2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
fun incChained(mutate self: int): self {
self = self + 1;
return self;
fun incChained2(mutate self: int): self {
return self.incChained();
fun incChained3(mutate self: int): self {
incChained(mutate self);
return self;
fun incChained4(mutate self: int): self {
return self;
fun testIncChainedCodegen(x: int) {
return x.incChained().incChained2().incChained3().incChained4();
fun testIncChained() {
var x: int = 10;
incChained(mutate x);
x = x.incChained();
x = x.incChained2().incChained().incChained2();
return x.incChained();
fun incChainedWithMiddleReturn(mutate self: int, maxValue: int): self {
if (self >= maxValue) {
return self;
self += 1;
return self;
fun testIncChainedWithMiddleReturn(x: int) {
x = x.incChainedWithMiddleReturn(10).incChainedWithMiddleReturn(10);
return x.incChainedWithMiddleReturn(10).incChainedWithMiddleReturn(999);
fun incChainedMutatingBoth(mutate self: int, mutate y: int): self {
self += 1;
y += 1;
return self;
global c104: int;
fun testIncChainedMutatingBoth() {
var (x, y) = (0, 0);
c104 = 0;
x.incChainedMutatingBoth(mutate y).incChainedMutatingBoth(mutate y);
incChainedMutatingBoth(mutate x, mutate y);
x = x.incChainedMutatingBoth(mutate c104).incChainedMutatingBoth(mutate c104).incChainedMutatingBoth(mutate y);
return (x, y, c104);
fun incTensorChained(mutate self: (int, int)): self {
val (f, s) = self;
self = (f + 1, s + 1);
return self;
fun testIncTensorChained(f: int, s: int) {
var tens = (f, s);
return tens.incTensorChained().incTensorChained();
fun incConditionalChainable(mutate self: int, mutate another: int, ifLessThan: int): self {
another += 1;
return self.incChained() < ifLessThan ? self.incChained().incChained() : self;
fun testIncConditionalChainable(x: int) {
var y = 0;
x.incConditionalChainable(mutate y, 5).incConditionalChainable(mutate y, 5);
x = x.incConditionalChainable(mutate y, 5).incConditionalChainable(mutate y, 5);
return (x.incConditionalChainable(mutate y, 5), y);
fun checkNotEq(self: int, throwIfEq: int): void {
if (self == throwIfEq) {
throw 100 + throwIfEq;
fun testNotMutatingSelf(arg: int) {
try {
return 0;
} catch (code) {
return code;
global c108: int;
fun checkNotEqChainable(self: int, throwIfEq: int): self {
c108 += 1;
if (self != throwIfEq) {
return self;
throw 100 + throwIfEq;
return self;
fun testNotMutatingChainableSelf(arg: int) {
c108 = 0;
try {
arg = arg.checkNotEqChainable(100).checkNotEqChainable(101).checkNotEqChainable(102);
return (arg, c108);
} catch (code) {
return (code, c108);
global onceFailed109: int;
fun checkNotEqChainableMutateAnother(self: int, throwIfEq: int, mutate toInc: int): self {
if (onceFailed109) { return self; }
toInc += 1;
try { return self.checkNotEqChainable(throwIfEq); }
catch { onceFailed109 = 1; return self; }
global c109: int;
fun testNotMutatingChainableSelfMutateAnother(initial: int) {
val arg = initial;
var x = 0;
c108 = 0;
c109 = 0;
onceFailed109 = 0;
arg.checkNotEqChainableMutateAnother(100, mutate x)
.checkNotEqChainableMutateAnother(101, mutate c109)
.checkNotEqChainableMutateAnother(102, mutate x);
return (arg, c108, c109, x);
[Tolk] AST-based semantic analysis, get rid of Expr
This is a huge refactoring focusing on untangling compiler internals
(previously forked from FunC).
The goal is to convert AST directly to Op (a kind of IR representation),
doing all code analysis at AST level.
Noteable changes:
- AST-based semantic kernel includes: registering global symbols,
scope handling and resolving local/global identifiers,
lvalue/rvalue calc and check, implicit return detection,
mutability analysis, pure/impure validity checks,
simple constant folding
- values of `const` variables are calculated NOT based on CodeBlob,
but via a newly-introduced AST-based constant evaluator
- AST vertices are now inherited from expression/statement/other;
expression vertices have common properties (TypeExpr, lvalue/rvalue)
- symbol table is rewritten completely, SymDef/SymVal no longer exist,
lexer now doesn't need to register identifiers
- AST vertices have references to symbols, filled at different
stages of pipeline
- the remaining "FunC legacy part" is almost unchanged besides Expr
which was fully dropped; AST is converted to Ops (IR) directly
2024-12-16 18:19:45 +00:00
fun pickG110(mutate self: int, mutate pushTo: tuple): self {
self += 10;
return self;
global tup110: tuple;
global c110: int;
fun testMutateGlobalsLValue(init: int) {
c110 = init;
tup110 = createEmptyTuple();
c110.incChained().incChained().pickG110(mutate tup110).incChained().pickG110(mutate tup110).incChained();
return (c110, tup110);
fun myTuplePush<T>(mutate self: tuple, value: T): self {
return self;
fun myTupleAt<T>(self: tuple, idx: int): T {
return self.tupleAt(idx);
global tup111: tuple;
fun testForallFunctionsWithSelf() {
var t = createEmptyTuple();
tup111 = createEmptyTuple();
return (t.myTupleAt(0), tup111.myTupleAt(tup111.tupleSize() - 1), tup111);
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
fun main() { }
@testcase | 101 | 5 | 9
@testcase | 102 | | 20
@testcase | 103 | 1 | 7
@testcase | 103 | 100 | 101
@testcase | 103 | 8 | 11
@testcase | 104 | | 6 4 2
@testcase | 105 | 1 2 | 5 6
@testcase | 106 | -20 | -5 5
@testcase | 106 | -1 | 8 5
@testcase | 106 | 7 | 12 5
@testcase | 107 | 200 | 0
@testcase | 107 | 102 | 202
@testcase | 108 | 200 | 200 6
@testcase | 108 | 101 | 201 0
@testcase | 109 | 200 | 200 3 1 2
@testcase | 109 | 100 | 100 0 0 1
@testcase | 109 | 102 | 102 2 1 2
[Tolk] AST-based semantic analysis, get rid of Expr
This is a huge refactoring focusing on untangling compiler internals
(previously forked from FunC).
The goal is to convert AST directly to Op (a kind of IR representation),
doing all code analysis at AST level.
Noteable changes:
- AST-based semantic kernel includes: registering global symbols,
scope handling and resolving local/global identifiers,
lvalue/rvalue calc and check, implicit return detection,
mutability analysis, pure/impure validity checks,
simple constant folding
- values of `const` variables are calculated NOT based on CodeBlob,
but via a newly-introduced AST-based constant evaluator
- AST vertices are now inherited from expression/statement/other;
expression vertices have common properties (TypeExpr, lvalue/rvalue)
- symbol table is rewritten completely, SymDef/SymVal no longer exist,
lexer now doesn't need to register identifiers
- AST vertices have references to symbols, filled at different
stages of pipeline
- the remaining "FunC legacy part" is almost unchanged besides Expr
which was fully dropped; AST is converted to Ops (IR) directly
2024-12-16 18:19:45 +00:00
@testcase | 110 | 0 | 24 [ 2 13 ]
@testcase | 111 | | 10 3 [ 1 2 3 ]
2024-10-31 07:18:54 +00:00
incChained PROC:<{
// self
INC // self
incChained2 PROC:<{
// self
incChained CALLDICT // self
incChained3 PROC:<{
// self
incChained CALLDICT // self
incChained4 PROC:<{
// self
incChained CALLDICT // self
testIncChainedCodegen PROC:<{
// x
incChained CALLDICT // x
incChained2 CALLDICT // x
incChained3 CALLDICT // x
incChained4 CALLDICT // x