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;; Simple configuration smart contract
#include "stdlib.fc";
() set_conf_param(int index, cell value) impure {
var cs = get_data().begin_parse();
var cfg_dict = cs~load_ref();
cfg_dict~idict_set_ref(32, index, value);
(cell, int, int, cell) load_data() inline {
var cs = get_data().begin_parse();
var res = (cs~load_ref(), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_dict());
return res;
() store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict) impure inline {
.store_uint(stored_seqno, 32)
.store_uint(public_key, 256)
;; (min_tot_rounds, max_tot_rounds, min_wins, max_losses, min_store_sec, max_store_sec, bit_price, cell_price)
_ parse_vote_config(cell c) inline {
var cs = c.begin_parse();
throw_unless(44, cs~load_uint(8) == 0x36);
var res = (cs~load_uint(8), cs~load_uint(8), cs~load_uint(8), cs~load_uint(8), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_uint(32));
return res;
;; cfg_vote_setup#91 normal_params:^ConfigProposalSetup critical_params:^ConfigProposalSetup = ConfigVotingSetup;
_ get_vote_config_internal(int critical?, cell cparam11) inline_ref {
var cs = cparam11.begin_parse();
throw_unless(44, cs~load_uint(8) == 0x91);
if (critical?) {
return parse_vote_config(cs.preload_ref());
_ get_vote_config(int critical?) inline {
return get_vote_config_internal(critical?, config_param(11));
(int, int) check_validator_set(cell vset) {
var cs = vset.begin_parse();
throw_unless(9, cs~load_uint(8) == 0x12); ;; validators_ext#12 only
int utime_since = cs~load_uint(32);
int utime_until = cs~load_uint(32);
int total = cs~load_uint(16);
int main = cs~load_uint(16);
throw_unless(9, main > 0);
throw_unless(9, total >= main);
return (utime_since, utime_until);
() send_answer(addr, query_id, ans_tag, mode) impure {
;; int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool src:MsgAddress -> 011000
.store_uint(0x18, 6)
.store_uint(0, 5 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1)
.store_uint(ans_tag, 32)
.store_uint(query_id, 64)
.end_cell(), mode);
() send_confirmation(addr, query_id, ans_tag) impure inline {
return send_answer(addr, query_id, ans_tag, 64);
() send_error(addr, query_id, ans_tag) impure inline {
return send_answer(addr, query_id, ans_tag, 64);
;; forward a message to elector smart contract to make it upgrade its code
() change_elector_code(slice cs) impure {
var dest_addr = config_param(1).begin_parse().preload_uint(256);
var query_id = now();
.store_uint(0xc4ff, 17)
.store_uint(dest_addr, 256)
.store_grams(1 << 30) ;; ~ 1 Gram (will be returned back)
.store_uint(0, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1)
.store_uint(0x4e436f64, 32) ;; action
.store_uint(query_id, 64)
.end_cell(), 0);
() after_code_upgrade(slice param, cont old_code) impure method_id(1666) {
_ perform_action(cfg_dict, public_key, action, cs) inline_ref {
if (action == 0x43665021) {
;; change one configuration parameter
var param_index = cs~load_int(32);
var param_value = cs~load_ref();
cfg_dict~idict_set_ref(32, param_index, param_value);
return (cfg_dict, public_key);
} elseif (action == 0x4e436f64) {
;; change configuration smart contract code
var new_code = cs~load_ref();
var old_code = get_c3();
after_code_upgrade(cs, old_code);
return (cfg_dict, public_key);
} elseif (action == 0x50624b21) {
;; change configuration master public key
public_key = cs~load_uint(256);
return (cfg_dict, public_key);
} elseif (action == 0x4e43ef05) {
;; change election smart contract code
return (cfg_dict, public_key);
} else {
throw_if(32, action);
return (cfg_dict, public_key);
(cell, int, cell) get_current_vset() inline_ref {
var vset = config_param(34);
var cs = begin_parse(vset);
;; validators_ext#12 utime_since:uint32 utime_until:uint32
;; total:(## 16) main:(## 16) { main <= total } { main >= 1 }
;; total_weight:uint64
throw_unless(40, cs~load_uint(8) == 0x12);
cs~skip_bits(32 + 32 + 16 + 16);
var (total_weight, dict) = (cs~load_uint(64), cs~load_dict());
return (vset, total_weight, dict);
(slice, int) get_validator_descr(int idx) inline_ref {
var (vset, total_weight, dict) = get_current_vset();
var (value, _) = dict.udict_get?(16, idx);
return (value, total_weight);
(int, int) unpack_validator_descr(slice cs) inline {
;; ed25519_pubkey#8e81278a pubkey:bits256 = SigPubKey;
;; validator#53 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 = ValidatorDescr;
;; validator_addr#73 public_key:SigPubKey weight:uint64 adnl_addr:bits256 = ValidatorDescr;
throw_unless(41, (cs~load_uint(8) & ~ 0x20) == 0x53);
throw_unless(41, cs~load_uint(32) == 0x8e81278a);
return (cs~load_uint(256), cs~load_uint(64));
;; cfg_proposal#f3 param_id:int32 param_value:(Maybe ^Cell) if_hash_equal:(Maybe uint256)
;; c -> (param-id param-cell maybe-hash)
(int, cell, int) parse_config_proposal(cell c) inline_ref {
var cs = c.begin_parse();
throw_unless(44, cs~load_int(8) == 0xf3 - 0x100);
var (id, val, hash) = (cs~load_int(32), cs~load_maybe_ref(), cs~load_int(1));
if (hash) {
hash = cs~load_uint(256);
} else {
hash = -1;
return (id, val, hash);
(cell, int, cell) accept_proposal(cell cfg_dict, cell proposal, int critical?) inline_ref {
var (param_id, param_val, req_hash) = parse_config_proposal(proposal);
cell cur_val = cfg_dict.idict_get_ref(32, param_id);
int cur_hash = null?(cur_val) ? 0 : cell_hash(cur_val);
if ((cur_hash != req_hash) & (req_hash >= 0)) {
;; current value has incorrect hash, do not apply changes
return (cfg_dict, 0, null());
cell mparams = cfg_dict.idict_get_ref(32, 9); ;; mandatory parameters
var (_, found?) = mparams.idict_get?(32, param_id);
if (found? & param_val.null?()) {
;; cannot set a mandatory parameter to (null)
return (cfg_dict, 0, null());
cell cparams = cfg_dict.idict_get_ref(32, 10); ;; critical parameters
(_, found?) = cparams.idict_get?(32, param_id);
if (found? < critical?) {
;; trying to set a critical parameter after a non-critical voting
return (cfg_dict, 0, null());
cfg_dict~idict_set_ref(32, param_id, param_val);
return (cfg_dict, param_id, param_val);
(cell, int) perform_proposed_action(cell cfg_dict, int public_key, int param_id, cell param_val) inline_ref {
if (param_id == -999) {
;; appoint or depose dictator
return (cfg_dict, param_val.null?() ? 0 : param_val.begin_parse().preload_uint(256));
if (param_val.null?()) {
return (cfg_dict, public_key);
if (param_id == -1000) {
;; upgrade code
var cs = param_val.begin_parse();
var new_code = cs~load_ref();
var old_code = get_c3();
after_code_upgrade(cs, old_code);
return (cfg_dict, public_key);
if (param_id == -1001) {
;; update elector code
var cs = param_val.begin_parse();
return (cfg_dict, public_key);
;; cfg_proposal_status#ce expires:uint32 proposal:^ConfigProposal is_critical:Bool
;; voters:(HashmapE 16 True) remaining_weight:int64 validator_set_id:uint256
;; rounds_remaining:uint8 wins:uint8 losses:uint8 = ConfigProposalStatus;
(int, cell, int, cell, int, int, slice) unpack_proposal_status(slice cs) inline_ref {
throw_unless(44, cs~load_int(8) == 0xce - 0x100);
return (cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_ref(), cs~load_int(1), cs~load_dict(), cs~load_int(64), cs~load_uint(256), cs);
slice update_proposal_status(slice rest, int weight_remaining, int critical?) inline_ref {
var (min_tot_rounds, max_tot_rounds, min_wins, max_losses, _, _, _, _) = get_vote_config(critical?);
var (rounds_remaining, wins, losses) = (rest~load_uint(8), rest~load_uint(8), rest~load_uint(8));
losses -= (weight_remaining >= 0);
if (losses > max_losses) {
;; lost too many times
return null();
rounds_remaining -= 1;
if (rounds_remaining < 0) {
;; existed for too many rounds
return null();
return begin_cell()
.store_uint(rounds_remaining, 8)
.store_uint(wins, 8)
.store_uint(losses, 8)
builder begin_pack_proposal_status(int expires, cell proposal, int critical?, cell voters, int weight_remaining, int vset_id) inline {
return begin_cell()
.store_int(0xce - 0x100, 8)
.store_uint(expires, 32)
.store_int(critical?, 1)
.store_int(weight_remaining, 64)
.store_uint(vset_id, 256);
(cell, cell, int) register_vote(vote_dict, phash, idx, weight) inline_ref {
var (pstatus, found?) = vote_dict.udict_get?(256, phash);
ifnot (found?) {
;; config proposal not found
return (vote_dict, null(), -1);
var (cur_vset, total_weight, _) = get_current_vset();
int cur_vset_id = cur_vset.cell_hash();
var (expires, proposal, critical?, voters, weight_remaining, vset_id, rest) = unpack_proposal_status(pstatus);
if (expires <= now()) {
;; config proposal expired, delete and report not found
vote_dict~udict_delete?(256, phash);
return (vote_dict, null(), -1);
if (vset_id != cur_vset_id) {
;; config proposal belongs to a previous validator set
vset_id = cur_vset_id;
rest = update_proposal_status(rest, weight_remaining, critical?);
voters = null();
weight_remaining = muldiv(total_weight, 3, 4);
if (rest.null?()) {
;; discard proposal (existed for too many rounds, or too many losses)
vote_dict~udict_delete?(256, phash);
return (vote_dict, null(), -1);
var (_, found?) = voters.udict_get?(16, idx);
if (found?) {
;; already voted for this proposal, ignore vote
return (vote_dict, null(), -2);
;; register vote
voters~udict_set_builder(16, idx, begin_cell().store_uint(now(), 32));
int old_wr = weight_remaining;
weight_remaining -= weight;
if ((weight_remaining ^ old_wr) >= 0) {
;; not enough votes, or proposal already accepted in this round
;; simply update weight_remaining
vote_dict~udict_set_builder(256, phash, begin_pack_proposal_status(expires, proposal, critical?, voters, weight_remaining, vset_id).store_slice(rest));
return (vote_dict, null(), 2);
;; proposal wins in this round
var (min_tot_rounds, max_tot_rounds, min_wins, max_losses, _, _, _, _) = get_vote_config(critical?);
var (rounds_remaining, wins, losses) = (rest~load_uint(8), rest~load_uint(8), rest~load_uint(8));
wins += 1;
if (wins >= min_wins) {
;; proposal is accepted, remove and process
vote_dict~udict_delete?(256, phash);
return (vote_dict, proposal, 6 - critical?);
;; update proposal info
vote_dict~udict_set_builder(256, phash,
begin_pack_proposal_status(expires, proposal, critical?, voters, weight_remaining, vset_id)
.store_uint(rounds_remaining, 8)
.store_uint(wins, 8)
.store_uint(losses, 8));
return (vote_dict, null(), 2);
int proceed_register_vote(phash, idx, weight) impure inline_ref {
var (cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict) = load_data();
(vote_dict, var accepted_proposal, var status) = register_vote(vote_dict, phash, idx, weight);
store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
ifnot (accepted_proposal.null?()) {
var critical? = 6 - status;
(cfg_dict, var param_id, var param_val) = accept_proposal(cfg_dict, accepted_proposal, critical?);
store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
if (param_id) {
(cfg_dict, public_key) = perform_proposed_action(cfg_dict, public_key, param_id, param_val);
store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
return status;
(slice, int) scan_proposal(int phash, slice pstatus) inline_ref {
var (cur_vset, total_weight, _) = get_current_vset();
int cur_vset_id = cur_vset.cell_hash();
var (expires, proposal, critical?, voters, weight_remaining, vset_id, rest) = unpack_proposal_status(pstatus);
if (expires <= now()) {
;; config proposal expired, delete
return (null(), true);
if (vset_id == cur_vset_id) {
;; config proposal already processed or voted for in this round, change nothing
return (pstatus, false);
;; config proposal belongs to a previous validator set
vset_id = cur_vset_id;
rest = update_proposal_status(rest, weight_remaining, critical?);
voters = null();
weight_remaining = muldiv(total_weight, 3, 4);
if (rest.null?()) {
;; discard proposal (existed for too many rounds, or too many losses)
return (null(), true);
;; return updated proposal
return (begin_pack_proposal_status(expires, proposal, critical?, voters, weight_remaining, vset_id).store_slice(rest).end_cell().begin_parse(), true);
cell scan_random_proposal(cell vote_dict) inline_ref {
var (phash, pstatus, found?) = vote_dict.udict_get_nexteq?(256, random());
ifnot (found?) {
return vote_dict;
(pstatus, var changed?) = scan_proposal(phash, pstatus);
if (changed?) {
if (pstatus.null?()) {
vote_dict~udict_delete?(256, phash);
} else {
vote_dict~udict_set(256, phash, pstatus);
return vote_dict;
int register_voting_proposal(slice cs, int msg_value) impure inline_ref {
var (expire_at, proposal, critical?) = (cs~load_uint(32), cs~load_ref(), cs~load_int(1));
if (expire_at >> 30) {
expire_at -= now();
var (param_id, param_val, hash) = parse_config_proposal(proposal);
if (hash >= 0) {
cell cur_val = config_param(param_id);
int cur_hash = null?(cur_val) ? 0 : cell_hash(cur_val);
if (cur_hash != hash) {
hash = -0xe2646356; ;; bad current value
} else {
var m_params = config_param(9);
var (_, found?) = m_params.idict_get?(32, param_id);
if (found?) {
hash = -0xcd506e6c; ;; cannot set mandatory parameter to null
if (param_val.cell_depth() >= 256) {
hash = -0xc2616456; ;; bad value
if (hash < -1) {
return hash; ;; return error if any
ifnot (critical?) {
var crit_params = config_param(10);
var (_, found?) = crit_params.idict_get?(32, param_id);
if (found?) {
hash = -0xc3726954; ;; trying to set a critical parameter without critical flag
if (hash < -1) {
return hash;
;; obtain vote proposal configuration
var vote_cfg = get_vote_config(critical?);
var (min_tot_rounds, max_tot_rounds, min_wins, max_losses, min_store_sec, max_store_sec, bit_price, cell_price) = vote_cfg;
if (expire_at < min_store_sec) {
return -0xc5787069; ;; expired
expire_at = min(expire_at, max_store_sec);
;; compute price
var (_, bits, refs) = compute_data_size(param_val, 1024);
var pps = bit_price * (bits + 1024) + cell_price * (refs + 2);
var price = pps * expire_at;
expire_at += now();
var (cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict) = load_data();
int phash = proposal.cell_hash();
var (pstatus, found?) = vote_dict.udict_get?(256, phash);
if (found?) {
;; proposal already exists; we can only extend it
var (expires, r_proposal, r_critical?, voters, weight_remaining, vset_id, rest) = unpack_proposal_status(pstatus);
if (r_critical? != critical?) {
return -0xc3726955; ;; cannot upgrade critical parameter to non-critical...
if (expires >= expire_at) {
return -0xc16c7245; ;; proposal already exists
;; recompute price
price = pps * (expire_at - expires + 16384);
if (msg_value - price < (1 << 30)) {
return -0xf0617924; ;; need more money
;; update expiration time
vote_dict~udict_set_builder(256, phash, begin_pack_proposal_status(expire_at, r_proposal, r_critical?, voters, weight_remaining, vset_id).store_slice(rest));
store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
return price;
if (msg_value - price < (1 << 30)) {
return -0xf0617924; ;; need more money
;; obtain current validator set data
var (vset, total_weight, _) = get_current_vset();
int weight_remaining = muldiv(total_weight, 3, 4);
;; create new proposal
vote_dict~udict_set_builder(256, phash,
begin_pack_proposal_status(expire_at, proposal, critical?, null(), weight_remaining, vset.cell_hash())
.store_uint(max_tot_rounds, 8).store_uint(0, 16));
store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
return price;
() recv_internal(int msg_value, cell in_msg_cell, slice in_msg) impure {
var cs = in_msg_cell.begin_parse();
var flags = cs~load_uint(4); ;; int_msg_info$0 ihr_disabled:Bool bounce:Bool bounced:Bool
var s_addr = cs~load_msg_addr();
(int src_wc, int src_addr) = s_addr.parse_std_addr();
if ((src_wc + 1) | (flags & 1) | in_msg.slice_empty?()) {
;; source not in masterchain, or a bounced message, or a simple transfer
return ();
int tag = in_msg~load_uint(32);
int query_id = in_msg~load_uint(64);
if (tag == 0x4e565354) {
;; set next validator set
var vset = in_msg~load_ref();
var elector_param = config_param(1);
var elector_addr = cell_null?(elector_param) ? -1 : elector_param.begin_parse().preload_uint(256);
var ok = false;
if (src_addr == elector_addr) {
;; message from elector smart contract
;; set next validator set
(var t_since, var t_until) = check_validator_set(vset);
var t = now();
ok = (t_since > t) & (t_until > t_since);
if (ok) {
set_conf_param(36, vset);
;; send confirmation
return send_confirmation(s_addr, query_id, 0xee764f4b);
} else {
return send_error(s_addr, query_id, 0xee764f6f);
if (tag == 0x6e565052) {
;; new voting proposal
var price = register_voting_proposal(in_msg, msg_value);
int mode = 64;
int ans_tag = - price;
if (price >= 0) {
;; ok, debit price
raw_reserve(price, 4);
ans_tag = 0xee565052;
mode = 128;
return send_answer(s_addr, query_id, ans_tag, mode);
if (tag == 0x566f7465) {
;; vote for a configuration proposal
var signature = in_msg~load_bits(512);
var msg_body = in_msg;
var (sign_tag, idx, phash) = (in_msg~load_uint(32), in_msg~load_uint(16), in_msg~load_uint(256));
throw_unless(37, sign_tag == 0x566f7445);
var (vdescr, total_weight) = get_validator_descr(idx);
var (val_pubkey, weight) = unpack_validator_descr(vdescr);
throw_unless(34, check_data_signature(msg_body, signature, val_pubkey));
int res = proceed_register_vote(phash, idx, weight);
return send_confirmation(s_addr, query_id, res + 0xd6745240);
;; if tag is non-zero and its higher bit is zero, throw an exception (the message is an unsupported query)
;; to bounce message back to sender
throw_unless(37, (tag == 0) | (tag & (1 << 31)));
;; do nothing for other internal messages
() recv_external(slice in_msg) impure {
var signature = in_msg~load_bits(512);
var cs = in_msg;
int action = cs~load_uint(32);
int msg_seqno = cs~load_uint(32);
var valid_until = cs~load_uint(32);
throw_if(35, valid_until < now());
throw_if(39, slice_depth(cs) > 128);
var (cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict) = load_data();
throw_unless(33, msg_seqno == stored_seqno);
if (action == 0x566f7465) {
;; vote for a configuration proposal
var (idx, phash) = (cs~load_uint(16), cs~load_uint(256));
var (vdescr, total_weight) = get_validator_descr(idx);
var (val_pubkey, weight) = unpack_validator_descr(vdescr);
throw_unless(34, check_data_signature(in_msg, signature, val_pubkey));
stored_seqno = (stored_seqno + 1) % (1 << 32);
store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
proceed_register_vote(phash, idx, weight);
return ();
throw_unless(34, check_signature(slice_hash(in_msg), signature, public_key));
stored_seqno = (stored_seqno + 1) % (1 << 32);
store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
(cfg_dict, public_key) = perform_action(cfg_dict, public_key, action, cs);
store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
() run_ticktock(int is_tock) impure {
var (cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict) = load_data();
int kl = 32;
var next_vset = cfg_dict.idict_get_ref(kl, 36);
var updated? = false;
ifnot (next_vset.null?()) {
;; check whether we have to set next_vset as the current validator set
var ds = next_vset.begin_parse();
if (ds.slice_bits() >= 40) {
var tag = ds~load_uint(8);
var since = ds.preload_uint(32);
if ((since <= now()) & (tag == 0x12)) {
;; next validator set becomes active!
var cur_vset = cfg_dict~idict_set_get_ref(kl, 34, next_vset); ;; next_vset -> cur_vset
cfg_dict~idict_set_get_ref(kl, 32, cur_vset); ;; cur_vset -> prev_vset
cfg_dict~idict_delete?(kl, 36); ;; (null) -> next_vset
updated? = true;
ifnot (updated?) {
;; if nothing has been done so far, scan a random voting proposal instead
vote_dict = scan_random_proposal(vote_dict);
;; save data and return
return store_data(cfg_dict, stored_seqno, public_key, vote_dict);
int seqno() method_id {
return get_data().begin_parse().preload_uint(32);
_ unpack_proposal(slice pstatus) inline_ref {
(int expires, cell proposal, int critical?, cell voters, int weight_remaining, int vset_id, slice rest) = unpack_proposal_status(pstatus);
var voters_list = null();
var voter_id = (1 << 32);
do {
(voter_id, _, var f) = voters.udict_get_prev?(16, voter_id);
if (f) {
voters_list = cons(voter_id, voters_list);
} until (~ f);
var (rounds_remaining, losses, wins) = (rest~load_uint(8), rest~load_uint(8), rest~load_uint(8));
var (param_id, param_val, param_hash) = parse_config_proposal(proposal);
return [expires, critical?, [param_id, param_val, param_hash], vset_id, voters_list, weight_remaining, rounds_remaining, losses, wins];
_ get_proposal(int phash) method_id {
(_, _, _, var vote_dict) = load_data();
var (pstatus, found?) = vote_dict.udict_get?(256, phash);
ifnot (found?) {
return null();
return unpack_proposal(pstatus);
_ list_proposals() method_id {
(_, _, _, var vote_dict) = load_data();
var phash = (1 << 255) + ((1 << 255) - 1);
var list = null();
do {
(phash, var pstatus, var f) = vote_dict.udict_get_prev?(256, phash);
if (f) {
list = cons([phash, unpack_proposal(pstatus)], list);
} until (~ f);
return list;
_ proposal_storage_price(int critical?, int seconds, int bits, int refs) method_id {
var cfg_dict = get_data().begin_parse().preload_ref();
var cparam11 = cfg_dict.idict_get_ref(32, 11);
var (min_tot_rounds, max_tot_rounds, min_wins, max_losses, min_store_sec, max_store_sec, bit_price, cell_price) = get_vote_config_internal(critical?, cparam11);
if (seconds < min_store_sec) {
return -1;
seconds = min(seconds, max_store_sec);
return (bit_price * (bits + 1024) + cell_price * (refs + 2)) * seconds;