2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2020-04-10 19:06:01 +00:00
Copyright 2017-2020 Telegram Systems LLP
2019-09-07 10:03:22 +00:00
#include "td/fec/raptorq/Solver.h"
#include "td/fec/algebra/GaussianElimination.h"
#include "td/fec/algebra/InactivationDecoding.h"
#include "td/utils/Timer.h"
#include <map>
namespace td {
namespace raptorq {
MatrixGF256 create_D(const Rfc::Parameters &p, Span<SymbolRef> symbols) {
auto symbol_size = symbols[0].data.size();
MatrixGF256 D(p.S + p.H + symbols.size(), symbol_size);
auto offset = p.S;
for (auto &symbol : symbols) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < symbol_size; i++) {
D.set(offset, i, Octet(symbol.data[i]));
return D;
Result<MatrixGF256> Solver::run(const Rfc::Parameters &p, Span<SymbolRef> symbols) {
if (0) { // turns out gauss is slower even for small symbols count
auto encoding_rows = transform(symbols, [&p](auto &symbol) { return p.get_encoding_row(symbol.id); });
MatrixGF256 A(p.S + p.H + symbols.size(), p.L);
auto A_upper = p.get_A_upper(encoding_rows);
A_upper.block_for_each(0, 0, A_upper.rows(), A_upper.cols(), [&](auto x, auto y) { A.set(x, y, Octet(1)); });
MatrixGF256 tmp(A.cols() - p.H, A.cols() - p.H);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.cols(); i++) {
tmp.set(i, i, Octet(1));
auto HDCP = p.HDPC_multiply(std::move(tmp));
MatrixGF256 HDCP2(p.H, p.L - p.H);
MatrixGF256 IH(p.H, p.H);
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.H; i++) {
IH.set(i, i, Octet(1));
A.set_from(HDCP, A_upper.rows(), 0);
A.set_from(IH, A_upper.rows(), HDCP.cols());
auto D = create_D(p, symbols);
auto C = GaussianElimination::run(std::move(A), std::move(D));
return C;
PerfWarningTimer x("solve");
Timer timer;
auto perf_log = [&](Slice message) {
static std::map<std::string, double> total;
static double total_all = 0;
auto elapsed = timer.elapsed();
auto current_total = total[message.str()] += elapsed;
total_all += elapsed;
LOG(DEBUG) << "PERF: " << message << " " << timer << " " << current_total / total_all * 100;
timer = {};
// Solve linear system
// A * C = D
// C - intermeidate symbols
// D - encoded symbols and restriction symbols.
// A:
// +--------+-----+-------+
// | LDPC1 | I_S | LDPC2|
// +--------+-----+-------+
// | ENC |
// +---------------+------+
// | HDCP | I_H |
// +---------------+------+
CHECK(p.K_padded <= symbols.size());
auto encoding_rows = transform(symbols, [&p](auto &symbol) { return p.get_encoding_row(symbol.id); });
// Generate matrix A_upper: sparse part of A, first S + K_padded rows.
SparseMatrixGF2 A_upper = p.get_A_upper(encoding_rows);
auto D = create_D(p, symbols);
perf_log("Generate sparse matrix");
// Run indactivation decoding.
// Lets call resulting lower triangualr matrix U
auto decoding_result = InactivationDecoding(A_upper, p.P).run();
perf_log("Inactivation decoding");
uint32 U_size = decoding_result.size;
auto row_permutation = std::move(decoding_result.p_rows);
while (row_permutation.size() < D.rows()) {
auto col_permutation = std::move(decoding_result.p_cols);
// +--------+---------+ +---------+
// | U | E | | D_upper |
// +--------+---------+ +---------+
// | G_left | G_right | * C = | |
// +--------+--+------+ | D_lower |
// |HDCP | I_H | | |
// +-----------+------+ +---------+
D = D.apply_row_permutation(row_permutation);
perf_log("D: apply permutation");
A_upper = A_upper.apply_row_permutation(row_permutation).apply_col_permutation(col_permutation);
perf_log("A_upper: apply permutation");
auto E = A_upper.block_dense(0, U_size, U_size, p.L - U_size);
perf_log("Calc E");
MatrixGF256 C(A_upper.cols(), D.cols());
C.set_from(D.block_view(0, 0, U_size, D.cols()), 0, 0);
// Make U Identity matrix and calculate E and D_upper.
for (uint32 i = 0; i < U_size; i++) {
for (auto row : A_upper.col(i)) {
if (row == i) {
if (row >= U_size) {
E.row_add(row, i);
D.row_add(row, i); // this is SLOW
perf_log("Triangular -> Identity");
auto HDPC_left_multiply = [&](const MatrixGF256 &m) {
MatrixGF256 T(p.K_padded + p.S, m.cols());
for (uint32 i = 0; i < m.rows(); i++) {
T.row_set(col_permutation[i], m.row(i));
return p.HDPC_multiply(std::move(T));
SparseMatrixGF2 G_left = A_upper.block_sparse(U_size, 0, A_upper.rows() - U_size, U_size);
// Calculate small_A_upper
// small_A_upper = G_right
MatrixGF256 small_A_upper(A_upper.rows() - U_size, A_upper.cols() - U_size);
A_upper.block_for_each(U_size, U_size, A_upper.rows() - U_size, A_upper.cols() - U_size,
[&](auto row, auto col) { small_A_upper.set(row, col, Octet(1)); });
// small_A_upper += G_left * E
small_A_upper.add((G_left * E).to_gf256());
// Calculate small_A_lower
MatrixGF256 small_A_lower(p.H, A_upper.cols() - U_size);
for (uint32 i = 1; i <= p.H; i++) {
small_A_lower.set(small_A_lower.rows() - i, small_A_lower.cols() - i, Octet(1));
// Calculate HDPC_right and set it into small_A_lower
MatrixGF256 T(p.K_padded + p.S, p.K_padded + p.S - U_size);
for (uint32 i = 0; i < T.cols(); i++) {
T.set(col_permutation[i + T.rows() - T.cols()], i, Octet(1));
MatrixGF256 HDCP_right = p.HDPC_multiply(std::move(T));
small_A_lower.set_from(HDCP_right, 0, 0);
// small_A_lower += HDPC_left * E
auto t = E.to_gf256();
perf_log("small_A_lower += HDPC_left * E");
MatrixGF256 D_upper(U_size, D.cols());
D_upper.set_from(D.block_view(0, 0, D_upper.rows(), D_upper.cols()), 0, 0);
// small_D_upper
MatrixGF256 small_D_upper(A_upper.rows() - U_size, D.cols());
small_D_upper.set_from(D.block_view(U_size, 0, small_D_upper.rows(), small_D_upper.cols()), 0, 0);
small_D_upper.add(G_left * D_upper);
// small_D_lower
MatrixGF256 small_D_lower(p.H, D.cols());
small_D_lower.set_from(D.block_view(A_upper.rows(), 0, small_D_lower.rows(), small_D_lower.cols()), 0, 0);
perf_log("small_D_lower += HDPC_left * D_upper");
// Combine small_A from small_A_lower and small_A_upper
MatrixGF256 small_A(small_A_upper.rows() + small_A_lower.rows(), small_A_upper.cols());
small_A.set_from(small_A_upper, 0, 0);
small_A.set_from(small_A_lower, small_A_upper.rows(), 0);
// Combine small_D from small_D_lower and small_D_upper
MatrixGF256 small_D(small_D_upper.rows() + small_D_lower.rows(), small_D_upper.cols());
small_D.set_from(small_D_upper, 0, 0);
small_D.set_from(small_D_lower, small_D_upper.rows(), 0);
TRY_RESULT(small_C, GaussianElimination::run(std::move(small_A), std::move(small_D)));
C.set_from(small_C.block_view(0, 0, C.rows() - U_size, C.cols()), U_size, 0);
SparseMatrixGF2 A_upper_t = A_upper.transpose();
for (uint32 row = 0; row < U_size; row++) {
for (auto col : A_upper_t.col(row)) {
if (col == row) {
C.row_add(row, col);
perf_log("Calc result");
auto res = C.apply_row_permutation(inverse_permutation(col_permutation));
perf_log("Apply permutation");
return std::move(res);
} // namespace raptorq
} // namespace td