=sip_invite&id=" + id + "&chid="+chid;
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret != undefined && ret.code == 0){
var text = $("#sipSessionId").text();
if (text.indexOf("-->") != -1) {
var str = text.split("-->");
id = str[0];
var str2 = str[1].split(":")
chid = str2[0];
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=sip_bye&id=" + id + "&chid="+chid;
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret != undefined && ret.code == 0){
var text = $("#sipSessionId").text();
if (text.indexOf("-->") != -1) {
var str = text.split("-->");
id = str[0];
var str2 = str[1].split(":")
chid = str2[0];
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=sip_query_catalog&id=" + id + "&chid="+chid;
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret != undefined && ret.code == 0){
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=query_channel"
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret != undefined && ret.code == 0){
var id = $("#gb28181ChannelId").text();
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=delete_channel&id=" + id;
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret != undefined && ret.code == 0){
var call_ptz_cmd = function(cmd) {
var str = $("#gb28181ChannelId").text();
var str_array = str.split("@")
var chid = "";
var id = "";
if (str_array.length < 1){
var speed = "136";
id = str_array[0];
chid = str_array[1];
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=sip_ptz&id=" + id + "&chid="+chid+ "&ptzcmd="+cmd + "&speed=" + speed;
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
var ptz_cmd = ["up", "down", "right", "left", "zoomin", "zoomout"]
for (var i=0; i<ptz_cmd.length; i++){
var bt_fun = function(id, cmd){
var bt_id = "#btn_ptz_"+ptz_cmd[i]+ "_rtc";
bt_fun(bt_id, ptz_cmd[i]);
bt_id = "#btn_ptz_"+ptz_cmd[i];
bt_fun(bt_id, ptz_cmd[i]);
$("#create_channel_modal").modal({show: true, keyboard: false});
var chid = $("#txt_channel_id").val();
var app = $("#txt_app").val();
var stream = $("#txt_stream").val();
var port_mode = $("#sel_ch_mode_type").val();
if (chid == ""){
url = $("#txt_api_url").val();
var apiurl = url + "/api/v1/gb28181?action=create_channel&id=" + chid + "&app=" + app + "&stream=" + stream + "&port_mode="+ port_mode
var ret = http_get(apiurl);
if (ret != undefined && ret.code == 0){
$("#rtc_player_modal").modal({show: true, keyboard: false});
$("#rtc_player_modal").on("hide", function(){
if (pc) {
var startPlay = function(url) {
var urlObject = parse_rtmp_url(url);
var schema = window.location.protocol;
// Close PC when user replay.
if (pc) {
pc = new RTCPeerConnection(null);
pc.onaddstream = function (event) {
$('#rtc_media_player').prop('srcObject', event.stream);
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
pc.addTransceiver("audio", {direction: "recvonly"});
pc.addTransceiver("video", {direction: "recvonly"});
}).then(function(offer) {
return pc.setLocalDescription(offer).then(function(){ return offer; });
}).then(function(offer) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var port = urlObject.port || 1985;
// @see https://github.com/rtcdn/rtcdn-draft
var api = urlObject.user_query.play || '/rtc/v1/play/';
if (api.lastIndexOf('/') != api.length - 1) {
api += '/';
var url = schema + '//' + urlObject.server + ':' + port + api;
for (var key in urlObject.user_query) {
if (key != 'api' && key != 'play') {
url += '&' + key + '=' + urlObject.user_query[key];
// Replace /rtc/v1/play/&k=v to /rtc/v1/play/?k=v
url = url.replace(api + '&', api + '?');
// @see https://github.com/rtcdn/rtcdn-draft
var data = {
api: url, streamurl: urlObject.url, clientip: null, sdp: offer.sdp
console.log("offer: " + JSON.stringify(data));
type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(data),
contentType:'application/json', dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(data) {
console.log("answer: " + JSON.stringify(data));
}).then(function(answer) {
return pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription({type: 'answer', sdp: answer}));
}).catch(function(reason) {
throw reason;