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This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "src-file.h"
#include "fwd-declarations.h"
#include "constant-evaluator.h"
#include "crypto/common/refint.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
namespace tolk {
struct Symbol {
std::string name;
SrcLocation loc;
Symbol(std::string name, SrcLocation loc)
: name(std::move(name))
, loc(loc) {
virtual ~Symbol() = default;
template<class T>
const T* as() const {
assert(dynamic_cast<const T*>(this) != nullptr);
return dynamic_cast<const T*>(this);
template<class T>
const T* try_as() const {
return dynamic_cast<const T*>(this);
struct LocalVarData final : Symbol {
enum {
flagMutateParameter = 1, // parameter was declared with `mutate` keyword
flagImmutable = 2, // variable was declared via `val` (not `var`)
TypePtr declared_type; // either at declaration `var x:int`, or if omitted, from assigned value `var x=2`
int flags;
int param_idx; // 0...N for function parameters, -1 for local vars
std::vector<int> ir_idx;
LocalVarData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type, int flags, int param_idx)
: Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
, declared_type(declared_type)
, flags(flags)
, param_idx(param_idx) {
bool is_parameter() const { return param_idx >= 0; }
bool is_immutable() const { return flags & flagImmutable; }
bool is_mutate_parameter() const { return flags & flagMutateParameter; }
LocalVarData* mutate() const { return const_cast<LocalVarData*>(this); }
void assign_ir_idx(std::vector<int>&& ir_idx);
void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
void assign_inferred_type(TypePtr inferred_type);
struct FunctionBodyCode;
struct FunctionBodyAsm;
struct FunctionBodyBuiltin;
struct GenericsDeclaration;
struct GenericsInstantiation;
typedef std::variant<
> FunctionBody;
struct FunctionData final : Symbol {
static constexpr int EMPTY_METHOD_ID = -10;
enum {
flagInline = 1, // marked `@inline`
flagInlineRef = 2, // marked `@inline_ref`
flagTypeInferringDone = 4, // type inferring step of function's body (all AST nodes assigning v->inferred_type) is done
flagUsedAsNonCall = 8, // used not only as `f()`, but as a 1-st class function (assigned to var, pushed to tuple, etc.)
flagMarkedAsPure = 16, // declared as `pure`, can't call impure and access globals, unused invocations are optimized out
flagImplicitReturn = 32, // control flow reaches end of function, so it needs implicit return at the end
flagGetMethod = 64, // was declared via `get func(): T`, method_id is auto-assigned
flagIsEntrypoint = 128, // it's `main` / `onExternalMessage` / etc.
flagHasMutateParams = 256, // has parameters declared as `mutate`
flagAcceptsSelf = 512, // is a member function (has `self` first parameter)
flagReturnsSelf = 1024, // return type is `self` (returns the mutated 1st argument), calls can be chainable
flagReallyUsed = 2048, // calculated via dfs from used functions; declared but unused functions are not codegenerated
int method_id = EMPTY_METHOD_ID;
int flags;
std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters;
std::vector<int> arg_order, ret_order;
TypePtr declared_return_type; // may be nullptr, meaning "auto infer"
TypePtr inferred_return_type = nullptr; // assigned on type inferring
TypePtr inferred_full_type = nullptr; // assigned on type inferring, it's TypeDataFunCallable(params -> return)
const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs;
const GenericsInstantiation* instantiationTs;
FunctionBody body;
AnyV ast_root; // V<ast_function_declaration> for user-defined (not builtin)
FunctionData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_return_type, std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters, int initial_flags, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs, const GenericsInstantiation* instantiationTs, FunctionBody body, AnyV ast_root)
: Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
, flags(initial_flags)
, parameters(std::move(parameters))
, declared_return_type(declared_return_type)
, genericTs(genericTs)
, instantiationTs(instantiationTs)
, body(body)
, ast_root(ast_root) {
std::string as_human_readable() const;
const std::vector<int>* get_arg_order() const {
return arg_order.empty() ? nullptr : &arg_order;
const std::vector<int>* get_ret_order() const {
return ret_order.empty() ? nullptr : &ret_order;
int get_num_params() const { return static_cast<int>(parameters.size()); }
const LocalVarData& get_param(int idx) const { return parameters[idx]; }
bool is_code_function() const { return std::holds_alternative<FunctionBodyCode*>(body); }
bool is_asm_function() const { return std::holds_alternative<FunctionBodyAsm*>(body); }
bool is_builtin_function() const { return ast_root == nullptr; }
bool is_generic_function() const { return genericTs != nullptr; }
bool is_instantiation_of_generic_function() const { return instantiationTs != nullptr; }
bool is_inline() const { return flags & flagInline; }
bool is_inline_ref() const { return flags & flagInlineRef; }
bool is_type_inferring_done() const { return flags & flagTypeInferringDone; }
bool is_used_as_noncall() const { return flags & flagUsedAsNonCall; }
bool is_marked_as_pure() const { return flags & flagMarkedAsPure; }
bool is_implicit_return() const { return flags & flagImplicitReturn; }
bool is_get_method() const { return flags & flagGetMethod; }
bool is_method_id_not_empty() const { return method_id != EMPTY_METHOD_ID; }
bool is_entrypoint() const { return flags & flagIsEntrypoint; }
bool has_mutate_params() const { return flags & flagHasMutateParams; }
bool does_accept_self() const { return flags & flagAcceptsSelf; }
bool does_return_self() const { return flags & flagReturnsSelf; }
bool does_mutate_self() const { return (flags & flagAcceptsSelf) && parameters[0].is_mutate_parameter(); }
bool is_really_used() const { return flags & flagReallyUsed; }
bool does_need_codegen() const;
FunctionData* mutate() const { return const_cast<FunctionData*>(this); }
void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_return_type);
void assign_inferred_type(TypePtr inferred_return_type, TypePtr inferred_full_type);
void assign_is_used_as_noncall();
void assign_is_implicit_return();
void assign_is_type_inferring_done();
void assign_is_really_used();
void assign_arg_order(std::vector<int>&& arg_order);
struct GlobalVarData final : Symbol {
enum {
flagReallyUsed = 1, // calculated via dfs from used functions; unused globals are not codegenerated
TypePtr declared_type; // always exists, declaring globals without type is prohibited
int flags = 0;
GlobalVarData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type)
: Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
, declared_type(declared_type) {
bool is_really_used() const { return flags & flagReallyUsed; }
GlobalVarData* mutate() const { return const_cast<GlobalVarData*>(this); }
void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
void assign_is_really_used();
struct GlobalConstData final : Symbol {
ConstantValue value;
TypePtr declared_type; // may be nullptr
GlobalConstData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type, ConstantValue&& value)
: Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
, value(std::move(value))
, declared_type(declared_type) {
bool is_int_const() const { return value.is_int(); }
bool is_slice_const() const { return value.is_slice(); }
td::RefInt256 as_int_const() const { return value.as_int(); }
const std::string& as_slice_const() const { return value.as_slice(); }
GlobalConstData* mutate() const { return const_cast<GlobalConstData*>(this); }
void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
class GlobalSymbolTable {
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, const Symbol*> entries;
static uint64_t key_hash(std::string_view name_key) {
return std::hash<std::string_view>{}(name_key);
void add_function(const FunctionData* f_sym);
void add_global_var(const GlobalVarData* g_sym);
void add_global_const(const GlobalConstData* c_sym);
const Symbol* lookup(std::string_view name) const {
const auto it = entries.find(key_hash(name));
return it == entries.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
const Symbol* lookup_global_symbol(std::string_view name);
} // namespace tolk