2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TON Blockchain. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2020-02-06 17:56:46 +00:00
Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
#pragma once
#include "common/refcnt.hpp"
#include "vm/db/StaticBagOfCellsDb.h"
#include "vm/dict.h"
#include "ton/ton-types.h"
#include "ton/ton-shard.h"
#include "common/bitstring.h"
#include "block.h"
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <cstring>
namespace block {
using td::Ref;
struct ValidatorDescr {
ton::Ed25519_PublicKey pubkey;
td::Bits256 adnl_addr;
td::uint64 weight;
td::uint64 cum_weight;
ValidatorDescr(const td::Bits256& _pubkey, td::uint64 _weight, td::uint64 _cum_weight)
: pubkey(_pubkey), weight(_weight), cum_weight(_cum_weight) {
ValidatorDescr(const td::Bits256& _pubkey, td::uint64 _weight, td::uint64 _cum_weight, const td::Bits256& _adnl_addr)
: pubkey(_pubkey), adnl_addr(_adnl_addr), weight(_weight), cum_weight(_cum_weight) {
ValidatorDescr(const ton::Ed25519_PublicKey& _pubkey, td::uint64 _weight, td::uint64 _cum_weight)
: pubkey(_pubkey), weight(_weight), cum_weight(_cum_weight) {
2020-04-10 19:06:01 +00:00
bool operator<(td::uint64 wt_pos) const& {
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
return cum_weight < wt_pos;
struct ValidatorSet {
unsigned utime_since;
unsigned utime_until;
int total;
int main;
td::uint64 total_weight;
std::vector<ValidatorDescr> list;
ValidatorSet() = default;
ValidatorSet(unsigned _since, unsigned _until, int _total, int _main = 0)
: utime_since(_since), utime_until(_until), total(_total), main(_main > 0 ? _main : _total), total_weight(0) {
const ValidatorDescr& operator[](unsigned i) const {
return list[i];
const ValidatorDescr& at_weight(td::uint64 weight_pos) const;
std::vector<ton::ValidatorDescr> export_validator_set() const;
2020-04-27 12:01:46 +00:00
std::map<ton::Bits256, int> compute_validator_map() const;
std::vector<double> export_scaled_validator_weights() const;
int lookup_public_key(td::ConstBitPtr pubkey) const;
int lookup_public_key(const td::Bits256& pubkey) const {
return lookup_public_key(pubkey.bits());
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// this structure is hashed with SHA512 to produce pseudo-random bit stream in do_compute_validator_set()
// NB: all integers (including 256-bit seed) are actually big-endian
struct validator_set_descr {
unsigned char seed[32]; // seed for validator set computation, set to zero if none
td::uint64 shard;
td::int32 workchain;
td::uint32 cc_seqno;
validator_set_descr() = default;
validator_set_descr(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_, bool flag)
: shard(td::bswap64(shard_id.shard))
, workchain(td::bswap32(shard_id.workchain))
, cc_seqno(td::bswap32(cc_seqno_)) {
validator_set_descr(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_)
: validator_set_descr(shard_id, cc_seqno_, false) {
std::memset(seed, 0, 32);
validator_set_descr(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_, const unsigned char seed_[32])
: validator_set_descr(shard_id, cc_seqno_, false) {
std::memcpy(seed, seed_, 32);
validator_set_descr(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_, td::ConstBitPtr seed_)
: validator_set_descr(shard_id, cc_seqno_, false) {
td::BitPtr{seed}.copy_from(seed_, 256);
validator_set_descr(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_, const td::Bits256& seed_)
: validator_set_descr(shard_id, cc_seqno_, false) {
td::BitPtr{seed}.copy_from(seed_.cbits(), 256);
void incr_seed();
void hash_to(unsigned char hash_buffer[64]) const;
#pragma pack(pop)
class ValidatorSetPRNG {
validator_set_descr data;
union {
unsigned char hash[64];
td::uint64 hash_longs[8];
int pos{0}, limit{0};
ValidatorSetPRNG() = default;
ValidatorSetPRNG(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_) : data(shard_id, cc_seqno_) {
ValidatorSetPRNG(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_, const unsigned char seed_[32])
: data(shard_id, cc_seqno_, seed_) {
ValidatorSetPRNG(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_, td::ConstBitPtr seed_)
: data(shard_id, cc_seqno_, std::move(seed_)) {
ValidatorSetPRNG(ton::ShardIdFull shard_id, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_, const td::Bits256& seed_)
: data(shard_id, cc_seqno_, seed_) {
td::uint64 next_ulong();
td::uint64 next_ranged(td::uint64 range); // integer in 0 .. range-1
ValidatorSetPRNG& operator>>(td::uint64& x) {
x = next_ulong();
return *this;
class McShardHashI : public td::CntObject {
enum class FsmState { fsm_none, fsm_split, fsm_merge };
virtual ton::BlockIdExt top_block_id() const = 0;
virtual ton::LogicalTime start_lt() const = 0;
virtual ton::LogicalTime end_lt() const = 0;
virtual ton::UnixTime fsm_utime() const = 0;
virtual FsmState fsm_state() const = 0;
virtual ton::ShardIdFull shard() const = 0;
virtual bool before_split() const = 0;
virtual bool before_merge() const = 0;
struct McShardHash : public McShardHashI {
ton::BlockIdExt blk_;
ton::LogicalTime start_lt_, end_lt_;
ton::UnixTime gen_utime_{0};
ton::UnixTime fsm_utime_{0};
ton::UnixTime fsm_interval_{0};
ton::BlockSeqno min_ref_mc_seqno_{std::numeric_limits<ton::BlockSeqno>::max()};
ton::BlockSeqno reg_mc_seqno_{std::numeric_limits<ton::BlockSeqno>::max()};
FsmState fsm_{FsmState::fsm_none};
bool disabled_{false};
bool before_split_{false}, before_merge_{false}, want_split_{false}, want_merge_{false};
ton::CatchainSeqno next_catchain_seqno_{std::numeric_limits<ton::CatchainSeqno>::max()};
ton::ShardId next_validator_shard_{ton::shardIdAll};
CurrencyCollection fees_collected_, funds_created_;
McShardHash(const ton::BlockId& id, ton::LogicalTime start_lt, ton::LogicalTime end_lt, ton::UnixTime gen_utime,
const ton::BlockHash& root_hash, const ton::FileHash& file_hash, CurrencyCollection fees_collected = {},
CurrencyCollection funds_created = {},
ton::BlockSeqno reg_mc_seqno = std::numeric_limits<ton::BlockSeqno>::max(),
ton::BlockSeqno min_ref_mc_seqno = std::numeric_limits<ton::BlockSeqno>::max(),
ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno = std::numeric_limits<ton::CatchainSeqno>::max(), ton::ShardId val_shard = 0,
bool nx_cc_updated = false, bool before_split = false, bool before_merge = false, bool want_split = false,
bool want_merge = false)
: blk_(id, root_hash, file_hash)
, start_lt_(start_lt)
, end_lt_(end_lt)
, gen_utime_(gen_utime)
, min_ref_mc_seqno_(min_ref_mc_seqno)
, reg_mc_seqno_(reg_mc_seqno)
, before_split_(before_split)
, before_merge_(before_merge)
, want_split_(want_split)
, want_merge_(want_merge)
, next_catchain_seqno_(cc_seqno)
, next_validator_shard_(val_shard ? val_shard : id.shard)
, fees_collected_(fees_collected)
, funds_created_(funds_created) {
McShardHash(const ton::BlockIdExt& blk, ton::LogicalTime start_lt, ton::LogicalTime end_lt)
: blk_(blk), start_lt_(start_lt), end_lt_(end_lt) {
McShardHash(const McShardHash&) = default;
2024-09-23 14:34:37 +00:00
McShardHash& operator=(const McShardHash&) = default;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
bool is_valid() const {
return blk_.is_valid();
ton::BlockIdExt top_block_id() const override final {
return blk_;
// ZeroStateIdExt zero_state() const override;
ton::LogicalTime start_lt() const override final {
return start_lt_;
ton::LogicalTime end_lt() const override final {
return end_lt_;
ton::UnixTime fsm_utime() const override final {
return fsm_utime_;
ton::UnixTime fsm_utime_end() const {
return fsm_utime_ + fsm_interval_;
ton::UnixTime created_at() const {
return gen_utime_;
FsmState fsm_state() const override final {
return fsm_;
bool is_fsm_none() const {
return fsm_ == FsmState::fsm_none;
bool is_fsm_split() const {
return fsm_ == FsmState::fsm_split;
bool is_fsm_merge() const {
return fsm_ == FsmState::fsm_merge;
ton::ShardIdFull shard() const override final {
return ton::ShardIdFull(blk_);
ton::WorkchainId workchain() const {
return blk_.id.workchain;
bool contains(const ton::AccountIdPrefixFull& pfx) const {
return ton::shard_contains(shard(), pfx);
bool before_split() const override final {
return before_split_;
bool before_merge() const override final {
return before_merge_;
bool is_disabled() const {
return disabled_;
void disable() {
disabled_ = true;
ton::BlockSeqno seqno() const {
return blk_.id.seqno;
bool set_reg_mc_seqno(ton::BlockSeqno reg_mc_seqno) {
reg_mc_seqno_ = reg_mc_seqno;
return true;
// compares all fields except fsm*, before_merge_, nx_cc_updated_, next_catchain_seqno_, fees_collected_
bool basic_info_equal(const McShardHash& other, bool compare_fees = false, bool compare_reg_seqno = true) const;
void clear_fsm() {
fsm_ = FsmState::fsm_none;
void set_fsm(FsmState fsm, ton::UnixTime fsm_utime, ton::UnixTime fsm_interval);
void set_fsm_split(ton::UnixTime fsm_utime, ton::UnixTime fsm_interval) {
set_fsm(FsmState::fsm_split, fsm_utime, fsm_interval);
void set_fsm_merge(ton::UnixTime fsm_utime, ton::UnixTime fsm_interval) {
set_fsm(FsmState::fsm_merge, fsm_utime, fsm_interval);
bool fsm_equal(const McShardHash& other) const {
return fsm_ == other.fsm_ &&
(is_fsm_none() || (fsm_utime_ == other.fsm_utime_ && fsm_interval_ == other.fsm_interval_));
bool pack(vm::CellBuilder& cb) const;
static Ref<McShardHash> unpack(vm::CellSlice& cs, ton::ShardIdFull id);
static Ref<McShardHash> from_block(Ref<vm::Cell> block_root, const ton::FileHash& _fhash, bool init_fees = false);
2020-04-03 19:21:15 +00:00
static bool extract_cc_seqno(vm::CellSlice& cs, ton::CatchainSeqno* cc);
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
McShardHash* make_copy() const override {
return new McShardHash(*this);
struct McShardDescr final : public McShardHash {
Ref<vm::Cell> block_root;
Ref<vm::Cell> state_root;
Ref<vm::Cell> outmsg_root;
std::unique_ptr<vm::AugmentedDictionary> out_msg_queue;
std::shared_ptr<block::MsgProcessedUptoCollection> processed_upto;
McShardDescr(const ton::BlockId& id, ton::LogicalTime start_lt, ton::LogicalTime end_lt, ton::UnixTime gen_utime,
const ton::BlockHash& root_hash, const ton::FileHash& file_hash, CurrencyCollection fees_collected = {},
CurrencyCollection funds_created = {},
ton::BlockSeqno reg_mc_seqno = std::numeric_limits<ton::BlockSeqno>::max(),
ton::BlockSeqno min_ref_mc_seqno = std::numeric_limits<ton::BlockSeqno>::max(),
ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno = std::numeric_limits<ton::CatchainSeqno>::max(),
ton::ShardId val_shard = ton::shardIdAll, bool nx_cc_updated = false, bool before_split = false,
bool before_merge = false, bool want_split = false, bool want_merge = false)
: McShardHash(id, start_lt, end_lt, gen_utime, root_hash, file_hash, fees_collected, funds_created, reg_mc_seqno,
min_ref_mc_seqno, cc_seqno, val_shard, nx_cc_updated, before_split, before_merge, want_split,
want_merge) {
McShardDescr(const ton::BlockIdExt& blk, ton::LogicalTime start_lt, ton::LogicalTime end_lt)
: McShardHash(blk, start_lt, end_lt) {
McShardDescr(const McShardHash& shard_hash) : McShardHash(shard_hash) {
McShardDescr(const McShardDescr& other);
McShardDescr(McShardDescr&& other) = default;
McShardDescr& operator=(const McShardDescr& other);
McShardDescr& operator=(McShardDescr&& other) = default;
bool set_queue_root(Ref<vm::Cell> queue_root);
void disable();
static Ref<McShardDescr> from_block(Ref<vm::Cell> block_root, Ref<vm::Cell> state_root, const ton::FileHash& _fhash,
bool init_fees = false);
static Ref<McShardDescr> from_state(ton::BlockIdExt blkid, Ref<vm::Cell> state_root);
struct StoragePrices {
ton::UnixTime valid_since{0};
td::uint64 bit_price{0};
td::uint64 cell_price{0};
td::uint64 mc_bit_price{0};
td::uint64 mc_cell_price{0};
StoragePrices() = default;
StoragePrices(ton::UnixTime _valid_since, td::uint64 _bprice, td::uint64 _cprice, td::uint64 _mc_bprice,
td::uint64 _mc_cprice)
: valid_since(_valid_since)
, bit_price(_bprice)
, cell_price(_cprice)
, mc_bit_price(_mc_bprice)
, mc_cell_price(_mc_cprice) {
2019-10-23 13:43:50 +00:00
static td::RefInt256 compute_storage_fees(ton::UnixTime now, const std::vector<block::StoragePrices>& pricing,
const vm::CellStorageStat& storage_stat, ton::UnixTime last_paid,
bool is_special, bool is_masterchain);
struct GasLimitsPrices {
td::uint64 flat_gas_limit{0};
td::uint64 flat_gas_price{0};
td::uint64 gas_price{0};
td::uint64 special_gas_limit{0};
td::uint64 gas_limit{0};
td::uint64 gas_credit{0};
td::uint64 block_gas_limit{0};
td::uint64 freeze_due_limit{0};
td::uint64 delete_due_limit{0};
2024-01-26 12:43:53 +00:00
td::RefInt256 compute_gas_price(td::uint64 gas_used) const {
return gas_used <= flat_gas_limit
? td::make_refint(flat_gas_price)
: td::rshift(td::make_refint(gas_price) * (gas_used - flat_gas_limit), 16, 1) + flat_gas_price;
2019-10-23 13:43:50 +00:00
// msg_fwd_fees = (lump_price + ceil((bit_price * msg.bits + cell_price * msg.cells)/2^16)) nanograms
// ihr_fwd_fees = ceil((msg_fwd_fees * ihr_price_factor)/2^16) nanograms
// bits in the root cell of a message are not included in msg.bits (lump_price pays for them)
struct MsgPrices {
td::uint64 lump_price;
td::uint64 bit_price;
td::uint64 cell_price;
td::uint32 ihr_factor;
td::uint32 first_frac;
td::uint32 next_frac;
td::uint64 compute_fwd_fees(td::uint64 cells, td::uint64 bits) const;
2024-01-26 12:43:53 +00:00
td::RefInt256 compute_fwd_fees256(td::uint64 cells, td::uint64 bits) const;
2019-10-23 13:43:50 +00:00
std::pair<td::uint64, td::uint64> compute_fwd_ihr_fees(td::uint64 cells, td::uint64 bits,
bool ihr_disabled = false) const;
MsgPrices() = default;
MsgPrices(td::uint64 lump, td::uint64 bitp, td::uint64 cellp, td::uint32 ihrf, td::uint32 firstf, td::uint32 nextf)
: lump_price(lump), bit_price(bitp), cell_price(cellp), ihr_factor(ihrf), first_frac(firstf), next_frac(nextf) {
td::RefInt256 get_first_part(td::RefInt256 total) const;
td::uint64 get_first_part(td::uint64 total) const;
td::RefInt256 get_next_part(td::RefInt256 total) const;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
2022-10-10 14:13:21 +00:00
struct SizeLimitsConfig {
// Default values are used when not present in global config
struct ExtMsgLimits {
td::uint32 max_size = 65535;
td::uint16 max_depth = 512;
td::uint32 max_msg_bits = 1 << 21;
td::uint32 max_msg_cells = 1 << 13;
td::uint32 max_library_cells = 1000;
td::uint16 max_vm_data_depth = 512;
ExtMsgLimits ext_msg_limits;
2022-11-30 05:40:19 +00:00
td::uint32 max_acc_state_cells = 1 << 16;
td::uint32 max_acc_state_bits = (1 << 16) * 1023;
2023-11-22 07:27:39 +00:00
td::uint32 max_acc_public_libraries = 256;
2024-07-10 11:58:13 +00:00
td::uint32 defer_out_queue_size_limit = 256;
2022-10-10 14:13:21 +00:00
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
struct CatchainValidatorsConfig {
td::uint32 mc_cc_lifetime, shard_cc_lifetime, shard_val_lifetime, shard_val_num;
2020-04-10 19:06:01 +00:00
bool shuffle_mc_val;
CatchainValidatorsConfig(td::uint32 mc_cc_lt_, td::uint32 sh_cc_lt_, td::uint32 sh_val_lt_, td::uint32 sh_val_num_,
bool shuffle_mc = false)
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
: mc_cc_lifetime(mc_cc_lt_)
, shard_cc_lifetime(sh_cc_lt_)
, shard_val_lifetime(sh_val_lt_)
2020-04-10 19:06:01 +00:00
, shard_val_num(sh_val_num_)
, shuffle_mc_val(shuffle_mc) {
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
struct WorkchainInfo : public td::CntObject {
ton::WorkchainId workchain{ton::workchainInvalid};
ton::UnixTime enabled_since;
2024-08-23 08:46:40 +00:00
td::uint32 monitor_min_split;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
td::uint32 min_split, max_split;
bool basic;
bool active;
bool accept_msgs;
int flags;
td::uint32 version;
ton::RootHash zerostate_root_hash;
ton::FileHash zerostate_file_hash;
int min_addr_len, max_addr_len, addr_len_step;
2022-10-10 14:13:21 +00:00
// Default values are used when split_merge_timings is not set in config
unsigned split_merge_delay = 100; // prepare (delay) split/merge for 100 seconds
unsigned split_merge_interval = 100; // split/merge is enabled during 60 second interval
unsigned min_split_merge_interval = 30; // split/merge interval must be at least 30 seconds
unsigned max_split_merge_delay = 1000; // end of split/merge interval must be at most 1000 seconds in the future
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
bool is_valid() const {
return workchain != ton::workchainInvalid;
bool is_valid_addr_len(int addr_len) const {
return addr_len >= min_addr_len && addr_len <= max_addr_len &&
(addr_len == min_addr_len || addr_len == max_addr_len ||
(addr_len_step > 0 && !((addr_len - min_addr_len) % addr_len_step)));
bool unpack(ton::WorkchainId wc, vm::CellSlice& cs);
using WorkchainSet = std::map<td::int32, Ref<WorkchainInfo>>;
class ShardConfig {
Ref<vm::Cell> shard_hashes_;
Ref<McShardHash> mc_shard_hash_;
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> shard_hashes_dict_;
std::set<ton::ShardIdFull> shards_updated_;
bool valid_{false};
ShardConfig() = default;
ShardConfig(const ShardConfig& other);
ShardConfig(ShardConfig&& other) = default;
ShardConfig(Ref<vm::Cell> shard_hashes, Ref<McShardHash> mc_shard_hash = {})
: shard_hashes_(std::move(shard_hashes)), mc_shard_hash_(std::move(mc_shard_hash)) {
bool is_valid() const {
return valid_;
bool unpack(Ref<vm::Cell> shard_hashes, Ref<McShardHash> mc_shard_hash = {});
bool unpack(Ref<vm::CellSlice> shard_hashes, Ref<McShardHash> mc_shard_hash = {});
Ref<vm::CellSlice> get_root_csr() const;
bool has_workchain(ton::WorkchainId workchain) const;
std::vector<ton::WorkchainId> get_workchains() const;
Ref<McShardHash> get_shard_hash(ton::ShardIdFull id, bool exact = true) const;
bool contains(ton::BlockIdExt blkid) const;
bool get_shard_hash_raw(vm::CellSlice& cs, ton::ShardIdFull id, ton::ShardIdFull& true_id, bool exact = true) const;
ton::LogicalTime get_shard_end_lt(ton::AccountIdPrefixFull acc) const;
ton::LogicalTime get_shard_end_lt_ext(ton::AccountIdPrefixFull acc, ton::ShardIdFull& actual_shard) const;
static bool get_shard_hash_raw_from(vm::Dictionary& shard_hashes_dict, vm::CellSlice& cs, ton::ShardIdFull id,
ton::ShardIdFull& true_id, bool exact = true, Ref<vm::Cell>* leaf = nullptr);
std::vector<ton::BlockId> get_shard_hash_ids(bool skip_mc = false) const;
std::vector<ton::BlockId> get_shard_hash_ids(const std::function<bool(ton::ShardIdFull, bool)>& filter) const;
std::vector<ton::BlockId> get_intersecting_shard_hash_ids(ton::ShardIdFull myself) const;
std::vector<ton::BlockId> get_neighbor_shard_hash_ids(ton::ShardIdFull myself) const;
std::vector<ton::BlockId> get_proper_neighbor_shard_hash_ids(ton::ShardIdFull myself) const;
static std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> extract_shard_hashes_dict(Ref<vm::Cell> mc_state_root);
bool process_shard_hashes(std::function<int(McShardHash&)> func);
bool process_sibling_shard_hashes(std::function<int(McShardHash&, const McShardHash*)> func);
// may become non-static const in the future
static bool is_neighbor(ton::ShardIdFull x, ton::ShardIdFull y);
Ref<McShardHash> get_mc_hash() const {
return mc_shard_hash_;
void set_mc_hash(Ref<McShardHash> mc_shard_hash) {
mc_shard_hash_ = std::move(mc_shard_hash);
ton::CatchainSeqno get_shard_cc_seqno(ton::ShardIdFull shard) const;
block::compute_shard_end_lt_func_t get_compute_shard_end_lt_func() const {
return std::bind(&ShardConfig::get_shard_end_lt, *this, std::placeholders::_1);
bool new_workchain(ton::WorkchainId workchain, ton::BlockSeqno reg_mc_seqno, const ton::RootHash& zerostate_root_hash,
const ton::FileHash& zerostate_file_hash);
td::Result<bool> update_shard_block_info(Ref<McShardHash> new_info, const std::vector<ton::BlockIdExt>& old_blkids);
td::Result<bool> update_shard_block_info2(Ref<McShardHash> new_info1, Ref<McShardHash> new_info2,
const std::vector<ton::BlockIdExt>& old_blkids);
td::Result<bool> may_update_shard_block_info(Ref<McShardHash> new_info,
const std::vector<ton::BlockIdExt>& old_blkids,
ton::LogicalTime lt_limit = std::numeric_limits<ton::LogicalTime>::max(),
Ref<McShardHash>* ancestor = nullptr) const;
bool init();
bool do_update_shard_info(Ref<McShardHash> new_info);
bool do_update_shard_info2(Ref<McShardHash> new_info1, Ref<McShardHash> new_info2);
bool set_shard_info(ton::ShardIdFull shard, Ref<vm::Cell> value);
2023-05-18 08:26:02 +00:00
struct BurningConfig {
td::optional<td::Bits256> blackhole_addr;
2023-06-05 14:22:13 +00:00
td::uint32 fee_burn_num = 0, fee_burn_denom = 1;
2023-05-18 08:26:02 +00:00
td::RefInt256 calculate_burned_fees(const td::RefInt256& x) const {
if (x.is_null()) {
return x;
2023-06-05 14:22:13 +00:00
return x * fee_burn_num / td::make_refint(fee_burn_denom);
2023-05-18 08:26:02 +00:00
CurrencyCollection calculate_burned_fees(const CurrencyCollection& x) const {
return CurrencyCollection{calculate_burned_fees(x.grams)};
2024-03-05 13:54:49 +00:00
struct PrecompiledContractsConfig {
struct Contract {
td::uint64 gas_usage;
vm::Dictionary list{256};
td::optional<Contract> get_contract(td::Bits256 code_hash) const;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
class Config {
enum {
default_mc_catchain_lifetime = 200,
default_shard_catchain_lifetime = 200,
default_shard_validators_lifetime = 3000,
default_shard_validators_num = 7
2024-09-23 14:34:37 +00:00
static constexpr int needValidatorSet = 16;
static constexpr int needSpecialSmc = 32;
static constexpr int needWorkchainInfo = 256;
static constexpr int needCapabilities = 512;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
int mode{0};
ton::BlockIdExt block_id;
td::BitArray<256> config_addr;
Ref<vm::Cell> config_root;
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> config_dict;
std::unique_ptr<ValidatorSet> cur_validators_;
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> workchains_dict_;
WorkchainSet workchains_;
2019-09-18 17:46:32 +00:00
int version_{-1};
long long capabilities_{-1};
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> special_smc_dict;
static constexpr ton::LogicalTime get_lt_align() {
return 1000000;
static constexpr ton::LogicalTime get_max_lt_growth() {
return 10 * get_lt_align() - 1;
Ref<vm::Cell> get_config_param(int idx) const;
Ref<vm::Cell> get_config_param(int idx, int idx2) const;
Ref<vm::Cell> operator[](int idx) const {
return get_config_param(idx);
Ref<vm::Cell> get_root_cell() const {
return config_root;
bool is_masterchain() const {
return block_id.is_masterchain();
2019-09-18 17:46:32 +00:00
bool has_capabilities() const {
return capabilities_ >= 0;
long long get_capabilities() const {
return capabilities_;
int get_global_version() const {
return version_;
bool has_capability(long long cap_set) const {
return has_capabilities() && (capabilities_ & cap_set) == cap_set;
bool ihr_enabled() const {
return has_capability(ton::capIhrEnabled);
bool create_stats_enabled() const {
return has_capability(ton::capCreateStatsEnabled);
2020-03-11 10:19:31 +00:00
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> get_param_dict(int idx) const;
td::Result<std::vector<int>> unpack_param_list(int idx) const;
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> get_mandatory_param_dict() const {
return get_param_dict(9);
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> get_critical_param_dict() const {
return get_param_dict(10);
td::Result<std::vector<int>> get_mandatory_param_list() const {
return unpack_param_list(9);
td::Result<std::vector<int>> get_critical_param_list() const {
return unpack_param_list(10);
bool all_mandatory_params_defined(int* bad_idx_ptr = nullptr) const;
2020-02-06 17:56:46 +00:00
td::Result<ton::StdSmcAddress> get_dns_root_addr() const;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
bool set_block_id_ext(const ton::BlockIdExt& block_id_ext);
td::Result<std::vector<ton::StdSmcAddress>> get_special_smartcontracts(bool without_config = false) const;
bool is_special_smartcontract(const ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) const;
static td::Result<std::unique_ptr<ValidatorSet>> unpack_validator_set(Ref<vm::Cell> valset_root);
td::Result<std::vector<StoragePrices>> get_storage_prices() const;
2024-01-26 12:43:53 +00:00
static td::Result<StoragePrices> do_get_one_storage_prices(vm::CellSlice cs);
2019-10-23 13:43:50 +00:00
td::Result<GasLimitsPrices> get_gas_limits_prices(bool is_masterchain = false) const;
2024-01-26 12:43:53 +00:00
static td::Result<GasLimitsPrices> do_get_gas_limits_prices(vm::CellSlice cs, int id);
2019-10-23 13:43:50 +00:00
td::Result<MsgPrices> get_msg_prices(bool is_masterchain = false) const;
2024-01-26 12:43:53 +00:00
static td::Result<MsgPrices> do_get_msg_prices(vm::CellSlice cs, int id);
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
static CatchainValidatorsConfig unpack_catchain_validators_config(Ref<vm::Cell> cell);
CatchainValidatorsConfig get_catchain_validators_config() const;
td::Status visit_validator_params() const;
td::Result<std::unique_ptr<BlockLimits>> get_block_limits(bool is_masterchain = false) const;
auto get_mc_block_limits() const {
return get_block_limits(true);
static td::Result<std::pair<WorkchainSet, std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary>>> unpack_workchain_list_ext(
Ref<vm::Cell> cell);
static td::Result<WorkchainSet> unpack_workchain_list(Ref<vm::Cell> cell);
const WorkchainSet& get_workchain_list() const {
return workchains_;
const ValidatorSet* get_cur_validator_set() const {
return cur_validators_.get();
2019-11-28 14:44:14 +00:00
std::pair<ton::UnixTime, ton::UnixTime> get_validator_set_start_stop(int next = 0) const;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
ton::ValidatorSessionConfig get_consensus_config() const;
bool foreach_config_param(std::function<bool(int, Ref<vm::Cell>)> scan_func) const;
Ref<WorkchainInfo> get_workchain_info(ton::WorkchainId workchain_id) const;
std::vector<ton::ValidatorDescr> compute_validator_set(ton::ShardIdFull shard, const block::ValidatorSet& vset,
ton::UnixTime time, ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno) const;
std::vector<ton::ValidatorDescr> compute_validator_set(ton::ShardIdFull shard, ton::UnixTime time,
ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno) const;
std::vector<ton::ValidatorDescr> compute_total_validator_set(int next) const;
2022-10-10 14:13:21 +00:00
td::Result<SizeLimitsConfig> get_size_limits_config() const;
2024-01-26 12:43:53 +00:00
static td::Result<SizeLimitsConfig> do_get_size_limits_config(td::Ref<vm::CellSlice> cs);
2023-01-09 17:37:58 +00:00
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> get_suspended_addresses(ton::UnixTime now) const;
2023-05-18 08:26:02 +00:00
BurningConfig get_burning_config() const;
2024-01-26 12:43:53 +00:00
td::Ref<vm::Tuple> get_unpacked_config_tuple(ton::UnixTime now) const;
2024-03-05 13:54:49 +00:00
PrecompiledContractsConfig get_precompiled_contracts_config() const;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
static std::vector<ton::ValidatorDescr> do_compute_validator_set(const block::CatchainValidatorsConfig& ccv_conf,
ton::ShardIdFull shard,
const block::ValidatorSet& vset, ton::UnixTime time,
ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno);
static td::Result<std::unique_ptr<Config>> unpack_config(Ref<vm::Cell> config_root,
const td::Bits256& config_addr = td::Bits256::zero(),
int mode = 0);
static td::Result<std::unique_ptr<Config>> unpack_config(Ref<vm::CellSlice> config_csr, int mode = 0);
static td::Result<std::unique_ptr<Config>> extract_from_state(Ref<vm::Cell> mc_state_root, int mode = 0);
static td::Result<std::unique_ptr<Config>> extract_from_key_block(Ref<vm::Cell> key_block_root, int mode = 0);
2019-11-28 14:44:14 +00:00
static td::Result<std::pair<ton::UnixTime, ton::UnixTime>> unpack_validator_set_start_stop(Ref<vm::Cell> root);
2020-03-11 10:19:31 +00:00
static td::Result<std::vector<int>> unpack_param_dict(vm::Dictionary& dict);
static td::Result<std::vector<int>> unpack_param_dict(Ref<vm::Cell> dict_root);
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
Config(int _mode) : mode(_mode) {
Config(Ref<vm::Cell> config_root, const td::Bits256& config_addr = td::Bits256::zero(), int _mode = 0);
td::Status unpack_wrapped(Ref<vm::CellSlice> config_csr);
td::Status unpack(Ref<vm::CellSlice> config_csr);
td::Status unpack_wrapped();
td::Status unpack();
class ConfigInfo : public Config, public ShardConfig {
2024-09-23 14:34:37 +00:00
static constexpr int needStateRoot = 1;
static constexpr int needLibraries = 2;
static constexpr int needStateExtraRoot = 4;
static constexpr int needShardHashes = 8;
static constexpr int needAccountsRoot = 64;
static constexpr int needPrevBlocks = 128;
2019-10-07 09:08:23 +00:00
ton::BlockSeqno vert_seqno{~0U};
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
int global_id_{0};
ton::UnixTime utime{0};
ton::LogicalTime lt{0};
ton::BlockSeqno min_ref_mc_seqno_{std::numeric_limits<ton::BlockSeqno>::max()};
ton::CatchainSeqno cc_seqno_{std::numeric_limits<ton::CatchainSeqno>::max()};
int shard_cc_updated{-1};
bool nx_cc_updated;
bool is_key_state_{false};
Ref<vm::Cell> state_root;
Ref<vm::Cell> lib_root_;
Ref<vm::Cell> state_extra_root_;
Ref<vm::CellSlice> accounts_root;
ton::ZeroStateIdExt zerostate_id_;
ton::BlockIdExt last_key_block_;
ton::LogicalTime last_key_block_lt_;
Ref<vm::Cell> shard_hashes;
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> shard_hashes_dict;
std::unique_ptr<vm::AugmentedDictionary> accounts_dict;
std::unique_ptr<vm::AugmentedDictionary> prev_blocks_dict_;
std::unique_ptr<vm::Dictionary> libraries_dict_;
bool set_block_id_ext(const ton::BlockIdExt& block_id_ext);
bool rotated_all_shards() const {
return nx_cc_updated;
int get_global_blockchain_id() const {
return global_id_;
ton::ZeroStateIdExt get_zerostate_id() const {
return zerostate_id_;
Ref<vm::Cell> lookup_library(const ton::Bits256& root_hash) const {
return lookup_library(root_hash.bits());
Ref<vm::Cell> lookup_library(td::ConstBitPtr root_hash) const;
Ref<vm::Cell> get_libraries_root() const {
return lib_root_;
bool is_key_state() const {
return is_key_state_;
Ref<vm::Cell> get_state_extra_root() const {
return state_extra_root_;
2019-10-07 09:08:23 +00:00
ton::BlockSeqno get_vert_seqno() const {
return vert_seqno;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
ton::CatchainSeqno get_shard_cc_seqno(ton::ShardIdFull shard) const;
bool get_last_key_block(ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime& blklt, bool strict = false) const;
bool get_old_mc_block_id(ton::BlockSeqno seqno, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime* end_lt = nullptr) const;
bool check_old_mc_block_id(const ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, bool strict = false) const;
// returns block with min seqno and req_lt <= block.end_lt
bool get_mc_block_by_lt(ton::LogicalTime lt, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime* end_lt = nullptr) const;
bool get_prev_key_block(ton::BlockSeqno req_seqno, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime* end_lt = nullptr) const;
bool get_next_key_block(ton::BlockSeqno req_seqno, ton::BlockIdExt& blkid, ton::LogicalTime* end_lt = nullptr) const;
td::Result<std::vector<std::pair<ton::StdSmcAddress, int>>> get_special_ticktock_smartcontracts(
int tick_tock = 3) const;
int get_smc_tick_tock(td::ConstBitPtr smc_addr) const;
std::unique_ptr<vm::AugmentedDictionary> create_accounts_dict() const;
const vm::AugmentedDictionary& get_accounts_dict() const;
std::vector<ton::ValidatorDescr> compute_validator_set_cc(ton::ShardIdFull shard, const block::ValidatorSet& vset,
ton::UnixTime time,
ton::CatchainSeqno* cc_seqno_delta = nullptr) const;
std::vector<ton::ValidatorDescr> compute_validator_set_cc(ton::ShardIdFull shard, ton::UnixTime time,
ton::CatchainSeqno* cc_seqno_delta = nullptr) const;
TVM Upgrade (#686)
* New TVM instructions
* Separate target ton_crypto into TVM-related and -unrelared code
* Add fine for failed "send message"; rework SENDMSG
* Fix include
* Fix bugs, improve action fines
* Disable fines for special accounts
* Handle msg_balance_remaining.grams == null in transaction.cpp
* Bugfixes in SENDMSG
* Fix fee calculation in SENDMSG
* Fix CellStorageStat and transaction.cpp after merge
* ADDDIVMOD instructions
* RUNVM, RUNVMX instructions
* Changes in RUNVM
* Tests for adddiv and runvm
* HASHEXT instruction
* Improve opcode-timing
More iterations
Don't measure preliminary run
Remove logs and other excessive operations
Add "error" to output
* Increase RUNVM gas price
* Optimize HASHEXT, adjust gas price
* Add "bounce of action fail" flag to actions
* Stack operations with unlimited arguments
* Ristretto255 instructions
* Adjust gas consumption
* Optional fixed number of return values in RUNVM, fix exception handling
* Adjust gas consumption
* Simplify gas consumption logic
* Support of secp256k1 and sodium libraries in builds (#11)
* add support of secp256k1 library to the builds (linux, win)
* add support of secp256k1 library to the builds (linux, win)
* install secp256k1 via brew
* install libsodium via brew;
change sodium to upper case in FindSodium.cmake
* install libsodium via brew;
change sodium to upper case in FindSodium.cmake
* simplify FindSodium.cmake
* bug fixing
* bug fixing
* bug fixing
* add macro SODIUM_STATIC
* adjust build command for windows
* put back original FindSodium.cmake
* put back original FindSodium.cmake
* fix sodium unzipped path for windows;
add ninja
* fix sodium unzipped path for windows;
add ninja
* fix sodium unzipped path for windows;
add ninja
* Win32 github build for secp256k1
* x64 architecture github build for secp256k1
* fix sodium linking on linux
* enable docker buildx arm64 builds from forked repos
* enable docker buildx arm64 builds from forked repos
* enable docker buildx arm64 builds from forked repos
* adjust mac builds for secp2561k and sodium
* fix tonlib jni generation
* minor fix
* sync fixes across platforms
* add libsodium build script for android and precompiled static libraries
* build tonlib for android (fails)
* FindSodium uppercase
* remove system libsodium for android, use precompiled instead;
specify SECP256K1_INCLUDE_DIR fir mac 12.6
* uppercase sodium
* simplify FindSodium
* fix windows build sodium path;
use ninja for windows
* simplify sodium 2
* adjust windows sodium paths;
add paths to android jni
* add ninja build windows
* add ninja build windows
* add ninja build windows 2
* remove win ninja
* fix 1
* fix 2
* fix win 3
* fix linux compile 3
* fix jni 1
* fix jni 2 and mac
* fix jni 3
* fix jni 4
* fix jni 5
* fix mac 6
* fix mac 7 and jni paths
* fix jni 8
* rework sodium for android
* rework sodium for android
* rework sodium for android 2
* fixed sodium for android 2
* fixed sodium for android 3
* static secp256k1 for android
* add precompiled arm secp256k1
* add precompiled arm secp256k1
* build native-lib with secp256k1 x86-64 (non arm)
* update precompiled with NDK libsecp256k1.a
* update precompiled with NDK libsecp256k1.a
* update precompiled with NDK libsecp256k1.a
* refactor llvm-strip location
* refactor llvm-strip location
* add native-lib.so for armv7a, armv8a
* add native-lib.so for armv7a, armv8a
* test armv7a, armv8a
* armv7a - fails linking on sodium, test -> armv8a
* works x86-64, armv7a - fails linking on sodium, armv8a - fails linking secp256k1 (incompatible with aarch64linux)
* update libpsec256k1, sodium static libs
* test x86 android native-lib
* test armv7 android native-lib
* test armv8 android native-lib
* x86_64 and arm64 android native-lib works
* x86_64 and arm64 android native-lib works
* x86_64 and arm64 android native-lib works
* test armv7 android native-lib
* test all android native-libs
* test all android native-libs
* test all android native-libs
* test all android native-libs - without SodiumAndroid
* test all android native-libs - with FindSodiumAndroid.cmake
* win, with Sodium via SODIUM_DIR
* win, with Sodium via SODIUM_DIR env
* win, with Sodium via SODIUM_DIR env
* win, with Sodium via SODIUM_DIR env and SODIUM_USE_STATIC_LIBS
* android, with FindSodium
* android, with FindSodium with SODIUM_USE_STATIC_LIBS
* remove if not apple
* target_link_libraries(ton_crypto_core PUBLIC secp256k1)
* android SECP256K1_INCLUDE_DIRS
* android SECP256K1_INCLUDE_DIR
* add libsecp256k1.a/so pre-compiled with ubuntu 22 x86-64
* add libsecp256k1.a/so pre-compiled with ubuntu 22 x86-64
* sodium dirs
* sodium dirs
* sodium dirs
* remove NOT APPLE and SodiumAndroid
* add NOT APPLE and remove SodiumAndroid
* add NOT APPLE and remove SodiumAndroid
* remove build scripts for 18.04, reduce CMakeLists.txt
* remove build scripts for 18.04, reduce CMakeLists.txt
* Fix cas consumption during library load
* Fix fetch_config_params after merge
* Add all ADDDIVMOD ops to Asm.fif
* Save unpaid storage fee to due_payment
* Add "set prev blocks info" to emulator
* Adjusted builds (#13)
* Update flake.nix
Add libsodium
* add libsecp256k1-dev and libsodium-dev into wasm build
* make back emulator a shared library;
put emulator to artifacts;
compile wasm artifacts with sodium and secp256k1.
* add secp256k1 to nix
* compile emulator statically with nix
* compile emulator statically with nix
* compile emulator lib statically with nix
* compile emulator lib statically with nix
* add libemulator to artifacts
* add shared libemulator library to artifacts
* minor release fix
* update set-output commands;
add recent_changelog.md
* releases fixes
* releases fixes, multiline
* releases fixes, multiline
* releases fixes, multiline
* put back multiline changelog
* put back multiline changelog
* ConfigParam 19 (global-id) and GLOBALID instruction
* Fix gas consumption in HASHEXT
* Add blst library
* Add bls instructions
* Allow passing long code to opcode-timing
* Add bls testcase
* More BLS instructions
* Fix tests, add bls tests
* Add more bls tests
* Improve some bls operations
* Adjust some BLS gas prices
* Adjust BLS gas prices
* Enable __BLST_PORTABLE__ flag only if PORTABLE flag is set
* Add tests for BLS_PAIRING
* GASCONSUMED instruction
* Fix compilation against docker with blst library; (#14)
* fix compilation against docker with blst library;
add precompiled libblst.a to android builds
* minor fix
* Adjust BLKSWX gas
* Fix comparison with NAN
* Allow arbitrary integers for scalars in ristretto multiplication, fix test
* Adjust nix builds according to PR 694 (#15)
* integrate and test PR-694
* integrate and test PR-694, test 2
* Add P256_CHKSIGN (secp256r1)
Co-authored-by: SpyCheese <mikle98@yandex.ru>
Co-authored-by: neodiX42 <namlem@gmail.com>
2023-05-24 18:14:13 +00:00
td::Result<Ref<vm::Tuple>> get_prev_blocks_info() const;
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
static td::Result<std::unique_ptr<ConfigInfo>> extract_config(std::shared_ptr<vm::StaticBagOfCellsDb> static_boc,
int mode = 0);
static td::Result<std::unique_ptr<ConfigInfo>> extract_config(Ref<vm::Cell> mc_state_root, int mode = 0);
ConfigInfo(Ref<vm::Cell> mc_state_root, int _mode = 0);
td::Status unpack_wrapped();
td::Status unpack();
void reset_mc_hash();
void cleanup();
} // namespace block