1. Fixes in how gas in transactions on special accounts is accounted in block limit. Previously, gas was counted as usual, so to conduct elections that costs >30m gas block limit in masterchain was set to 37m gas. To lower the limit for safety reasons it is proposed to not count gas on special accounts. Besides `gas_max` is set to `special_gas_limit` for all types of transactions on special accounts. New behavior is activated through setting `gas_prices_v3` in `ConfigParam 20;`.
* Besides update of config temporally increases gas limit on `EQD_v9j1rlsuHHw2FIhcsCFFSD367ldfDdCKcsNmNpIRzUlu` to `special_gas_limit`, see [details](https://t.me/tonstatus/88).
2. Improvements in LS behavior
* Improved detection of the state with all shards applied to decrease rate of `Block is not applied` error
* Better error logs: `block not in db` and `block is not applied` separation
* Fix error in proof generation for blocks after merge
3. Improvements in DHT work and storage, CellDb, config.json ammendment, peer misbehavior detection, validator session stats collection, emulator.