2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// this is actually `mathlib.fc` transformed to Tolk
import "@stdlib/tvm-lowlevel"
/*--------------- MISSING OPERATIONS AND BUILT-INS ----------------*/
/// compute floor(log2(x))+1
fun log2_floor_p1(x: int): int
fun mulrshiftr(x: int, y: int, s: int): int
fun mulrshiftr256(x: int, y: int): int
asm "256 MULRSHIFTR#";
fun mulrshift256mod(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
asm "256 MULRSHIFT#MOD";
fun mulrshiftr256mod(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun mulrshiftr255mod(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun mulrshiftr248mod(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun mulrshiftr5mod(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun mulrshiftr6mod(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun mulrshiftr7mod(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun lshift256divr(x: int, y: int): int
asm "256 LSHIFT#DIVR";
fun lshift256divmodr(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun lshift255divmodr(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun lshift2divmodr(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun lshift7divmodr(x: int, y: int): (int, int)
fun lshiftdivmodr(x: int, y: int, s: int): (int, int)
fun rshiftr256mod(x: int): (int, int)
asm "256 RSHIFTR#MOD";
fun rshiftr248mod(x: int): (int, int)
asm "248 RSHIFTR#MOD";
fun rshiftr4mod(x: int): (int, int)
asm "4 RSHIFTR#MOD";
fun rshift3mod(x: int): (int, int)
asm "3 RSHIFT#MOD";
/// computes y - x (Tolk compiler does not try to use this by itself)
fun sub_rev(x: int, y: int): int
asm "SUBR";
fun nan(): int
asm "PUSHNAN";
fun is_nan(x: int): int
asm "ISNAN";
/*----------------------- SQUARE ROOTS ---------------------------*/
/// computes sqrt(a*b) exactly rounded to the nearest integer
/// for all 0 <= a, b <= 2^256-1
/// may be used with b=1 or b=scale of fixed-point numbers
fun geom_mean(a: int, b: int): int {
if (!min(a, b)) {
return 0;
var s: int = log2_floor_p1(a); // throws out of range error if a < 0 or b < 0
var t: int = log2_floor_p1(b);
// NB: (a-b)/2+b == (a+b)/2, but without overflow for large a and b
var x: int = (s == t ? (a - b) / 2 + b : 1 << ((s + t) / 2));
do {
// if always used with b=2^const, may be optimized to "const LSHIFTDIVC#"
// it is important to use `mulDivCeil` here, not `mulDivFloor` or `mulDivRound`
var q: int = (mulDivCeil(a, b, x) - x) / 2;
x += q;
} while (q);
return x;
/// integer square root, computes round(sqrt(a)) for all a>=0.
/// note: `inline` is better than `inline_ref` for such simple functions
fun sqrt(a: int): int {
return geom_mean(a, 1);
/// version for fixed248 = fixed-point numbers with scale 2^248
/// fixed248 sqrt(fixed248 x)
fun fixed248_sqrt(x: int): int {
return geom_mean(x, 1 << 248);
/// fixed255 sqrt(fixed255 x)
fun fixed255_sqrt(x: int): int {
return geom_mean(x, 1 << 255);
/// fixed248 sqr(fixed248 x);
fun fixed248_sqr(x: int): int {
return mulDivRound(x, x, 1 << 248);
/// fixed255 sqr(fixed255 x);
fun fixed255_sqr(x: int): int {
return mulDivRound(x, x, 1 << 255);
const fixed248_One: int = (1 << 248);
const fixed255_One: int = (1 << 255);
/*------------------- USEFUL CONSTANTS -------------------*/
/// store huge constants in inline_ref functions for reuse
/// (y,z) where y=round(log(2)*2^256), z=round((log(2)*2^256-y)*2^128)
/// then log(2) = y/2^256 + z/2^384
fun log2_xconst_f256(): (int, int) {
return (80260960185991308862233904206310070533990667611589946606122867505419956976172, -32272921378999278490133606779486332143);
/// (y,z) where Pi = y/2^254 + z/2^382
fun Pi_xconst_f254(): (int, int) {
return (90942894222941581070058735694432465663348344332098107489693037779484723616546, 108051869516004014909778934258921521947);
/// atan(1/16) as fixed260
fun Atan1_16_f260(): int {
return 115641670674223639132965820642403718536242645001775371762318060545014644837101; // true value is ...101.0089...
/// atan(1/8) as fixed259
fun Atan1_8_f259(): int {
return 115194597005316551477397594802136977648153890007566736408151129975021336532841; // correction -0.1687...
/// atan(1/32) as fixed261
fun Atan1_32_f261(): int {
return 115754418570128574501879331591757054405465733718902755858991306434399246026247; // correction 0.395...
/// inline is better than inline_ref for such very small functions
fun log2_const_f256(): int {
var (c: int, _) = log2_xconst_f256();
return c;
fun fixed248_log2_const(): int {
return log2_const_f256() ~>> 8;
fun Pi_const_f254(): int {
[Tolk] Rewrite the type system from Hindley-Milner to static typing
FunC's (and Tolk's before this PR) type system is based on Hindley-Milner.
This is a common approach for functional languages, where
types are inferred from usage through unification.
As a result, type declarations are not necessary:
() f(a,b) { return a+b; } // a and b now int, since `+` (int, int)
While this approach works for now, problems arise with the introduction
of new types like bool, where `!x` must handle both int and bool.
It will also become incompatible with int32 and other strict integers.
This will clash with structure methods, struggle with proper generics,
and become entirely impractical for union types.
This PR completely rewrites the type system targeting the future.
1) type of any expression is inferred and never changed
2) this is available because dependent expressions already inferred
3) forall completely removed, generic functions introduced
(they work like template functions actually, instantiated while inferring)
4) instantiation `<...>` syntax, example: `t.tupleAt<int>(0)`
5) `as` keyword, for example `t.tupleAt(0) as int`
6) methods binding is done along with type inferring, not before
("before", as worked previously, was always a wrong approach)
2024-12-30 15:31:27 +00:00
var (c, _) = Pi_xconst_f254();
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
return c;
fun fixed248_Pi_const(): int {
return Pi_const_f254() ~>> 6;
/*-------------- HYPERBOLIC TANGENT AND EXPONENT ------------------*/
/// hyperbolic tangent of small x via n+2 terms of Lambert's continued fraction
/// n=17: good for |x| < log(2)/4 = 0.173
/// fixed258 tanh_f258(fixed258 x, int n)
fun tanh_f258(x: int, n: int): int {
var x2: int = mulDivRound(x, x, 1 << 255); // x^2 as fixed261
var a: int = (2 * n + 5) << 250; // a=2n+5 as fixed250
var c = a;
var Two: int = (1 << 251); // 2. as fixed250
repeat (n) {
a = (c -= Two) + mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 239, a); // a := 2k+1+x^2/a as fixed250, k=n+1,n,...,2
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
a = (3 << 254) + mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 243, a); // a := 3+x^2/a as fixed254
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// y = x/(1+a') = x - x*a'/(1+a') = x - x*x^2/(a+x^2) where a' = x^2/a
return x - (mulDivRound(x, x2, a + (x2 ~>> 7)) ~>> 7);
/// fixed257 expm1_f257(fixed257 x)
/// computes exp(x)-1 for small x via 19 terms of Lambert's continued fraction for tanh(x/2)
/// good for |x| < log(2)/2 = 0.347 (n=17); consumes ~3500 gas
fun expm1_f257(x: int): int {
// (almost) compute tanh(x/2) first; x/2 as fixed258 = x as fixed257
var x2: int = mulDivRound(x, x, 1 << 255); // x^2 as fixed261
var Two: int = (1 << 251); // 2. as fixed250
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var a: int = 39 << 250; // a=2n+5 as fixed250
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var c = a;
repeat (17) {
a = (c -= Two) + mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 239, a); // a := 2k+1+x^2/a as fixed250, k=n+1,n,...,2
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
a = (3 << 254) + mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 243, a); // a := 3+x^2/a as fixed254
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// now tanh(x/2) = x/(1+a') where a'=x^2/a ; apply exp(x)-1=2*tanh(x/2)/(1-tanh(x/2))
var t: int = (x ~>> 4) - a; // t:=x-a as fixed254
return x - mulDivRound(x2, t / 2, a + mulrshiftr256(x, t) ~/ 4) ~/ 4; // x - x^2 * (x-a) / (a + x*(x-a))
/// expm1_f257() may be used to implement specific fixed-point exponentials
/// example:
/// fixed248 exp(fixed248 x)
fun fixed248_exp(x: int): int {
var (l2c, l2d) = log2_xconst_f256();
// divide x by log(2) and convert to fixed257
// (int q, x) = muldivmodr(x, 256, l2c); // unfortunately, no such built-in
var (q: int, x redef) = lshiftdivmodr(x, l2c, 8);
x = 2 * x - mulDivRound(q, l2d, 1 << 127);
var y: int = expm1_f257(x);
// result is (1 + y) * (2^q) --> ((1 << 257) + y) >> (9 - q)
return (y ~>> (9 - q)) - (-1 << (248 + q));
// note that (y ~>> (9 - q)) + (1 << (248 + q)) leads to overflow when q=8
/// compute 2^x in fixed248
/// fixed248 exp2(fixed248 x)
fun fixed248_exp2(x: int): int {
// (int q, x) = divmodr(x, 1 << 248); // no such built-in
var (q: int, x redef) = rshiftr248mod(x);
x = mulDivRound(x, log2_const_f256(), 1 << 247);
var y: int = expm1_f257(x);
return (y ~>> (9 - q)) - (-1 << (248 + q));
/*-------------------- TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------*/
/// fixed260 tan(fixed260 x);
/// computes tan(x) for small |x|<atan(1/16) via 16 terms of Lambert's continued fraction
fun tan_f260_inlined(x: int): int {
var x2: int = mulrshiftr256(x, x); // x^2 as fixed264
var Two: int = (1 << 251); // 2. as fixed250
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var a: int = 33 << 250; // a=2n+5 as fixed250
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var c = a;
repeat (14) {
a = (c -= Two) - mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 236, a); // a := 2k+1-x^2/a as fixed250, k=n+1,n,...,2
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
a = (3 << 254) - mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 240, a); // a := 3-x^2/a as fixed254
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// y = x/(1-a') = x + x*a'/(1-a') = x + x*x^2/(a-x^2) where a' = x^2/a
return x + (mulDivRound(x / 2, x2, a - (x2 ~>> 10)) ~>> 9);
/// fixed260 tan(fixed260 x);
fun tan_f260(x: int): int {
return tan_f260_inlined(x);
/// fixed258 tan(fixed258 x);
/// computes tan(x) for small |x|<atan(1/4) via 20 terms of Lambert's continued fraction
fun tan_f258_inlined(x: int): int {
var x2: int = mulrshiftr256(x, x); // x^2 as fixed260
var Two: int = (1 << 251); // 2. as fixed250
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var a: int = 41 << 250; // a=2n+5 as fixed250
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var c = a;
repeat (18) {
a = (c -= Two) - mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 240, a); // a := 2k+1-x^2/a as fixed250, k=n+1,n,...,2
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
a = (3 << 254) - mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 244, a); // a := 3-x^2/a as fixed254
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// y = x/(1-a') = x + x*a'/(1-a') = x + x*x^2/(a-x^2) where a' = x^2/a
return x + (mulDivRound(x / 2, x2, a - (x2 ~>> 6)) ~>> 5);
/// fixed258 tan(fixed258 x);
fun tan_f258(x: int): int {
return tan_f258_inlined(x);
/// (fixed259, fixed263) sincosm1(fixed259 x)
/// computes (sin(x), 1-cos(x)) for small |x|<2*atan(1/16)
fun sincosm1_f259_inlined(x: int): (int, int) {
var t: int = tan_f260_inlined(x); // t=tan(x/2) as fixed260
var tt: int = mulrshiftr256(t, t); // t^2 as fixed264
var y: int = tt ~/ 512 + (1 << 255); // 1+t^2 as fixed255
// 2*t/(1+t^2) as fixed259 and 2*t^2/(1+t^2) as fixed263
// return (mulDivRound(t, 1 << 255, y), mulDivRound(tt, 1 << 255, y));
return (t - mulDivRound(t / 2, tt, y) ~/ 256, tt - mulDivRound(tt / 2, tt, y) ~/ 256);
fun sincosm1_f259(x: int): (int, int) {
return sincosm1_f259_inlined(x);
/// computes (sin(x+xe),-cos(x+xe)) for |x| <= Pi/4, xe very small
/// this function is very accurate, error less than 0.7 ulp (consumes ~ 5500 gas)
/// (fixed256, fixed256) sincosn(fixed256 x, fixed259 xe)
fun sincosn_f256(x: int, xe: int): (int, int) {
// var (q, x1) = muldivmodr(x, 8, Atan1_8_f259()); // no muldivmodr() builtin
var (q, x1) = lshift2divmodr(abs(x), Atan1_8_f259()); // reduce mod theta where theta=2*atan(1/8)
var (si, co) = sincosm1_f259(x1 * 2 + xe);
var (a, b, c) = (-1, 0, 1);
repeat (q) {
// (a+b*I) *= (8+I)^2 = 63+16*I
(a, b, c) = (63 * a - 16 * b, 16 * a + 63 * b, 65 * c);
// now a/c = cos(q*theta), b/c = sin(q*theta) exactly(!)
// compute (a+b*I)*(1-co+si*I)/c
// (b, a) = (lshift256divr(b, c), lshift256divr(a, c));
var (b redef, br: int) = lshift256divmodr(b, c); br = mulDivRound(br, 128, c);
var (a redef, ar: int) = lshift256divmodr(a, c); ar = mulDivRound(ar, 128, c);
return (sign(x) * (((mulrshiftr256(b, co) - br) ~/ 16 - mulrshiftr256(a, si)) ~/ 8 - b),
a - ((mulrshiftr256(a, co) - ar) ~/ 16 + mulrshiftr256(b, si)) ~/ 8);
/// compute (sin(x),1-cos(x)) in fixed256 for |x| < 16*atan(1/16) = 0.9987
/// (fixed256, fixed257) sincosm1_f256(fixed256 x);
/// slightly less accurate than sincosn_f256() (error up to 3/2^256), but faster (~ 4k gas) and shorter
fun sincosm1_f256(x: int): (int, int) {
var (si, co) = sincosm1_f259_inlined(x); // compute (sin,1-cos)(x/8) in (fixed259,fixed263)
var r: int = 7;
repeat (r / 2) {
// 1-cos(2*x) = 2*sin(x)^2, sin(2*x) = 2*sin(x)*cos(x)
(co, si) = (mulrshiftr256(si, si), si - (mulrshiftr256(si, co) ~>> r));
r -= 2;
return (si, co);
/// compute (p, q) such that p/q = tan(x) for |x|<2*atan(1/2)=1899/2048=0.927
/// (int, int) tan_aux(fixed256 x);
fun tan_aux_f256(x: int): (int, int) {
var t: int = tan_f258_inlined(x); // t=tan(x/4) as fixed258
// t:=2*t/(1-t^2)=2*(t-t^3/(t^2-1))
var tt: int = mulrshiftr256(t, t); // t^2 as fixed260
t = mulDivRound(t, tt, tt ~/ 16 + (-1 << 256)) ~/ 16 - t; // now t=-tan(x/2) as fixed259
return (t, mulrshiftr256(t, t) ~/ 4 + (-1 << 256)); // return (2*t, t^2-1) as fixed256
/// sincosm1_f256() and sincosn_f256() may be used to implement trigonometric functions for different fixed-point types
/// example:
/// (fixed248, fixed248) sincos(fixed248 x);
fun fixed248_sincos(x: int): (int, int) {
var (Pic, Pid) = Pi_xconst_f254();
// (int q, x) = muldivmodr(x, 128, Pic); // no muldivmodr() builtin
var (q: int, x redef) = lshift7divmodr(x, Pic); // reduce mod Pi/2
x = 2 * x - mulDivRound(q, Pid, 1 << 127);
var (si: int, co: int) = sincosm1_f256(x); // doesn't make sense to use more accurate sincosn_f256()
co = (1 << 248) - (co ~>> 9);
si = si ~>> 8;
repeat (q & 3) {
(si, co) = (co, -si);
return (si, co);
/// fixed248 sin(fixed248 x);
/// inline is better than inline_ref for such simple functions
fun fixed248_sin(x: int): int {
var (si: int, _) = fixed248_sincos(x);
return si;
/// fixed248 cos(fixed248 x);
fun fixed248_cos(x: int): int {
var (_, co: int) = fixed248_sincos(x);
return co;
/// similarly, tan_aux_f256() may be used to implement tan() and cot() for specific fixed-point formats
/// fixed248 tan(fixed248 x);
/// not very accurate when |tan(x)| is very large (difficult to do better without floating-point numbers)
/// however, the relative accuracy is approximately 2^-247 in all cases, which is good enough for arguments given up to 2^-249
fun fixed248_tan(x: int): int {
var (Pic, Pid) = Pi_xconst_f254();
// (int q, x) = muldivmodr(x, 128, Pic); // no muldivmodr() builtin
var (q: int, x redef) = lshift7divmodr(x, Pic); // reduce mod Pi/2
x = 2 * x - mulDivRound(q, Pid, 1 << 127);
var (a, b) = tan_aux_f256(x); // now a/b = tan(x')
if (q & 1) {
(a, b) = (b, -a);
return mulDivRound(a, 1 << 248, b); // either -b/a or a/b as fixed248
/// fixed248 cot(fixed248 x);
fun fixed248_cot(x: int): int {
var (Pic, Pid) = Pi_xconst_f254();
var (q: int, x redef) = lshift7divmodr(x, Pic); // reduce mod Pi/2
x = 2 * x - mulDivRound(q, Pid, 1 << 127);
var (b, a) = tan_aux_f256(x); // now b/a = tan(x')
if (q & 1) {
(a, b) = (b, -a);
return mulDivRound(a, 1 << 248, b); // either -b/a or a/b as fixed248
/*---------------- INVERSE HYPERBOLIC TANGENT AND LOGARITHMS ----------------*/
/// inverse hyperbolic tangent of small x, evaluated by means of n terms of the continued fraction
/// valid for |x| < 2^-2.5 ~ 0.18 if n=37 (slightly less accurate with n=36)
/// |x| < 1/8 if n=32; |x| < 2^-3.5 if n=28; |x| < 1/16 if n=25
/// |x| < 2^-4.5 if n=23; |x| < 1/32 if n=21; |x| < 1/64 if n=18
/// fixed258 atanh(fixed258 x);
fun atanh_f258(x: int, n: int): int {
var x2: int = mulrshiftr256(x, x); // x^2 as fixed260
var One: int = (1 << 254);
var a: int = One ~/ n + (1 << 255); // a := 2 + 1/n as fixed254
repeat (n - 1) {
// a := 1 + (1 - x^2 / a)(1 + 1/n) as fixed254
var t: int = One - mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 248, a); // t := 1 - x^2 / a
var n1: int = n - 1;
a = mulDivRound(t, n, n1) + One;
n = n1;
// x / (1 - x^2 / a) = x / (1 - d) = x + x * d / (1 - d) for d = x^2 / a
// int d = mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 255, a - (x2 ~>> 6)); // d/(1-d) = x^2/(a-x^2) as fixed261
// return x + (mulrshiftr256(x, d) ~>> 5);
return x + mulDivRound(x, x2 / 2, a - x2 ~/ 64) ~/ 32;
/// number of terms n should be chosen as for atanh_f258()
/// fixed261 atanh(fixed261 x);
fun atanh_f261_inlined(x: int, n: int): int {
var x2: int = mulrshiftr256(x, x); // x^2 as fixed266
var One: int = (1 << 254);
var a: int = One ~/ n + (1 << 255); // a := 2 + 1/n as fixed254
repeat (n - 1) {
// a := 1 + (1 - x^2 / a)(1 + 1/n) as fixed254
var t: int = One - mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 242, a); // t := 1 - x^2 / a
var n1: int = n - 1;
a = mulDivRound(t, n, n1) + One;
n = n1;
// x / (1 - x^2 / a) = x / (1 - d) = x + x * d / (1 - d) for d = x^2 / a
// int d = mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 255, a - (x2 ~>> 12)); // d/(1-d) = x^2/(a-x^2) as fixed267
// return x + (mulrshiftr256(x, d) ~>> 11);
return x + mulDivRound(x, x2, a - x2 ~/ 4096) ~/ 4096;
/// fixed261 atanh(fixed261 x);
fun atanh_f261(x: int, n: int): int {
return atanh_f261_inlined(x, n);
/// returns (y, s) such that log(x) = y/2^257 + s*log(2) for positive integer x
/// (fixed257, int) log_aux(int x)
fun log_aux_f257(x: int): (int, int) {
var s: int = log2_floor_p1(x);
x <<= 256 - s;
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var t: int = -1 << 256;
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
if ((x >> 249) <= 90) {
t >>= 1;
s -= 1;
x += t;
var `2x`: int = 2 * x;
var y: int = lshift256divr(`2x`, (x >> 1) - t);
// y = `2x` - (mulrshiftr256(2x, y) ~>> 2); // this line could improve precision on very rare occasions
return (atanh_f258(y, 36), s);
/// computes 33^m for small m
fun pow33(m: int): int {
var t: int = 1;
repeat (m) {
t *= 33;
return t;
/// computes 33^m for small 0<=m<=22
/// slightly faster than pow33()
fun pow33b(m: int): int {
var (mh: int, ml: int) = divMod(m, 5);
var t: int = 1;
repeat (ml) {
t *= 33;
repeat (mh) {
t *= 33 * 33 * 33 * 33 * 33;
return t;
/// returns (s, q, y) such that log(x) = s*log(2) + q*log(33/32) + y/2^260 for positive integer x
/// (int, int, fixed260) log_auxx_f260(int x);
fun log_auxx_f260(x: int): (int, int, int) {
var s: int = log2_floor_p1(x) - 1;
x <<= 255 - s; // rescale to 1 <= x < 2 as fixed255
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var t: int = 2873 << 244; // ~ (33/32)^11 ~ sqrt(2) as fixed255
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
var x1: int = (x - t) >> 1;
var q: int = mulDivRound(x1, 65, x1 + t) + 11; // crude approximation to round(log(x)/log(33/32))
// t = 1; repeat (q) { t *= 33; } // t:=33^q, 0<=q<=22
t = pow33b(q);
t <<= (51 - q) * 5; // t:=(33/32)^q as fixed255, nearest power of 33/32 to x
x -= t;
var y: int = lshift256divr(x << 4, (x >> 1) + t); // y = (x-t)/(x+t) as fixed261
y = atanh_f261(y, 18); // atanh((x-t)/(x+t)) as fixed261, or log(x/t) as fixed260
return (s, q, y);
/// returns (y, s) such that log(x) = y/2^256 + s*log(2) for positive integer x
/// this function is very precise (error less than 0.6 ulp) and consumes < 7k gas
/// may be used to implement specific fixed-point instances of log() and log2()
/// (fixed256, int) log_aux_f256(int x);
fun log_aux_f256(x: int): (int, int) {
var (s, q, y) = log_auxx_f260(x);
var (yh, yl) = rshiftr4mod(y); // y ~/% 16 , but Tolk does not optimize this to RSHIFTR#MOD
// int Log33_32 = 3563114646320977386603103333812068872452913448227778071188132859183498739150; // log(33/32) as fixed256
// int Log33_32_l = -3769; // log(33/32) = Log33_32 / 2^256 + Log33_32_l / 2^269
yh += (yl * 512 + q * -3769) ~>> 13; // compensation, may be removed if slightly worse accuracy is acceptable
var Log33_32: int = 3563114646320977386603103333812068872452913448227778071188132859183498739150; // log(33/32) as fixed256
return (yh + q * Log33_32, s);
/// returns (y, s) such that log2(x) = y/2^256 + s for positive integer x
/// this function is very precise (error less than 0.6 ulp) and consumes < 7k gas
/// may be used to implement specific fixed-point instances of log() and log2()
/// (fixed256, int) log2_aux_f256(int x);
fun log2_aux_f256(x: int): (int, int) {
var (s, q, y) = log_auxx_f260(x);
y = lshift256divr(y, log2_const_f256()) ~>> 4; // y/log(2) as fixed256
var Log33_32: int = 5140487830366106860412008603913034462883915832139695448455767612111363481357; // log_2(33/32) as fixed256
// Log33_32/2^256 happens to be a very precise approximation to log_2(33/32), no compensation required
return (y + q * Log33_32, s);
/// fixed248 log(fixed248 x)
fun fixed248_log(x: int): int {
var (y, s) = log_aux_f256(x);
return mulDivRound(s - 248, log2_const_f256(), 1 << 8) + (y ~>> 8);
// return mulDivRound(s - 248, 80260960185991308862233904206310070533990667611589946606122867505419956976172, 1 << 8) + (y ~>> 8);
/// fixed248 log2(fixed248 x)
fun fixed248_log2(x: int): int {
var (y, s) = log2_aux_f256(x);
return ((s - 248) << 248) + (y ~>> 8);
/// computes x^y as exp(y*log(x)), x >= 0
/// fixed248 pow(fixed248 x, fixed248 y);
fun fixed248_pow(x: int, y: int): int {
if (!y) {
return 1 << 248; // x^0 = 1
if (x <= 0) {
2025-01-13 08:21:24 +00:00
var bad: int = ((x | y) < 0) as int;
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
return 0 >> bad; // 0^y = 0 if x=0 and y>=0; "out of range" exception otherwise
var (l, s) = log2_aux_f256(x);
s -= 248; // log_2(x) = s+l, l is fixed256, 0<=l<1
// compute (s+l)*y = q+ll
var (q1, r1) = mulrshiftr248mod(s, y); // muldivmodr(s, y, 1 << 248)
var (q2, r2) = mulrshift256mod(l, y);
r2 >>= 247;
var (q3, r3) = rshiftr248mod(q2); // divmodr(q2, 1 << 248);
var (q, ll) = rshiftr248mod(r1 + r3);
ll = 512 * ll + r2;
q += q1 + q3;
// now log_2(x^y) = y*log_2(x) = q + ll, ss integer, ll fixed257, -1/2<=ll<1/2
var sq: int = q + 248;
if (sq <= 0) {
2025-01-13 08:21:24 +00:00
return -((sq == 0) as int); // underflow
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
y = expm1_f257(mulrshiftr256(ll, log2_const_f256()));
return (y ~>> (9 - q)) - (-1 << sq);
/*-------------------- INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS ------------------*/
/// number of terms n should be chosen as for atanh_f258()
/// fixed259 atan(fixed259 x);
fun atan_f259(x: int, n: int): int {
var x2: int = mulrshiftr256(x, x); // x^2 as fixed262
var One: int = (1 << 254);
var a: int = One ~/ n + (1 << 255); // a := 2 + 1/n as fixed254
repeat (n - 1) {
// a := 1 + (1 + x^2 / a)(1 + 1/n) as fixed254
var t: int = One + mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 246, a); // t := 1 + x^2 / a
var n1: int = n - 1;
a = mulDivRound(t, n, n1) + One;
n = n1;
// x / (1 + x^2 / a) = x / (1 + d) = x - x * d / (1 + d) = x - x * x^2/(a+x^2) for d = x^2 / a
return x - mulDivRound(x, x2, a + x2 ~/ 256) ~/ 256;
/// number of terms n should be chosen as for atanh_f261()
/// fixed261 atan(fixed261 x);
fun atan_f261_inlined(x: int, n: int): int {
var x2: int = mulrshiftr256(x, x); // x^2 as fixed266
var One: int = (1 << 254);
var a: int = One ~/ n + (1 << 255); // a := 2 + 1/n as fixed254
repeat (n - 1) {
// a := 1 + (1 + x^2 / a)(1 + 1/n) as fixed254
var t: int = One + mulDivRound(x2, 1 << 242, a); // t := 1 + x^2 / a
var n1: int = n - 1;
a = mulDivRound(t, n, n1) + One;
n = n1;
// x / (1 + x^2 / a) = x / (1 + d) = x - x * d / (1 + d) = x - x * x^2/(a+x^2) for d = x^2 / a
return x - mulDivRound(x, x2, a + x2 ~/ 4096) ~/ 4096;
/// fixed261 atan(fixed261 x);
fun atan_f261(x: int, n: int): int {
return atan_f261_inlined(x, n);
/// computes (q,a,b) such that q is approximately atan(x)/atan(1/32) and a+b*I=(1+I/32)^q as fixed255
/// then b/a=atan(q*atan(1/32)) exactly, and (a,b) is almost a unit vector pointing in the direction of (1,x)
/// must have |x|<1.1, x is fixed24
/// (int, fixed255, fixed255) atan_aux_prereduce(fixed24 x);
fun atan_aux_prereduce(x: int): (int, int, int) {
var xu: int = abs(x);
var tc: int = 7214596; // tan(13*theta) as fixed24 where theta=atan(1/32)
var t1: int = mulDivRound(xu - tc, 1 << 88, xu * tc + (1 << 48)); // tan(x') as fixed64 where x'=atan(x)-13*theta
// t1/(3+t1^2) * 3073/32 = x'/3 * 3072/32 = x' / (96/3072) = x' / theta
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
var q: int = mulDivRound(t1 * 3073, 1 << 59, t1 * t1 + (3 << 128)) + 13; // approximately round(atan(x)/theta), 0<=q<=25
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
var (pa, pb) = (33226912, 5232641); // (32+I)^5
var (qh, ql) = divMod(q, 5);
var (a, b) = (1 << (5 * (51 - q)), 0); // (1/32^q, 0) as fixed255
repeat (ql) {
// a+b*I *= 32+I
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
(a, b) = (sub_rev(b, 32 * a), a + 32 * b); // same as (32 * a - b, 32 * b + a), but more efficient
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
repeat (qh) {
// a+b*I *= (32+I)^5 = pa + pb*I
(a, b) = (a * pa - b * pb, a * pb + b * pa);
var xs: int = sign(x);
return (xs * q, a, xs * b);
/// compute (q, z) such that atan(x)=q*atan(1/32)+z for -1 <= x < 1
/// this function is reasonably accurate (error < 7 ulp with ulp = 2^-261), but it consumes >7k gas
/// this is sufficient for most purposes
/// (int, fixed261) atan_aux(fixed256 x)
fun atan_aux_f256(x: int): (int, int) {
var (q, a, b) = atan_aux_prereduce(x ~>> 232); // convert x to fixed24
// now b/a = tan(q*atan(1/32)) exactly, where q is near atan(x)/atan(1/32); so b/a is near x
// compute y = u/v = (a*x-b)/(a+b*x) as fixed261 ; then |y|<0.0167 = 1.07/64 and atan(x)=atan(y)+q*atan(1/32)
var (u, ul) = mulrshiftr256mod(a, x);
u = (ul ~>> 250) + ((u - b) << 6); // |u| < 1/32, convert fixed255 -> fixed261
var v: int = a + mulrshiftr256(b, x); // v is scalar product of (a,b) and (1,x), it is approximately in [1..sqrt(2)] as fixed255
var y: int = mulDivRound(u, 1 << 255, v); // y = u/v as fixed261
var z: int = atan_f261_inlined(y, 18); // z = atan(x)-q*atan(1/32)
return (q, z);
/// compute (q, z) such that atan(x)=q*atan(1/32)+z for -1 <= x < 1
/// this function is very accurate (error < 2 ulp), but it consumes >7k gas
/// in most cases, faster function atan_aux_f256() should be used
/// (int, fixed261) atan_auxx(fixed256 x)
fun atan_auxx_f256(x: int): (int, int) {
var (q, a, b) = atan_aux_prereduce(x ~>> 232); // convert x to fixed24
// now b/a = tan(q*atan(1/32)) exactly, where q is near atan(x)/atan(1/32); so b/a is near x
// compute y = (a*x-b)/(a+b*x) as fixed261 ; then |y|<0.0167 = 1.07/64 and atan(x)=atan(y)+q*atan(1/32)
// use sort of double precision arithmetic for this
var (u, ul) = mulrshiftr256mod(a, x);
ul /= 2;
u -= b; // |u| < 1/32 as fixed255
var (v, vl) = mulrshiftr256mod(b, x);
vl /= 2;
v += a; // v is scalar product of (a,b) and (1,x), it is approximately in [1..sqrt(2)] as fixed255
// y = (u + ul*eps) / (v + vl*eps) = u/v + (ul - vl * u/v)/v * eps where eps=1/2^255
var (y, r) = lshift255divmodr(u, v); // y = u/v as fixed255
var yl: int = mulDivRound(ul + r, 1 << 255, v) - mulDivRound(vl, y, v); // y/2^255 + yl/2^510 represent u/v
y = (yl ~>> 249) + (y << 6); // convert y to fixed261
var z: int = atan_f261_inlined(y, 18); // z = atan(x)-q*atan(1/32)
return (q, z);
/// consumes ~ 8k gas
/// fixed255 atan(fixed255 x);
fun atan_f255(x: int): int {
var s: int = (x ~>> 256);
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2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
if (s) {
x = lshift256divr(-1 << 255, x); // x:=-1/x as fixed256
} else {
x *= 2; // convert to fixed256
var (q, z) = atan_aux_f256(x);
// now atan(x) = z + q*atan(1/32) + s*(Pi/2), z is fixed261
var (Pi_h, Pi_l) = Pi_xconst_f254(); // Pi/2 as fixed255 + fixed383
var (qh, ql) = mulrshiftr6mod(q, Atan1_32_f261());
return qh + s * Pi_h + (z + ql + mulDivRound(s, Pi_l, 1 << 122)) ~/ 64;
/// computes atan(x) for -1 <= x < 1 only
/// fixed256 atan_small(fixed256 x);
fun atan_f256_small(x: int): int {
var (q, z) = atan_aux_f256(x);
// now atan(x) = z + q*atan(1/32), z is fixed261
var (qh, ql) = mulrshiftr5mod(q, Atan1_32_f261());
return qh + (z + ql) ~/ 32;
/// fixed255 asin(fixed255 x);
fun asin_f255(x: int): int {
var a: int = fixed255_One - fixed255_sqr(x); // a:=1-x^2
if (!a) {
return sign(x) * Pi_const_f254(); // Pi/2 or -Pi/2
var y: int = fixed255_sqrt(a); // sqrt(1-x^2)
var t: int = -lshift256divr(x, (-1 << 255) - y); // t = x/(1+sqrt(1-x^2)) avoiding overflow
return atan_f256_small(t); // asin(x)=2*atan(t)
/// fixed254 acos(fixed255 x);
fun acos_f255(x: int): int {
var Pi: int = Pi_const_f254();
if (x == (-1 << 255)) {
return Pi; // acos(-1) = Pi
Pi /= 2;
var y: int = fixed255_sqrt(fixed255_One - fixed255_sqr(x)); // sqrt(1-x^2)
var t: int = lshift256divr(x, (-1 << 255) - y); // t = -x/(1+sqrt(1-x^2)) avoiding overflow
return Pi + atan_f256_small(t) ~/ 2; // acos(x)=Pi/2 + 2*atan(t)
/// consumes ~ 10k gas
/// fixed248 asin(fixed248 x)
fun fixed248_asin(x: int): int {
return asin_f255(x << 7) ~>> 7;
/// consumes ~ 10k gas
/// fixed248 acos(fixed248 x)
fun fixed248_acos(x: int): int {
return acos_f255(x << 7) ~>> 6;
/// consumes ~ 7500 gas
/// fixed248 atan(fixed248 x);
fun fixed248_atan(x: int): int {
var s: int = (x ~>> 249);
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
if (s) {
s = sign(s);
x = lshift256divr(-1 << 248, x); // x:=-1/x as fixed256
} else {
x <<= 8; // convert to fixed256
var (q, z) = atan_aux_f256(x);
// now atan(x) = z + q*atan(1/32) + s*(Pi/2), z is fixed261
return (z ~/ 64 + s * Pi_const_f254() + mulDivRound(q, Atan1_32_f261(), 64)) ~/ 128; // compute in fixed255, then convert
/// fixed248 acot(fixed248 x);
fun fixed248_acot(x: int): int {
var s: int = (x ~>> 249);
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
if (s) {
x = lshift256divr(-1 << 248, x); // x:=-1/x as fixed256
s = 0;
} else {
x <<= 8; // convert to fixed256
s = sign(x);
var (q, z) = atan_aux_f256(x);
// now acot(x) = - z - q*atan(1/32) + s*(Pi/2), z is fixed261
return (s * Pi_const_f254() - z ~/ 64 - mulDivRound(q, Atan1_32_f261(), 64)) ~/ 128; // compute in fixed255, then convert
/*-------------------- PSEUDO-RANDOM NUMBERS ------------------*/
/// random number with standard normal distribution N(0,1)
/// generated by Kinderman--Monahan ratio method modified by J.Leva
/// spends ~ 2k..3k gas on average
/// fixed252 nrand();
fun nrand_f252(): int {
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
var (x, s, t, A, B, r0) = (nan(), 29483 << 236, -3167 << 239, 12845, 16693, 9043);
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// 4/sqrt(e*Pi) = 1.369 loop iterations on average
do {
var (u, v) = (random() / 16 + 1, mulDivRound(random() - (1 << 255), 7027, 1 << 16)); // fixed252; 7027=ceil(sqrt(8/e)*2^12)
var va: int = abs(v);
var (u1, v1) = (u - s, va - t); // (u - 29483/2^16, abs(v) + 3167/2^13) as fixed252
// Q := u1^2 + v1 * (A*v1 - B*u1) as fixed252 where A=12845/2^16, B=16693/2^16
var Q: int = mulDivRound(u1, u1, 1 << 252) + mulDivRound(v1, mulDivRound(v1, A, 1 << 16) - mulDivRound(u1, B, 1 << 16), 1 << 252);
// must have 9043 / 2^15 < Q < 9125 / 2^15, otherwise accept if smaller, reject if larger
var Qd: int = (Q >> 237) - r0;
if ((Qd < 9125 - 9043) & (va / u < 16)) {
x = mulDivRound(v, 1 << 252, u); // x:=v/u as fixed252; reject immediately if |v/u| >= 16
if (Qd >= 0) {
// immediately accept if Qd < 0
// rarely taken branch - 0.012 times per call on average
// check condition v^2 < -4*u^2*log(u), or equivalent condition u < exp(-x^2/4) for x=v/u
var xx: int = mulrshiftr256(x, x) ~/ 4; // x^2/4 as fixed248
var ex: int = fixed248_exp(-xx) * 16; // exp(-x^2/4) as fixed252
if (u > ex) {
x = nan(); // condition false, reject
} while (!(~ is_nan(x)));
return x;
/// generates a random number approximately distributed according to the standard normal distribution
/// much faster than nrand_f252(), should be suitable for most purposes when only several random numbers are needed
/// fixed252 nrand_fast();
fun nrand_fast_f252(): int {
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
var t: int = -3 << 253; // -6. as fixed252
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
repeat (12) {
t += random() / 16; // add together 12 uniformly random numbers
return t;
/// random number uniformly distributed in [0..1)
/// fixed248 random();
fun fixed248_random(): int {
return random() >> 8;
/// random number with standard normal distribution
/// fixed248 nrand();
fun fixed248_nrand(): int {
return nrand_f252() ~>> 4;
/// generates a random number approximately distributed according to the standard normal distribution
/// fixed248 nrand_fast();
fun fixed248_nrand_fast(): int {
return nrand_fast_f252() ~>> 4;
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
fun tset<X>(mutate self: tuple, idx: int, value: X): void
asm(self value idx) "SETINDEXVAR";
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// computes 1-acos(x)/Pi by a very simple, extremely slow (~70k gas) and imprecise method
// fixed256 acos_prepare_slow(fixed255 x);
fun acos_prepare_slow_f255(x: int): int {
2025-01-13 08:21:24 +00:00
x -= (x == 0) as int;
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
var t: int = 1;
repeat (255) {
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
t = t * sign(x) * 2 + 1; // decode Gray code (sign(x_0), sign(x_1), ...)
x = (-1 << 255) - mulDivRound(x, - x, 1 << 254); // iterate x := 2*x^2 - 1 = cos(2*acos(x))
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
return abs(t);
// extremely slow (~70k gas) and somewhat imprecise (very imprecise when x is small), for testing only
// fixed254 acos_slow(fixed255 x);
fun acos_slow_f255(x: int): int {
var t: int = acos_prepare_slow_f255(x);
return - mulrshiftr256(t + (-1<<256), Pi_const_f254());
// fixed255 asin_slow(fixed255 x);
fun asin_slow_f255(x: int): int {
var t: int = acos_prepare_slow_f255(abs(x)) % (1 << 255);
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
return mulDivRound(t, Pi_const_f254(), 1 << 255) * sign(x);
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
fun test_nrand(n: int): tuple {
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
var t: tuple = createEmptyTuple();
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
repeat (255) {
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
repeat (n) {
var x: int = fixed248_nrand();
var bucket: int = (abs(x) >> 243); // 255 buckets starting from x=0, each 1/32 wide
[Tolk] Rewrite the type system from Hindley-Milner to static typing
FunC's (and Tolk's before this PR) type system is based on Hindley-Milner.
This is a common approach for functional languages, where
types are inferred from usage through unification.
As a result, type declarations are not necessary:
() f(a,b) { return a+b; } // a and b now int, since `+` (int, int)
While this approach works for now, problems arise with the introduction
of new types like bool, where `!x` must handle both int and bool.
It will also become incompatible with int32 and other strict integers.
This will clash with structure methods, struggle with proper generics,
and become entirely impractical for union types.
This PR completely rewrites the type system targeting the future.
1) type of any expression is inferred and never changed
2) this is available because dependent expressions already inferred
3) forall completely removed, generic functions introduced
(they work like template functions actually, instantiated while inferring)
4) instantiation `<...>` syntax, example: `t.tupleAt<int>(0)`
5) `as` keyword, for example `t.tupleAt(0) as int`
6) methods binding is done along with type inferring, not before
("before", as worked previously, was always a wrong approach)
2024-12-30 15:31:27 +00:00
var at_bucket: int = t.tupleAt(bucket);
t.tset(bucket, at_bucket + 1);
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
return t;
fun geom_mean_test(x: int, y: int): int {
return geom_mean(x, y);
fun tan_f260_test(x: int): int {
return tan_f260(x);
fun sincosm1_f259_test(x: int): (int, int) {
return sincosm1_f259(x);
fun sincosn_f256_test(x: int, y: int): (int, int) {
return sincosn_f256(x, y);
fun sincosm1_f256_test(x: int): (int, int) {
return sincosm1_f256(x);
fun tan_aux_f256_test(x: int): (int, int) {
return tan_aux_f256(x);
fun fixed248_tan_test(x: int): int {
return fixed248_tan(x);
(int) atanh_alt_f258_test(x) method_id(10007) {
return atanh_alt_f258(x);
fun atanh_f258_test(x:int, y:int): int {
return atanh_f258(x, y);
fun atanh_f261_test(x:int, y:int): int {
return atanh_f261(x, y);
fun log2_aux_f256_test(x:int): (int, int) {
return log2_aux_f256(x);
fun log_aux_f256_test(x:int): (int, int) {
return log_aux_f256(x);
fun fixed248_pow_test(x:int, y:int): int {
return fixed248_pow(x, y);
fun exp_log_div(x:int, y:int): int {
return fixed248_exp(fixed248_log(x << 248) ~/ y);
fun fixed248_log_test(x:int): int {
return fixed248_log(x);
fun log_aux_f257_test(x:int): (int,int) {
return log_aux_f257(x);
fun fixed248_sincos_test(x:int): (int,int) {
return fixed248_sincos(x);
fun fixed248_exp_test(x:int): int {
return fixed248_exp(x);
fun fixed248_exp2_test(x:int): int {
return fixed248_exp2(x);
fun expm1_f257_test(x:int): int {
return expm1_f257(x);
fun atan_f255_test(x:int): int {
return atan_f255(x);
fun atan_f259_test(x:int, n:int): int {
return atan_f259(x, n);
fun atan_aux_f256_test(x:int): (int, int) {
return atan_aux_f256(x);
fun asin_f255_test(x:int): int {
return asin_f255(x);
fun asin_slow_f255_test(x:int): int {
return asin_slow_f255(x);
fun acos_f255_test(x:int): int {
return acos_f255(x);
fun acos_slow_f255_test(x:int): int {
return acos_slow_f255(x);
fun fixed248_atan_test(x:int): int {
return fixed248_atan(x);
fun fixed248_acot_test(x:int): int {
return fixed248_acot(x);
fun main() {
var One: int = 1;
// repeat(76 / 4) { One *= 10000; }
var sqrt2: int = geom_mean(One, 2 * One);
var sqrt3: int = geom_mean(One, 3 * One);
// return geom_mean(-1 - (-1 << 256), -1 - (-1 << 256));
// return geom_mean(-1 - (-1 << 256), -2 - (-1 << 256));
// return geom_mean(-1 - (-1 << 256), 1 << 255);
// return (sqrt2, geom_mean(sqrt2, One)); // (sqrt(2), 2^(1/4))
// return (sqrt3, geom_mean(sqrt3, One)); // (sqrt(3), 3^(1/4))
// return geom_mean(3 << 254, 1 << 254);
// return geom_mean(3, 5);
// return tan_f260(115641670674223639132965820642403718536242645001775371762318060545014644837101 - 1);
// return tan_f260(15 << 252); // tan(15/256) * 2^260
// return sincosm1_f259(1 << 255); // (sin,1-cos)(1/16) * 2^259
// return sincosm1_f259(115641670674223639132965820642403718536242645001775371762318060545014644837101 - 1);
// return sincosm1_f256((1 << 255) - 1 + (1 << 255)); // (sin,1-cos)(1-2^(-256))
// return sincosm1_f256(Pi_const_f254()); // (sin,1-cos)(Pi/4)
// return sincosn_f256(Pi_const_f254(), 0); // (sin,-cos)(Pi/4)
// return sincosn_f256((1 << 255) + 1, 0); // (sin,-cos)(1/2+1/2^256)
// return sincosn_f256(1 << 254, 0);
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// return sincosn_f256(stackMoveToTop(15) << 252, 0); // (sin,-cos)(15/16)
// return sincosm1_f256(stackMoveToTop(15) << 252); // (sin,1-cos)(15/16)
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// return sincosn_f256(60628596148627720713372490462954977108898896221398738326462025186323149077698, 0); // (sin,-cos)(Pi/6)
// return sincosm1_f256(60628596148627720713372490462954977108898896221398738326462025186323149077698); // (sin,1-cos)(Pi/6)
// return tan_aux_f256(1899 << 245); // (p,q) such that p/q=tan(1899/2048)
// return fixed248_tan(11 << 248); // tan(11)
// return atanh_alt_f258(1 << 252); // atanh(1/64) * 2^258
// return atanh_f258(1 << 252, 18); // atanh(1/64) * 2^258
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// return atanh_f261(mulDivRound(64, 1 << 255, 55), 18); // atanh(1/55) * 2^261
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// return log2_aux_f256(1 << 255);
// return log2_aux_f256(-1 - (-1 << 256)); // log2(2-1/2^255))*2^256 ~ 2^256 - 1.43
// return log_aux_f256(-1 - (-1 << 256));
// return log_aux_f256(3); // log(3/2)*2^256
// return fixed248_pow(3 << 248, 3 << 248); // 3^3
// return fixed248_exp(fixed248_log(5 << 248) ~/ 7); // exp(log(5)/7) = 5^(1/7)
// return fixed248_log(Pi_const_f254() ~>> 6); // log(Pi)
// return atanh_alt_f258(1 << 255); // atanh(1/8) * 2^258
// return atanh_f258(1 << 255, 37); // atanh(1/8) * 2^258
// return atanh_f258(81877371507464127617551201542979628307507432471243237061821853600756754782485, 36); // atanh(sqrt(2)/8) * 2^258
// return log_aux_f257(Pi_const_f254()); // log(Pi/4)
// return log_aux_f257(3 << 254); // log(3)
// return atanh_alt_f258(81877371507464127617551201542979628307507432471243237061821853600756754782485); // atanh(sqrt(2)/8) * 2^258
// return fixed248_sincos(Pi_const_f254() ~/ (64 * 3)); // (sin,cos)(Pi/3)
// return fixed248_exp(3 << 248); // exp(3)*2^248
// return fixed248_exp2((1 << 248) ~/ 5); // 2^(1/5)*2^248
// return fixed248_pow(3 << 248, -3 << 247); // 3^(-1.5)
// return fixed248_pow(10 << 248, -70 << 248); // 10^(-70)
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// return fixed248_pow(fixed248_Pi_const(), stackMoveToTop(3) << 248); // Pi^3 ~ 31.006, computed more precisely
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// return fixed248_pow(fixed248_Pi_const(), fixed248_Pi_const()); // Pi^Pi, more precisely
// return fixed248_exp(fixed248_log(fixed248_Pi_const()) * 3); // Pi^3 ~ 31.006
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// return fixed248_exp(mulDivRound(fixed248_log(fixed248_Pi_const()), fixed248_Pi_const(), 1 << 248)); // Pi^Pi
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// return fixed248_sin(fixed248_log(fixed248_exp(fixed248_Pi_const()))); // sin(log(e^Pi))
// return expm1_f257(1 << 255); // (exp(1/4)-1)*2^256
// return expm1_f257(-1 << 256); // (exp(-1/2)-1)*2^256 (argument out of range, will overflow)
// return expm1_f257(log2_const_f256()); // (exp(log(2)/2)-1)*2^256
// return expm1_f257(- log2_const_f256()); // (exp(-log(2)/2)-1)*2^256
// return tanh_f258(log2_const_f256(), 17); // tanh(log(2)/4)*2^258
// return atan_f255(0xa0 << 247);
// return atan_f259(1 << 255, 26); // atan(1/16)
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
// return atan_f259(stackMoveToTop(2273) << 244, 26); // atan(2273/2^15)
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// return atan_aux_f256(0xa0 << 248);
// return atan_aux_f256(-1 - (-1 << 256));
// return atan_aux_f256(-1 << 256);
// return atan_aux_f256(1); // atan(1/2^256)*2^261 = 32
//return fixed248_nrand();
// return test_nrand(100000);
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
var One2: int = 1 << 255;
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// return asin_f255(One);
// return asin_f255(-2 * One ~/ -3);
2024-10-31 07:16:19 +00:00
var arg: int = mulDivRound(12, One2, 17); // 12/17
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// return [ asin_slow_f255(arg), asin_f255(arg) ];
// return [ acos_slow_f255(arg), acos_f255(arg) ];
// return 4 * atan_f255(One ~/ 5) - atan_f255(One ~/ 239); // 4 * atan(1/5) - atan(1/239) = Pi/4 as fixed255
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
var One3: int = 1 << 248;
2024-10-31 07:11:41 +00:00
// return fixed248_atan(One) ~/ 5); // atan(1/5)
// return fixed248_acot(One ~/ 239); // atan(1/5)
method_id | in | out
@testcase | 10000 | -1-(-1<<256) -1-(-1<<256) | 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935
@testcase | 10000 | -1-(-1<<256) -2-(-1<<256) | 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639934
@testcase | 10000 | -1-(-1<<256) 1<<255 | 81877371507464127617551201542979628307507432471243237061821853600756754782485
@testcase | 10000 | 1 2 | 1
@testcase | 10000 | 1 3 | 2
@testcase | 10000 | 3<<254 1<<254 | 50139445418395255283694704271811692336355250894665672355503583528635147053497
@testcase | 10000 | 3 5 | 4
@testcase | 10001 | 115641670674223639132965820642403718536242645001775371762318060545014644837101-1 | 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935
@testcase | 10001 | 15<<252 | 108679485937549714997960660780289583146059954551846264494610741505469565211201
@testcase | 10002 | 1<<255 | 57858359242454268843682786479537198006144860419130642837770554273561536355094 28938600351875109040123440645416448095273333920390487381363947585666516031269
@testcase | 10002 | 90942894222941581070058735694432465663348344332098107489693037779484723616546 | 90796875678616203090520439851979829600860326752181983760731669850687818036503 71369031536005973567205947792557760023823761636922618688720973932041901854510
@testcase | 10002 | 115641670674223639132965820642403718536242645001775371762318060545014644837100 | 115341536360906404779899502576747487978354537254490211650198994186870666100480 115341536360906404779899502576747487978354537254490211650198994186870666100479
@testcase | 10003 | 90942894222941581070058735694432465663348344332098107489693037779484723616546 0 | 81877371507464127617551201542979628307507432471243237061821853600756754782485 -81877371507464127617551201542979628307507432471243237061821853600756754782486
@testcase | 10003 | (1<<255)+1 0 | 55513684748706254392157395574451324146997108788015526773113170656738693667657 -101617118319522600545601981648807607350213579319835970884288805016705398675944
@testcase | 10003 | 1<<254 0 | 28647421327665059059430596260119789787021370826354543144805343654507971817712 -112192393597863122712065585177748900737784171216163716639418346853706594800924
@testcase | 10003 | 15<<252 0 | 93337815620236900315136494926097782162348358704087992554326802765553037216157 -68526346066204767396483080633934170508153877799043171682610011603005473885083
@testcase | 10004 | 15<<252 | 93337815620236900315136494926097782162348358704087992554326802765553037216158 94531486342222856054175808749507474690232213733194784713695144809815311509707
@testcase | 10003 | 60628596148627720713372490462954977108898896221398738326462025186323149077698 0 | 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968 -100278890836790510567389408543623384672710501789331344711007167057270294106993
@testcase | 10004 | 60628596148627720713372490462954977108898896221398738326462025186323149077698 | 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968 31026396801051369712363152930129046361118965752618438656900833901285671065886
@testcase | 10005 | 1899<<245 | -115784979074977116522606932816046735344768048129666123117516779696532375620701 -86847621900007587791673148476644866514014227467564880140262768165345715058771
@testcase | 10006 | 11<<248 | -102200470999497240398685962406597118965525125432278008915850368651878945159221
@testcase | 10008 | 1<<252 18 | 7237594612640731814076778712183932891481921212865048737772958953246047977071
@testcase! | 10009 | 64*(1<<255)//55 18 | 67377367986958444187782963285047188951340314639925508148698906136973510008513
@testcase | 10010 | 1<<255 | 0 255
@testcase | 10011 | -1-(-1<<256) | 80260960185991308862233904206310070533990667611589946606122867505419956976171 255
@testcase | 10012 | 3<<248 3<<248 | 12212446911748192486079752325135052781399568695204278238536542063334587891712
@testcase | 10013 | 5 7 | 569235245303856216139605450142923208167703167128528666640203654338408315932
@testcase | 10014 | 1420982722233462204219667745225507275989817880189032929526453715304448806508 | 517776035526939558040896860590142614178014859368681705591403663865964112176
@testcase | 10008 | 1<<255 37 | 58200445412255555045265806996802932280233368707362818578692888102488340124094
@testcase | 10008 | 81877371507464127617551201542979628307507432471243237061821853600756754782485 36 | 82746618329032515754939514227666784789465120373484337368014239356561508382845
@testcase | 10015 | 90942894222941581070058735694432465663348344332098107489693037779484723616546 | -55942510554172181731996424203087263676819062449594753161692794122306202470292 256
@testcase | 10015 | 3<<254 | -66622616410625360568738677407433830899150908037353507097280251369610028875158 256
@testcase | 10016 | 90942894222941581070058735694432465663348344332098107489693037779484723616546//(64*3) | 391714417331212931903864877123528846377775397614575565277371746317462086355 226156424291633194186662080095093570025917938800079226639565593765455331328
@testcase | 10017 | 3<<248 | 9084946421051389814103830025729847734065792062362132089390904679466687950835
@testcase | 10018 | (1<<248)//5 | 519571025111621076330285524602776985448579272766894385941850747946908706857
@testcase | 10012 | 3<<248 -3<<247 | 87047648295825095978636639360784188083950088358794570061638165848324908079
@testcase | 10012 | 10<<248 -70<<248 | 45231
@testcase | 10012 | 1420982722233462204219667745225507275989817880189032929526453715304448806508 3<<248 | 14024537329227316173680050897643053638073167245065581681188087336877135047241
@testcase | 10012 | 1420982722233462204219667745225507275989817880189032929526453715304448806508 1420982722233462204219667745225507275989817880189032929526453715304448806508 | 16492303277433924047657446877966346821161732581471802839855102123372676002295
@testcase | 10019 | 1<<255 | 65775792789545756849501669218806308540691279864498696756901136302101823231959
@testcase | 10019 | -1<<255 | -51226238931640701466578648374135745377468902266335737558089915608594425303282
@testcase | 10020 | 160<<247 | 32340690885082755723307749066376646841771751777398167772823878380310576779097
@testcase | 10021 | 1<<255 26 | 57820835337111819566482910321201859268121322500887685881159030272507322418551
@testcase | 10021 | 2273<<244 26 | 64153929153128256059565403901040178355488584937372975321150754259394300105908
@testcase | 10022 | 160<<248 | 18 -13775317617017974742132028403521581424991093186766868001115299479309514610238
@testcase | 10022 | -1-(-1<<256) | 25 16312150880916231694896252427912541090503675654570543195394548083530005073282
@testcase | 10022 | -1<<256 | -25 -16312150880916231694896252427912541090503675654570543195394548083530005073298
@testcase | 10022 | 1 | 0 32
@testcase | 10023 | 1<<255 | 90942894222941581070058735694432465663348344332098107489693037779484723616546
@testcase | 10023 | (1-(1<<255))//-3 | 19675212872822715586637341573564384553677006914302429002469838095945333339604
@testcase | 10023 | 12*(1<<255)//17 | 45371280744427205854111943101074857545572584208710061167826656461897302968384
@testcase | 10024 | 12*(1<<255)//17 | 45371280744427205854111943101074857545572584208710061167826656461897302968387
@testcase | 10025 | 12*(1<<255)//17 | 22785806739257187607973396296678804058887880061694023160933190658793710324081
@testcase | 10026 | 12*(1<<255)//17 | 22785806739257187607973396296678804058887880061694023160933190658793710324080
@testcase | 10027 | (1<<248)//5 | 89284547973388213553327350968415123522888028497458323165947767504203347189
@testcase | 10028 | (1<<248)//239 | 708598849781543798951441405045469962900811296151941404481049216461523216127