__The Open Network (TON)__ is a fast, secure, scalable blockchain focused on handling _millions of transactions per second_ (TPS) with the goal of reaching hundreds of millions of blockchain users.
- To run node, validator or lite-server check [Participate section](https://ton.org/docs/participate/nodes/run-node)
- To develop decentralised apps check [Tutorials](https://ton.org/docs/develop/smart-contracts/), [FunC docs](https://ton.org/docs/develop/func/overview) and [DApp tutorials](https://ton.org/docs/develop/dapps/)
- To work on TON check [wallets](https://ton.app/wallets), [explorers](https://ton.app/explorers), [DEXes](https://ton.app/dex) and [utilities](https://ton.app/utilities)
- To interact with TON check [APIs](https://ton.org/docs/develop/dapps/apis/)
* **master branch** - mainnet is running on this stable branch.
Only emergency updates, urgent updates, or updates that do not affect the main codebase (GitHub workflows / docker images / documentation) are committed directly to this branch.
* **testnet branch** - testnet is running on this branch. The branch contains a set of new updates. After testing, the testnet branch is merged into the master branch and then a new set of updates is added to testnet branch.
* **backlog** - other branches that are candidates to getting into the testnet branch in the next iteration.
Usually, the response to your pull request will indicate which section it falls into.
* Thou shall not merge your own PRs, at least one person should review the PR and merge it (4-eyes rule)
* Thou shall make sure that workflows are cleanly completed for your PR before considering merge
## Workflows responsibility
If a CI workflow fails not because of your changes but workflow issues, try to fix it yourself or contact one of the persons listed below via Telegram messenger: