# tgcloud ## UNDER DEVELOPMENT v1.1 ![](img/demo.gif) - `secret.py` : rename `secret.py.template`, insert `api_hash` and `api_id` obtained with https://my.telegram.org - Install Python2.7 and Python3.6 - Clone the repository ``` cd ~ git clone https://github.com/SlavikMIPT/tgcloud.git ``` - Install requirements for Python3.6 `sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt` - Create a session by running **from the project folder** `python3.6 telegram_create_session.py` - Install fuse bindings `sudo yum install python-fuse` - Create Mount Folder `mkdir storage` - Run VFS **from the project folder**: #### debug: `python2.7 dedupfs/dedupfs.py -df --block-size 20971520 -o auto_unmount -o hard_remove storage/` #### as a service: replace `` in `tgcloud.service` ``` sudo cp tgcloud.service /ect/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl enable tgcloud.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start tgcloud.service sudo systemctl status tgcloud.service -l ``` Version 1.1 It works more vigorously, but still a raw prototype - just POC Can crash, it is unstable and slow in some cases . For tests, it is better to use a separate telegram profile. If banned - mail `recover@telegram.org` You can try to use web based [filebrowser](https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser) or SFTP You are welcome to collaborate - contact Telegram: [@SlavikMIPT](t.me/SlavikMIPT) Channel: [@MediaTube_stream](t.me/MediaTube_stream)